t Spring A nnounceinent. The bretatnd9 1(most coniplete litneof W O Eolfat G. H. Wild & Co.'s, 108 E. Wasbington fit. Great pains bave been taken in tbe selection of all suit- ings, trouserings & over- coatings for this season. Go HUWILD co. 108 E. Wash. St. College Text Books for all Departments New and Second Hard The best $i Fountain Pen in the city SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. TILE UNIVERSITY OF :MICHIGAN DAILY. ( jetducate the general public tud inake THE U. OF M. DAILY ittmore recepetivetof his idea,.Ilw Entrda eond-asslomatter atAura Arbore may th t e tunt hoiu t titi ll -j A Cheap guil--t~n voie l ta n ttittaltiiwci uncthe Fou ntain Pen Pubtishted itaity ( a tt. e xepeted) daintg the colt eeyear tte U nersity atfItMihi-~ MANAGING EDITOR, of uoratiry itt I-tgltttiu: EAtRLE I. HOUSYON. '03 'Ilereally hot itl(tuiof orit i tasn 1A dollatt Pen that's as BUSINESS IlANAGFR, still at ttittklet, ttit1 a ti l 11nnl (Ahi, gotid 2is too t two dollar ROSCOE B. IRUSYON, 'o4-. li Te tttltttwh it mpressest n h(ins o i i'. or"Se EDITORS, audiente witht the beiieft-l athe coin- Athleticstittatitsnstoelthigif lithe*itilloattltt- t iii pen. Large size Sat irt K. Waiuon, 'Ott. tits' will lie lint etd toith keen l)- ibattrtl, 14 kaitat gold pen Assignment tEditsorIttttitttittl. Thiii tsttnttnfor Itis fit:-- lit itlaitdt int, coarse and GENERAL NEWS ittrntutdy. Oratorty, if it het oattf ill..' ttib points. Cone 1in Thmtas it.oiii D. 'io. tiet-oly commtntlaclu e ttyp, Lind tcontin aitd try one-We'll be Mark Fanle,'05. cline roinltg, .outliiilittl\ tit tien- pltd to hive you see MaxFinkeliteitt, '03.ie ability, will idelighit titil ttarry Syvteritt. .itngat, 104. awayr tintatudiette, thecutlivtttetd will' ithat a good Fountain ilstittlei B Brtcogniza.the nhadlen. while tecrrned a wl Loisi A. Blattn, 'it3. regteePt dla by Frank J. Clatk, 1'6te The subs criptisnaprice of the U. of M. Typhoid Fever at Cornell AT Daiiy Iis 1t..t0 for the coihlege year. Na- YThe typhoitd fever continiiuen to ralge ttces, esmmuictatos, ec . inst be handed in at the Daily affter before 8 p.,si., or Wiftuttabattemienit at Cortiell Iltixer- mall d to the editartbere 3 p. atfthe day-iy t rta f itwe x trevso that as which they are expctedni.WARS OKTOE . to appr. leetn tew canes were repttrted bttt it Sabsscrthers will eonfera far by reportigistogtheraern brofhm pramptfly at this office a ny faitere of carriers toiltterttrtuunrctte to ideliver paper. were atloiig the residettts of the townt All changers inadvertising matter ms enieu etrunlo is tir office by 1 p. m.aon the day pevos o)'eidnititial a alouitteeti that an whieh they tire to appeare. ftat the uttivernity would bear all the exttetnes tiratitre wtttetr stutply syas-___________________________ office in the Daity Argus offie. No. 310 Sooth toutthaitt the ttidetnts wotultdiintitute Mtais St. Teiephone No. 13. anttlotterate themsnels. te alao stated that theflitviersity alttorities I ____________________compnyttthe suntaiof 1te, ato build tt iltertiiatittthich w-ill he comn- fledical= Neon-s Editor Yodtty. S. S. Boaulger.Ietidrigttestiur - --______________________ 1 StLitier by miieian of npecitl clttsses Denfltal== i thietdiscustin cott-incernlig tecoin- (Ior nttter nenniotn,"- saillit, "tie parattive nvalue o at(-ttory is tperennial. stutdentts willtie tallowetd to utakeup 1'roabl a mjorty o thse wl( i~etheir w-ork. The sttudet'nteedhs mus the mtuter btail asinitg thought tire beitt t an tthettitaitusncarrit-dlout. of the opinitnithtiiottattoty in fastue ttrle Itattill tititiotintittll be due becomting oteoftheflt sit attn. Buttat It eerttttidttle innuspned.t" t1ose nwhttottre ttttit tottjutdge are Alttitighli te geniertaltexodutsof prcicly t ainosinsai tn tstudtentsn if a week tigo tansnsomte-hutt n-iiletorattory iot the oult sort isnoitt ttttttett. ttley eotiitlie to (tive tow-t. much it etidlit-u-titheli-tresetttitme, Espeiaitlly iir-ette -cllegt-n if atsfand neerthlees irtortyi ittthe tt-uenttt ien tttitfit-enithool of tiaw tffect- '(eill efxti tsltttsnandnflor ittes -ut . Thretitrt oint tettot ottthe part it in iftt whttlly diffletent kitd.Iut. 1f the tittlittiitien to clone the utni- isnottt tietuetitipy. lttn t-stliiliig rernitr - dnnvin ltnt iibut litnein t'lt iteti II:IVl.NTCI thin ititts araige-ci tinhougtht itsi oliif. the tatilor, hats trutoved to and hi arlri t t iiIt- it i c n ise t it litei s- at 110 la. Ittit1t01 lit. style-, tttdtdrivie"tthemtthomuut-e itlicoit- ini-tt fire ttourrtt-itr of thei- AT ALLEN'S presnttday re-lynsinnsst'or yttinintir The tonlytuplee inttoiwtnto tbuy Peg- atin ofltisnvtorttn. TI'ellit-Ittdof the trat n-tintitneer Alt hinds of Artists' and Photog- widerthatoit dattty. The tro-tendoillst raphers' supplies. Cushtng's Pharmn- itnureansneof unrntttttuers ndtipit iic al acy. literturetnof till Ikitn",utsin tidarineut tutuitifutof bIinuen-fttr ftrotiit. AT' ALtLENS. 'I'ttey itre aitsin ittti workc. Ttuew Excltusive styles in spritng Shirts. BOOKS Text; Books,' new and second hand. Dictionaries,' Quiz Compends, etc. C. E. Baril ill 325 5. State" St. Second Floor When in need of a FOUNTAIN PEN buy the A. A. Watorwano TFhe Pen we guarantee to give perfect satisfaction SCHALLRS BOOKSTORES 116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets wVW WN w WW V WATCH TIlS SPACE FOR Cooi Government Club LECTURE DATES hlectric Construction and Supplies. Sanitary Flumbin , Gas and letric Fixtures, Steam and Hot ater Heating. Student's Gas anti THE ATHENS PRESS, D" d lorATES HATE LG. Uin r We are now prepared to show you the eles lneoflihtweight fancy Suitings IOODSPEE3D' Ti $ in the city--both foreign and domestic. 110 E. Wasington S U IT IN G S You're invit -d to look.