THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAILY. If you want to know what smartly dressed ?: e men wilt wear this sea - - son ask to see a L ,:xv C'4Ste 'in=i T his is worth YOUR ATTENTInON B CTiO OGY, BIOLO0GY, HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOG7Y Wem5 e'eii 'i ~ I -vti alF j Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIANa D~oe's not ionfIist ins ainga dollar or so upIonS the original pnrclhase, but in sccur- That's the place where you ing lasting satisfaction at a fair price.01 gets upt-to-date work, with Or established policy of exclnding from0t the least trouble to your- (ur stock every make and material of selves. Domestic finish a questionable merit has deserved and wonB spcat. M .DOWLER, Agt. the patronage of the best dressed man for t specalty M. . twenty miles around. 65. fic, 0 Mynr S.$10.00 Suits and Overcoats Spalding's Official Some remarkablovales here-long, mne-iiu anshr-teavyoriznw,° Athletic Almanac hot you will have to hurry. sienw For 1903 ASK FORl Ull tuNI SsTYLE 1B0k- The only almnacni publishedi l tha Continis a comiiple t isttf (if r entetonRcrd n on- piece List if ('tinapis.Ovet Ior&6iiO rtIP' 5WO pictures 1)f promfineinlt Ami-i co n eiii tecOther Colleges tent lter-A Michigan football ciii- Price io cents 'Thti' irteen ietin icsbein ritainedl foir_____________ th milia l inIitiats for tetcie~iasIo Fo lIlit--Largo single troom;i fur- A,,S alin & ro Ifo efi iinl trtialsto inseleit lie lani-5:>) S.I irisiel St. 0 New York',(Chicago, IIenellrc, Balti- vii iteam.____________ moe', LBnff.ile. An a resuil i tof teitti' rStntciii Lent Iletweeu ,Moran asltitlin ut citelie'n iliieti gaiitn uof aartiierschool nnd 'Mack's, a nihatt goldtdiatth FOR LESSONS IN of sioln tug te Ionne'stemi i telith nilifel tntied. Natie' PenarlTubbts, D A A NIC'I NI G :;man man itcl uiiiisfileis the facity hhranti.u , 190, enrvheiionlit''k I l II i iitis. 'Ilhese ire the ist dn'is-trce'iiverw.isii.Qli1n di-all at the office of iiissalIs sice tte iniistllalti of the GRANGER'S ACADEMY hoo yse tPinceton foiir yeanr's Lot--A air iof gold-bosweittnose- Ground Floor, 312 Maynard Street, ngtt0. glasse's in letheirtca '~se, anditit erling1 Stricty a schonl. No ttn5birasaicnt. 'folilowt'ing' liltears inithe IDnily Ifoutinip enltprobaibly tin S. Ingalls ~ Itti ii li:"T'e 1111ait withthe Atlilelic 'sneet.I ider r'eturn So taily oelite Subiscipi~ttillnl'Paperi is nit a hatalndi receivie'rewa'rid. 035 TU ITTLF plyIs Bin IHi'is ss'orking for tis 'Wat' sitsy. Tticldlytrn ihiimdon hurtsLos n lt-0 iur eair St'ecampus5, a ' ' '{ ' j llIi-. eitinns aindtYonirSchoolt.Ilent n~ectotoise stuelt tutwsithi stcrtiiig LW f1S tH(iOLfATUC inklien ineimuchIlst I gire, butt heos'sitter back. ltme A. S.. Caitptbell I 111111 can I give. No, my byhey.tencigrav'ediioi back. iteward for re- 338 S. State St. dotesin'tget a Itake oif. Surn to 645 Twvelfth St. 05 Thereiicseenms tlie a iviersity of FrsAlgrt iocaeatGuh opinitn on10the iqueionof an Honor Frh lerr ocatstCu- C. it. PIAJOR & CO System it Mtnnesoita. Soime membersto'Sirncy Iii' fljof She fauelty heliere it to he Ipractic' For !Her-A WIchigan football cal- nrliI~ u c rao sattlcsswhile others are of the opposite enariat Haller's. (i 1V i OIt1Itit. _________ Specialty fine interior decorative work. .""SIOP MUSIC. Wall paper, paints, oils and glass. AT ALLEN'S. Glee Club Concert Music. 203 E. Wash. tit. Phone 237. New Spring Hats. Sn our window you can find all the STUDENTS USE ' latest and most popular music. Songs REMIOVAL NOTICE. from the light operas. Gasoline Lamps1 Kolauf, the tailor, has removed to ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., new quarters at 110 E. Huron St. 209-tt E. Washington. W. S. PIPER, 308 S. mlain Street. 11 ALARMI CLOCKS $1.00 up FA L EL C IN A A50c Michigan Pin with every $1.25 alarm clock. All In o~tkirg your selection for a fall Suit. Top Clcsurnedfor 1 year. Coat, Heavy Overcoat, a pair of Trousers a FELINEstOf.N MI AMCS fancy Vest. or in fact anything is the tailoring I flP~, eee, .Mi line, we wish to call your attention to our L(AANJwee, complete line of Fabrica for Fall wear,, THE ARSTY ARBR ~which we would bes pleased to show you. Strictly First Class. A D Y R FVl? 1, t1A % T TAILORS DAN SHERIDAN, Prop HENRY ADK R79Naaaryva 1E. William St., First door off State. iK.,it Rx 41 l C rr+. LAS!' YEARWE 0T01UP-THE Ilf..lA SIG NIA SOUTHERN KNICKERBOCKER tare you seen them? We wilt he pleased ao give estimates, idea' aiid suggestioas. 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. 103 S. Main St. Quarry's DERMAL CREAM Jtust the renmedy- totse in tis routghwveathuti. Lxctlliitaftitt ihi tg. ~UAliY's Campus Drug Store. TRY THlE Only Candy Kitchenl When You Want Home-Made Candies. E. M. STOFIIL>ET, 16 N MlAIN I H4AVE jnst received thie Largent and ins line of TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES aver brought is the city. FINE LUNCHES in connsection Ererything oeat and clean' 308 South Stats St. It. E. JOLLY. CAN YOU DANCE? You can learn to dance for $3.09 at the U~nivrsity School of Dancing, State Street, Monday and Wednes- day evenings. ROSEY'S Billiard Parlors Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. JAMES W.REID, Stt t Chice Pictures and Framing. -AT-- Liberty St. Art Store Near the UNIVERSITY CITY BARBER SHOP AND BATH ROOMS C0gars & Tobaccas. 116 E.Hulloas ST. AGENCY CHICAGO AMERICAN. TbeW.CKernCo. ,XFM FL 411 E. 57th SL., Chicago. Caps andt Gowtss'u nil de oho' order anid rentted. ?eianaitts ftor all collegesadfaentis-rid i Class Pius, Class aiid It ittte' PH T GR P Caps. cncn-11F ahntnSre SEND FOR CATALOGUE 11F ahntnSre WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FCI( DRUGS