THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring n nouncenient co plt hi11.(i likeI oot WOOL[EN in Ann Arbor wllii be foundl ait G. H. Wild & Co.'s, 108 E. Wiashinigton ft. G7reat tains have been taken in the selection of -,ll suit- ings, trouserimigs & over- coatinigs for this seaisoti. J. HAVLDcon 108 E. Wash. St. College Text Books for all Departments New and Second liar~d The best $i Fountain Pen in the city SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. Tll O M. DAILY sag of their career, bitt the present j j j[' Mtfrshenan incoming classes, at _______________________________ least___ of the mneicial departmenit, will, Eeed as eond-las matte itt AssnArbior tin allprobaiality follow the exatlple [t Ujtlc. of the 101)1iciliiriei. 'jTe oic css of the plan, h lowevr, de pents uiponit s Pubshed da Iily Motidac iixcped)iii'li il C lt adm~ltiitriaiti, ad as it his the coiiirgiyer a asc i'iiusen iiof NMiii - ielririi iii all, b he Mricihigan DliNvwis Pi'alisitior Cipatie Itt), «e iieeithIvernoiii lr of is -working MANAGING EDITOR, - EARtLE I. iHtUS'TON,.'0:. Epidetii at Cornell BUSINESS IlANAGtil, Ii iigafri irjlii EDITORCSactullyi in hehrosial 11:1, ciii iioii Athletis el coln i firy'tici ioe huchled for seeI Iii tweeks. Nearlye reere day Assignment Editsorlithere ti eail. :111(1 still ith elcrge, GtENERAL NEWS iiitii riirlc Tietn 11.llcb'it1i18 their c'llege year and leavingthe 31art Siote,0 itIs Still hIric m teasuries ate beitng Mia P ttrliiti cc i03.1aken o tee etle situatliio. The; Shylveter A'.Jlaiqr,'014. iiuityrailiiiioncouc iiril loie hoih Hleylri 1. iiitir,'5. it ilo'iieit all 1 earutiig houseisatd Sotts A. ato,'6. rvtehi failies itoiboilthercwelter.j ITroS. ij .c h R elizigthettifficiilty iliii would1 ___________________________________ leave_____ inlfitlilling tlse euielllitt, The subsiription prlee ofttitse U. fNM.the 'enioiiclasstrecettly held a imect- Daily is V.80 Car the coils's year Ro- tug to consiiter the sujict. They tinea. communictation, tc.e ast bhSandeit in at the Dilyoffiee before .an, r Iaotitect resolutlioti skciig lith lener- tailed to the editorteforite :3't t. of the day sits' authlorihies to furnishi artesiani or previous to that at)ilhih tthey are eeted ie etr SubtscriberasRill esatera faviortiyreapartinig treidt "litirmnan it oire called protmptlay at thi attireanaytailiare of carriers to delive paper. a iii titig' of the faculty. ieliich re- All chaagesinI advertising amatteremsttbe ful to endorse the action of the in theattfle-hy i paim.antilt dayprerisia))to that oa whichi they setniiorsis itnpracitiiiable'. toirdinlg hoiii'proprietcrs are now tbinitg re- Office itn the tiaily Aegat alfice. Nit. ittSouth qutl'I to siinantuitirle staiting that Main so. 'rrelephoane Na. 1:. they iose only bioilesd water, een for Nvstalitg vegetales and ritisitugidisthes. 'The tUniversity authoiriislois- of- feredt Iotltan the city otItthaca $150,- -- - -i(00for the erctrlionof ailterition Editoi Tdtt a rk F'otettlatt to b e erected by Sept. 1. This still ti'otallytie'accepted. In the -.-l menattimne the studetits of Cornell has's 'The iiophoioreit' il eclass is tito the hieartfe'lt symntathiy of ill college be roiigraliilatitutptn the effort it is petoptle. It is to be luopiedita the maklng lt sht) tlpout cribblitng in ex- prtcautiions btiing takenilat tpresett tittiniatioiic. 'Ihey lhave tatkciithe still tqtickly pitt a tsoptth e 1 I pittetnic. vrcebest anralttel 'only way tio c'uretheliii lad~ty. 'fhey lice goine 'o Champion frtlbatll calendtars sat thie ritot of Iteiiit'er. HIALLERI'S JEWELRIY SPORtE. ''iscasis itecusiallettin the' ______________ afittrtri ii , toig 11 'i itts irt r ied. Alt kinds af Arists'a'ind Photog- Iiortislirea'soirte rins antt'itleroft.ralihera' aupplies. Cushinlg's Pharm - thec~s r o lberail attain- ay. leis, 1not uy of i teirshi iiiO a literry tLost --A1 pair tic golud-luoci-(,tnose- tic cit. It i5 ntiurri'siiiig ithati:1iglasses i (lil it--casi-am1111sterling thihnsi t ioul troe':1 sutteeis. lrcecive revarul. 05 'This syeci'iii tiltis roiltmeit uclto______shop________ itself'. and relfgcaies nasioriy toittslii tLs t-1or it-arthIt)'campuisita propr plce. o 11.1n1callipsaccii i 1t e 'e urltictshll \Nl c-itil sterling e'xamiuinaion l usexcet Ioil )his Iin iivcterr tacko. Namiie'A. L.. 'amtpbell Cisoe ugi- ifithi suiiit'. Suiihlimiith ii -ii ci) euton i haiC. Rtlr Ifor re- itds Nwillcecritily tindito l i-ate 1t1e ltiti citotIS T'Isilfili St. 05 (Whttlhr itr ntithe hontitor systetmi FIr ter-A 'Michigan fototall 1- ttill betakileni up 1to otiher ela andItttendar at Halter' it) its remins:.iiOtot hit seii. It isi hardly to hit' xpeutedthtaict t'e Fresh Alegretti Choetlates at Cush- j ittdors or semilors would do so at this tog's Pharmacy. A Cheap. Fountain Pen That Is Goodh I ttu 6I t r .Il lilt I1, i1111 or - giilt) Ii i s y ' . liei Intdtliar wiil AT WAHR'S BOOKSTORES. Law-'. flledican=- Dental== BOOKS Text Books; new, and second hand. Dictionaries," Quiz. Compends, etc. C. B. BalielL 325 S. State St. Second Floor When in need of a FOUNTAIN PEN buy the A. A. Watermano The Pen we guarantee to give perfect satisfaction SCHALLRS BOOKSTORES 116 S Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets S~h~h Eectric. Constructin anit Supplies. Snaitar3 Plumbinug, (ins anitElecter i-ixtares, Steamn J, F, Scu aEecrndpo7 Wa sh a ingtoSteet.n EtiL ar pl2E.ahingonStreet.(asan 5~ F IZ WATCH TIIS SPACE FOR Good Government Club LE CTURE DATESI iA . A A L A .~Ak Ll THE ATHNS PRESSpr ner 2d Fluor ATHEiNSTETR LD. i r s PR~ NCWe are now prepared to show you the SPRweGllest line of light weight fancy Suitings COODSPEED' SU T N I nthe city--both foreign and domestic. 110 E..Washington 4S7 s u Ii~fmi NC$ inYou're invited to look.