Till U.OF N. DAILY. Tv OL. X111. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 4, 1903 No. 105 JOHN WESLEY MILL The Lack of Support ANNUAL ADDRESS Delivered an Excellent Address on lispeddiby the Univesity of lemnsyl- S. L. A's Frty-Fifth Anniversary- Washington to a Large and vall siiili'tis. Ims1bee1"riclnged1 from Prof. Willett on "The Sacred InterestedAudience a daily to a ltive-day airir" with n..rsetOhe oe Interested Audience (11011 siturday issues.Prsn"-teNos Tie' step 1ws tkenit tieistnce Thle exercises commllenmoratinlg Wii 5- of the Bureau of Advertising, which 'Thieiexerises lin commeimorationil of ington's Birthday, held ini University wives ats its reason the lack of Interest ti' forty-fifth aniversary of the Si- Hail last evening, were wel attended on .tie part of the undergardnati's. dets' Christian Alssociatio n vee'feld and the audience Was well pleased. The advertisers din not get the worth inoUUniversity Halal oi Snday even- The main floor lot the hal was re- of their m1oe~y 1and the tBureau xiii ing. tPrf. Herber L. WiletI'li. 5., serv'ed for 1law studen (ts, and for tlh-s(not alow- the piper to cotinute on tihe1'of tie University of Chirago ldelivered reson most of the audience was 5inl advertising prospects. A secial ap- te ahiess and the mannri hc the gallery, which was well filed. peal has been made to till' u11d1r- tielarge andii(ill)realtivi' auieinic At 8 o'clock the law sndents marched gadlates of that institution, . wim listened l iilrlglilt tlicentieviin- into the sealt reserved for theml in outght to respomd with their a(tive as ing sowl~edItilat Prof. Willetti hd iost a body, and as the speakets lappelaredl sistance 1and co-peration. noe of iis former1'bliity Ill hold(in(g 1e1swhich were enthusiastically TApKRCRDuliet' iof x lilssiill(hie'M1a(newii' ((tls. cheered by tin gaiery. TAKRCRS Prof. Wille'tSiokein illrt(1:1aIs o- The irst num11bert]vssan organ Solo los: '"It is will(Ilcosiderable tes- by Prof. lRenwick.swho took it' lace l'Michigan, Chicago, Illinois and Wi- rc 1a1(11114imimyself (onci (0o1,':t of Prof. Stanley. whose ene apipe red cni nRcrt oDt- tisnie t nltbfr hs oit on the 5programI lfor tihat 1numbellr. 'fle,, cnini eodst ae I111 iI((Ill no 'ucot. 'lilreiscerIalily utfter a paltriotic prayr 110y te. Chcago i Developing no instr (ill eill lllwh ich rti'5 tie Ninde. the Gle1Ctlb San, gthe Rapidly uptlitingiio, tillmorlliilife (ftille iie'- 'Mlat'cii lfttile'Guimd."'' vlich wvas -!lil111111wh i1ichilappeal(andit'r'esttill they saug ''Landellr Atqlili ('-rmita"m d fhra l( einn fte r soito fti ad ihc Th pae o h vnig e.ttac: seson fotsill'woulni v idsil 1(11s (5fili among tliii'Suden'(t boiy. John Wesley ttill. o arsur'1aIe'Vi l1 lagiecofrneeolsvlieltnttt 1114i 5i I r h rdak Edwav~rd llnffmnan tf the senior lass' }gi onighstoiii1oheI l rsetdmnig l~tte ties'. ill addrssedl the lass stitdnts ever 1'to d1nv1"'I-ie''and lis ton(il iiI in llill 11 i~eii 00(11 din j lrtlhliilli. in first sii-li tailed firth mm-li appIlautse tt' gaud il fnle a-Ird -Iiiinll inceIt is iii' in froml thetm. Ilethtiitisad tht le a lew iea of edu-ation. It idemanis did (lit knowv to so-lit. church his an'hit-anrilal igdy lil' lIdols (-goodi oraii' it s a tr ii g frtheii hietret belonged, bit theyactd ke uytooinISaiirday lmightotii b}lls- isill aildliii'lcitrill iitin' word today Muetthoiists. 01i1(1'e(f IlA0 t 2ansi lvI-isi is moilral lifi' lili-isol After' a feteslIiinarylt'0 remarks Iii l. htat' rildsae Iliiio ithemi iolresisiii'lplrtiliol he reviewsed do' life Iof W'isliigllt, (l"1^'';vI'tiery'til' iliiiirI'l-iiol isitutI his struggle',,1(1(11hardships, ant151 'p- o*(]for the sIItw-rudeby110 iugth caly isstuglefolaleliito ilt'e n1:0:;.doh ' cIlod.'It lhould'nots'ekin- He sald,"Vi lslingtIInldid (lit go In it'shiiiit ashes .Mit-higanl uses ii iii iof111e 1Fiatlii's houls. throughany i'olliee1'ratniversity, butt t\14'-yaihotreibt'presenits iIii(1 tlilsuch51111 llllimltli- two 01' three nnivetrsitie~s wsent Itrou~ghl ant ti-~i(ilslrltfl'1it i s we la.ve01 I ner er151liifotti'e ienjydi. Washington," atndI went on to shol ny ah fMcian linfsusv tgeeainwhc spr how the life hie led ts a strveor Chlicasgto ((115 oige of Wisoitsin Scan fitt fearess fr nsy truth. Sn- 'tted Wat.hington foit hi.futttre wot'k. to be the letde's inl tie ash a(1(1 no tletts arec viry ivli' itdema'nint~g or After riefly ctescribing the erly lit' compa~l~rison cn erattlie(1ti t flths timi'e. scl(tience (1andirtligintalt they gie Qf WashinIgton,(. soHil ent oe nteohr etteflos-ct'1-tl011tlthe truth. 'They are not frighit- teeryhistory of this counttry from is a csmlsdrstmn of the'bttsirtcol('ds ihteodsprtto.Te the tinme of Olhe P'ritans and shlowed in competitionthulns far: are rtheir intere'still te modlernt bow swell Walshington( 55wa5stuted for 40-Yard Huttilets- ials tf rchltlife, ideals swhicli te first pre.ident of 1111- cotntry. tHe Steswa~rt (Mlielfgan) 5% secodis. express frtsh ittrss al fresh said that the- Mayflowser carried the CalenI(( iclgo 5% secondis tdesires. future liberty of thtesworld. The Pui- Sstai licitit9%ocdtl. "Iis ntew-lifi' of ours suier tie tans were men 0w-1(0had felt fetters gitidat l't'(if tcs can he5(lalle lire Kiline (Illinois) 5pia5se'0oids. gudneoGdcrxb maep- and who came to face tile hards hipslls 4 Yard i cisely' shat wvi sish. 'here is ((0 of the rock-bounmd Newv England ost Tyo Ctu~g)5%scos limit to 1111'sirittual life s an ill' to find liherty. Ili these days of Norross ( Michigatn) 55% .scontds. ftlett'(iy sitot pilosal to high is-lng and loss'thinking there is mackeer(l go 5 ec(t5 ((li'it Irefectl, a tendenicy to scoff at the Puritans, Taylor btat Potge of Wisconsin St- "We maliy begint to tormllour1 spirit- butnevrthles, tey erethereaital life it tis motmnnt for tis is te butIleertelesthe wee te ralurtay tigtt by six yards anil Buck- 'acx rst'1(1 vt h'ec rounders of1151erty' in AnmeicaInd water lar' ' beattDunbar of tlinois tiacredl presenl~t' ad itthutrhdel- ae she sworld. lMany expected that the tteswet'k efor.toaadnagstoudipalw first Ipresiden(twou-sld e fronm among 55-Trd tRun~- ((aryreach it high point1Ilillits td- the Puitanls but they did not ha.ve0a Dahill (Chicagni O etlnn i tew2:00%. a5'f1asigtn' biitsothI~t(itdellndethatyouoaslut. 'mno ~Hertnsablts O tsriki (Ilhiinm) 204f4/-. 'I sllnlnt yta oo su offce ent to G'encge Waington of stall (Micligan) 2:10. tve'si(yIm'enlaictp'i thnean. adtshipl of(10' Virginlia. Sile 1110-th ndeaema.Iisyudt, tRes'. 11lhen0(1 woent back Iandt tall (Cicago) 4:3Gilthinfur, ti lillki' (le (11000of your1 shtowsed the non-c personl side of Kellugg (I ilo-idngonI4:44. avatge mdin lb'et'nit yours sill Washington's lift. lHowvthle Indiansx Post latdtHahn(1(Wionisin) 4:47%. havebeen acifehii'of tusefulness'55 1nd belies-cu himito hie1-harme d and soere Poe 1-ult n honeri n tolourlassciatin. ttf li ofhlili.t I' 1(0( 1 (1t41(5 Midllr (051iagioi) 10)'f'et 4 Fi-lhs. Wash~ingtoni withi the great (me0( of MIc-e'e-i'liir ol 701 feet 4 Ilches. ASSOCITIt''ON NOlES. history, 510011illthis counltry snd in 0ost (lllinoi)t10tft. 'you11re(invtiitti to l of the folloOO" Ettrope', 1and(showeid him to e thle XI'i-- lst' Vt 1515111ii)10 feet. Il" servi-is- greatest general 01(a10e0511livdcit s Ix 1tg ((ump~' trc.I'his-n-ilI. tBoswo-rth 1Bean of a statesmuan Viuwslilgton laidldownis(1 Stltlivan11(Chi cag''o) , feeit Sa/,i mb's. telbeIurln 7'hel'til dseiliary, owill nltxinl(0 whiiihi are - (uoted0 bysthe Bew- Michig11115 ftt 7 inl'li'. dscuss tiellolln1g11queilstionls t foremolst sta tesmen(l'l utouho' e s-ilsh-till Iill Ne01berr10yIIiall 1as folowss, belgining Watsldllgon's 1111y. br( i' ehia,'elnt ltt adoc Iidiign ( fe i -- il. 111111 ho 7 p. 1in-IsI'yt'In- out led ' hi s1- it ls -nmlaIish[1011 ''I' ( ii Ill 44)ll '(It i-e ,7 i. I 11( 0 4 1 p ustfia l."CliI 111 ~ I~bnlthi u rseI 111' 0-lu:0s l alls v.u'l' (lll i 1 11 0115inis) 1111' . 1( 0 h i t Fis' a111' 4:011111i0' -11 ("InalMs n '1'' HIs'i aida 10- to 11111-1'. liltv l1ll-lIlil Gil t(tc lsson )38feet 10 lk.ix- G o1 ~sIi11 1(1 lsSIisn 115 louly p111' do. Ie1os111lle 1diectr tr~tiis It S~lls tall- Frianly, 7 . i .-WIIID 1 110:e ateni'o'toy.fl1115 1011011sieillo I aIfIeutso h ee fls b l iviiyo l~itr . 'dln '11 )5tl,-l a00e 1(5 u'1111111r5 l(t1 ')lu--I Is' one teiri t .1 N r- Out iy I c II \ O eC l Cordl thel exercises Ilan'clos'd1by Iin'f1i ' sibIll-Il riu 1111-i isi thlu-ao l III ]ll' ~ ac fths]ertewl IDart 1111 the 111r' 51111tIl-I' clisssI'- Rev.1Hill lull 1i1e'spy t11 itposie's- l1li 1111n1 Ii- in- srll,1ler11i li-god atssl51111111he ir echnl litoi' IIi 11111 1 ,E t~lISTIIEl-S. 4de lis-io. lls olrlliuli slWeill 00ordeluil lcreit alte 5slimm0in~g initat isllt. P'r'fessoul'ton1111it tar1tford'OSeunil- .and t rongly tdeliredi, a1dthe11aud-111'4Aslalulilit soill lullgivenl 1110tdurin~g a '5' 'elinus to ts-c Ohio secondtpart ence apreia~lltelld the treat wich e he t 110osu--i 110' tirecitorl' itzpatrick li oft 01(1c1ou11e, uli1opened by him ((Ind ro Jaw studints lur'liigl'Pro-l'egarto'uthe 111teamil which soill ((it-t fossor Craig ill Oc-tiber, 0il Start-h S. - the D. U. S. The lectures amid suibjects are as fol- Subsocribe for thie Daily und kceep lossts: osted.- Support the U. of St. Daily. Sundaly, Starch S, 3 p. in., lUniversity 111al--Amuo, t' First tof the Lieray Hlli-HIoisa andu His ines. 'Tuetsday,. Iatu'li 10. 7 p. in., Tppani Hll-'lThe' ministry of Isaiahl tefore thu Flulhot Samaria. Wei'leisday~, Shri-lh, 7 p. in., Thu'lsdayi~, Ma~rchi12, 7' Ii n., 'Tappanli H-all-T-'lhu' Booukutfienteisumo. I, Hall-%u huhnial, Jer'niah and tNahumi toi thieIall of Ninieveuh. Sa11(1dhis Alarch t4, 7 p. in.,'Tapanl Hull--Jeremiahl. lalilug anudEzeukit'l toi thei Iall oh' .Iul' lni'l. 0101110 5I iah 15, 7 p. m., Unto-r- s115 1a111 '1111 Religious Sigrnilitaco ofth 110Pre-exilit- Prouhhets. Th keen andI peritent itr(est show011n(iinhe lecuires f the 1irst lit ofl couruse uIrnislihdtiue'betoev'idenIc ofi theigret s'aitiii'ofttilsi, 0lhoLiall isWls wptopular1 (III'sudiesito iall swho 1h1101 1111 inerest in the BIible, and wollinllthis collhge-comm~lun(ity' cIII he wiltiouit suiniteurest?1 10 is Ihoetd al il11'arrange wolulurk syin ace ot P'res''erve btis frbun e rfero ''eunce. Remmber tlhie aes. Alarchl s to 15. ORATORICAL CONTESTS Increasing in Interest-Large Audi- ences at Each Contest-Senior Laws will Speak Tonight Th lrl'iminaryI( 'cte~lsts in loratory whlich'tiare' lt prevnt-being hdin i Roomili11,.liasobuliling artteicraisig in interei'I s ithtiac'1(141 s0ivet (1111- lhec. The contets aretoccunig e- twveeun the iffehttrunt ulas-'us in the 11(1y' arelubecoming thle ccaussion of i- -tenst' rivalry1 'on thet hattof hio gn- i-cab studntody a~15s well as to the u'niihisteits. 'fill'ntest wshchiwa~s hedt yester- day(0 afturnoon was largey attnded 1(1d1thne auduine Ipresnt manifested the keencst interist throughout each orationi. Siss Waldron and Mis Cim delivered ortions In a very ad- nirabl muinner atd received hearty appluse s a result of their efforts. 'Thic winner was L. B. Hull with the oration "First American," while G. C. Beeclher tuook second honors with "Gambetta" asthio suhject of his ora- tion. 'This evening at 730 the senior aw class soill ho hitshat prmises to e the ((ist interesting of te entire series of contests. The contesants have a rivalry of twooyers standing and their rcogniedatbaility will no doubt attract at very large asdience. 'Thie programlu oill begin at the appoint- etd tinseiin ordtr that the session may 1100 bse detainedltoil1athotr. The foilowing is hio list of seakurs soith thieir stibjeutsb: 0.X. Baleomb-The' Ango-Sxon. C. E. Johnson-Cpital kand Labor. It. S. tiublapOA Natioi of P'oi- ticians. Eugee l Slrlh-llinmihhon anduilte 1-. J. lcrnu'u ---'heo Peace'Nation. No Shotage of Coal T -itre5015si'coisideleh e xitiemnent onti 011a11pusII( ysterdanhy fromsh le (gomohnelulltthatthlibrary 1111110111 tioni 111a(1sixicaloadillsswere 11n1 10111 and111twil'e'1111at.111111(101(111ad(arr1idat Detrilt. No 1tr11b1e is expec'tdline- tilre at tlis 111111. fold, ut ie resp'(onded clllheerflully, "I:1u sociey." SMr. ClarneoS. tBurt~tn, of Deltroit, is a cantdidate orftlOhio Uiisu-sity Iteiit. Hoebias sery strong illuses- ment~t frolO XWiin. Livingstonl,Iiommnr W'iarre'n, Josephi SctLaughlin, J. 0.. HuIdson andnohers.