rIl41E NT I IIIGA N DA I L I NWS Lai g Tailors.... have j ust receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fallI and winter. The argesaot - mentIinIt he ciur A ^; .1 , Ni IN 1. i 11 Lii 1.01 BULSINESS -NANAGiii, R 0.01-O1. IIL "OiN N - iL I Al( Nit. Text Books New and Second Hand '- 11_1r tl- Iii 111 CQ . tres 10 U Wahii Z ~ S New and .scond Hand. 1he Best ai Fountain PE N In the City. New &Secon~ dnooBooks Ir - 1 liatiste '' \Vrii 1_ tif l. 1 l l r l 1 ) . SH EEHA L U10 Nexv subscribers 11: po eidsaoic '. 't {> . ;, 1111 11 Ii rI ..0 'i 12 f' s'?F ;. ",I i 1 i N I Dit' Pl i L 2. 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ )N A 11 , A P22Av'i NI ONilI'.ii iiI~s r vi.: x: MEN. 1111 F I i.A iP~ lN 111211 1 .. fr I. I YE R F 111 v : 11 % 1l be c 11l111 1 111 ,; litracs. ....,) tii.n~t1. 'I'~l at' 1S 1 .......... l : ) N ! 1 'I 'I 'l I11111 1 1 1 11 1 . s C y s tl a . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1. . C.a1ralsiT es o . ri 4D i $1R M & T W!G INI AN 9 DRAWINGINSTRMENS Every article we sell you is fully guaranteed.I Get our prices before you buy. S " .Sc"'HALLu IN BOOKSTOR E: * ilL 116 1:1)11 1 ,,) 1111Towi.S 707 Nort10 -119 rstiy Avenue. , dnesay Ee,, ct.1 C. GAVIN GII MAIN the esatilerActor, by excvt len rir,. OF FTE liical talent will g ive tile beautiful play entitled S LiiiERSOF A E THREE ACTS. I1 1 Iiv l1G 1 1 1 11ac ""THE BOSTON DIP," benifit local charity 1 11(1E : 2, 15 ana ll0 Ients THURSDAY EVE., OCTOBER 2nd. The Pastoral Comedy Hit IS ROSE NMELVILLEIF' S in the leading robe lthird S' nof (irandest . ,cU Us. A Play of Purriose. A1Plot of sc,, 2d1 Floor AIIt:Ns l'HEATRE [1t es W HATAWILL BE THE TOTAL NJMBER OF S' CORES T 1O TH E TH1RE BEST (iUESS1l SOF TH IS YEAR'S MADE BY MICHIGAN THIS FALL? SCORE WE OFFER FREE- OF CHAR GE: Total for 1901, 550 scores. ist prize $25 to order suit. 2nd prize Sio suit case. Cots'o yF . orli 03Lw 3rd prize $4 Varsity hat. Contst on y F.C. rreli,03 aw.A OtUESS WITH EVERY PURCHASE AT EITHER STORE. Tailors GOODSPEED'S 110 E.IWash. St. Haberdashers GOOD}SPEED}'S 17 Main St.