Till us. OiF N. DAILY. VOL. X I II. ANN ARBOR, IMICH3., THULRSD)AY, FEB3RUAR{Y 20, 1903 NO<. 10r1 STUDENT SUICIDES Orlando G. Pepper, '06 Dent, Shot Himself Yesterday-Alleged Cause Despondency Over Work At osie o'clock yesterday aftro Orlando G. Pepper, a first year stu- dent in the dental department, shot and killed himself. Te young mean, Who was 21 years of age, lived with bis widowed mother at ltDi S. Tayer street. Before the sicide ocsurred he young- manlail hz-citchatting switi his mother, Ile -st-cmed petrfectly r- tiontal. Shortly after he hatd lift the rom a pistol shot was herd fromi the upperti porioniof the house, titd rushintg tte atti- the stttentt rosi- ers fotuid tte detdltiniy ith a hiilet The Suicide tift lite followig ote: Iavgig tt kiltityself litciaunot-I Sup -ctsss crglari-tvatutrececivei tlt hisi-riedits for tlii-wioitc of the past stdis s oa i-i-i-ilo hlii l ~e cueziii of ii- --t. ied. sie ws a ardtt 5wrk- inig stdetrit fhut ndttiilthe wokcitrill- Cult tatu proigessedtisowsly. ofdetattl itt-cttunisim, wtils otinie of thei-youg itiinis istctosduinttg of thlit ie "ri.Pelper ws a gioti stdetti-. suicuidelihe is te lst out-e1I viuti hatthugttitipotf. Nontttthenitt has litei-itntutudttuI tutulokhbatk sivier'itt ~1sit.,ipehatps, why it his p-c-ilittritys-anotinuoticettle. It shotwed5 itself int utglomity, mttoits manniettr. PepperittwasiautHtutdi5woking studentt ery tciinsiettiouis, yet le nevt-cseee tot-igiept ahetatdtve-y Wel. Ilie is ot the kindt of stdet womt o should thinik woldt hauve foundit his thteoretical work easy. Se certtily haid Is study very httrd to get iis prtactical ltboiratrv work for ite." The ftmtily of t deceased movet ts Anni Aror smets time ago front lo- tin i order Is eutcte the cildrn. Te ehest tiugttper, mis eOlie Pp- pet, gadutedittitfrmtithie Uniivesity lust yetar, atdutuitrestittlsia tpossi- tion of itrucrticor in the University of Ilintois. The stilt-ilt-f Il%. Peptper-t this d iss AgesIhgis atdthatifof Aletc Kleiu, whlii-hit-iocced jtasl ra goittii. Senior Party Tonight The -seiorit-lass ihill giseat-hit e if its tlts-ticsejitytitle scitls tlitpi at Granger,'s. 'te Ciiintiiieptii it- eti-sti-tiIwiltlit- isiatilttndatici-ianututhe besi it usi-a ss ued.sii 111iiti'03 Soll s aeIil-l it: ti iliasII-tlt iii frliti llt-is-k-s sliiay s t itouttoe. of teitomittteeiti. Base Ball Caitdidates forc s-vectlI y-ars listi'taly ofthle fkm Lico hI -i-wit iigttreigulrly -n Itesoitg lt well.i Tho II. f tutu'fr l5ici-Itt t i's tamt h~ is sieti is Uitt 1itiitiii ua l i l irilthenme-f hs lilg or titeal,:--* i.lltll- Averyiii - eit-tioitti. iit'tptikl, B ot tt*, I ycst ittit, Flsomttzp'iatti'i', hoel- '(Tote,('ttriotlttrs, Cary, ~Cochtruane, Cut- tis,(Gordion, Gutillemtety, Greetne, Gale, V.iDasvis, Duntilp, Dauy, Doyle, IDoll, Ike -Neffie, IluintcI, Ilu-itt s i tlt t i i'tt-tttelilte, i!:. 1 l-itt 5 i ltiiit Lusstty, Luis' c-it-i, i'e-ti1 ii I ii ii t Lt.L eeliiti, K-irkeric nd, Ke is lyIt lKicst i-ct-, Kohl, Ktacsit-iKi thlt Stit- soit, tJonts, S'tcArilti-r, J.J lii tlii Al-ry, Mattisotn, Motyer,'l:ie tic, c- Titori-tld, 'tuck-c, I. Tiyltic Taylorc Telfe-r, Siter, Stair, St.itJohn, Snydier, Steinihtauer, Satuits, Siturmi, Stioss, Stratin. Seymtoiir, Sihley, iSuttont, innti, ichardisoni, Reynoildis, iRussell, Readtt, Mteirill, xullossii-k.iWar'ct-i, IWismit-i, Wieetk, L.iWairner, iWoodtti Witeri-, Prescoitt. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY Exercises is University Ball Monday Evening-Rev. J. Wesley Bill Orator of the Day j iThe ItittW tt-liii'tttnI-it Iis lto lbe titit- forispeakertii 1tfiletWatigtonii'sitthit-' uites utu ndyeeilg eb :) The tevren 1lil i on of t most- A CLOSE CONTEST Fresh-Soph Meet Saturday Night Promises to he Most Exciting One Evcr Beld Here hutei-ctst ini Ite Fresh-Sophu mtuet, whlichIuis ii toi-r itt lttSturdayuightupt, is inereiasingp is lte ltime athiS ites, andtinitsttuisuii i tns situ-ttu f the priettiest little ioit essofthfeliiindt tat hatssi-i'rtakeni hltait-iherie. As neatrtly ait1 'h uitid''e'tucanhbt figiuiredit thei presenit timei iithis'ivisiontut inhts stiltlihe itmtut e xat-ly itiut1u,1 lutet'iit thetwo csu ltsse's.ttwilthetuttst 1mix- ittec utedo afirt s myi ecdeth i-st. tite s. s ulil c i- : i ltt ni mo-t's t ilf teirutitpoii'i t i tt ' s ill I mlfiel evolt".whil thesopti ort jt:tu-itcoit ti - 'u-itttha t ei tpitstup'sillth tutu Icatter uuit'i ingos unthe'fuu-ort'witll lu-ti' ani-sotittt utoseo the fre-shis-' 1 hve he onr tohtull-Itone of 'the (w o li u--uhilt th'i.the uucuuuuss of '0 ability of the ~ lttensadthex th mlagiietis h'uhuttinip siortut I ii i . r ITe -tu'u-'u'ug i.-will b itt- po tai wsiltlutu41tu lt itutss IIIuu-i IuI F-i l to u 4)rt'pttt .e theitt-li' 4)'tutu .11)41' p t t-hit-u tltu-i'r yu-Is.'IThe'sophomors 111.1y uisot hut tutu hut II t lt'e ''ueshm n-op o u-tutuonte-siti111 utu uttiitulus in th iig utt'uuu'is tuat 1te iltttlte 5itiug-It ultisirelaty 'ttui--sis still hut'r'tut. ill tallt tgisslius theiii I -itiuitiit us Alls ktrtti oSthutet- uIn tuutia lltheii hiepitut, sthilt-t ttuded itso uit-u--4't11 tiuus uuiuuutucui is iu itt ft-i-ig hip il- oyii' IOipudell toneiiof theitutamisitlist hlilty li' fhtrsthtt11tug-lit. hurpist ilithe sittut) ititut SI iu'ttiiut iiiThe 'l: iii -t-lo rl ay-u iu-u m'tuuit hitd cotroiui.thutirufinl trt I c-itut yeste-liltu anduthelii Duiitiptheu prtesltienut tiaotllpig'lt tu tolituas hut-u-t i-chlst-ut isttlss in 18943 hetgitt'uptIllhssitwoIk in his Iltusiutu. 1 ;3a: hhiyes. 7 tI(: Sit-i uthiurshi thitthieimighu i t goion-the plt- 181>?, tuk-l, .1t?,=,. SuutstitiutusSteil, h'u'uu li ii i- t heurepu lili u ltst. Iii 14., and ii I-ittS. tI. sils at Ws11-1t1htpersonail fienditiofiP'rI i- Diiu-tt' h'iluputtiu'h' uuuhuuuuu's that dent 'Mc-Kinlety tutu sorkeduuhardutiohut eiire-uliy'atetu-wsill lbe usduecidediuuu'accr- wtill thusvic~toriy forIllhs frit-ntd. At ilt,, tolh sticlt- ehtti-u-itetill-etits. this clust of tliiiamaiginiilie hit- i 'i'iit' \o-ut unu-i r-i ll ht' ti-c'tohutat - u' iiiit wodsit-sofiprailse from iutttituhtus Iliii theut- 5l, It filure httoucihi of thue untitionalth coiniitti I ndiit hl' ith y itustut itnt-u- isl ut hus"o1iuhui\-y tis- Satidl: "'r. J. Suesleyti' 1llin lith ull- hilt ortotthht-ltre hplutform 5 Is u Lcue nGra oeit ittu;nipuuaintutforcibile- Spauer.-As ut trs nGra N~'IL puitblic speakerst'lhe his autret I'uhtue. A uluuil'uuftpubutlic leciture" til t he I I p lu~u ie still hue htl ht racht het- utuldu-lit ei util luist-lists tits el ple :li ill tuvti the utryui'cttiiua-iI tuuu-11 u I ne b hiin ustrcttrus of'tliii Cc- lit utu ine iii lmi h lcu re iu l tutu in i."' luiti hhti ( lt r1etut :11tutd isill bhut iveredi'su Shut-atddrluss still hbt-thu-iter'tutu ' S uhudurig; ll t'ulmiuus'Iu pthreeut othtuts.. Ou'sui utli'cloc tModay ut p ; liusit-tuutofin i sitnlitut utuursie st's-i utiututhusth10:t' 1th tilaf iti ten n as tttts It itiut ush- i tIl- tut11d tilt 'tu'u'u ilt I(11, its st i-is has u-u-utd. s-tlutu titisuhtk, htohuresent a Ililt Thisis Is I chantei to hthut- itt l utu sit-ti si-rites itf ttlts 11is yi-etl. hut ke 'ut Ind hie-i tsu den ii't: willsd - ] h bec )*Ch , oilf1.1 to aail telislvs fihi o ttuunts :IdlIprofelit-us tuu I ut tis- 'hutse' hli Iiuit t-s- ";lii is itt'the u' tut Ptsposed Trip for Musical lubO}s u-cut (iclitns. (Olit'hlit-tcontustidrtbl of thue Ftuu,'ithi-uiritrs of rli'an-'utd Ifte I t ii ol liof hhe iifattll tt(:1 'tiof sutuit.11 iltasut ittftth u sstutu ,bu doltiltistitus stiltl ttuakt'tu:I tp thisst--ut' ilttuhe op inin iit tet- u-ututil tion pl'iip'ict'h t I iutli It itul I hutC h '- itutuu's uuiuti-elys cinti-utsts. It is 10 c::oadKti.ltuuttuauut. ''liipress tilt this etha ut t-curllse of le(tae lti-esthis ytotri'ittutililhut il tsryis alsiut: tuntdit is the objecu-i toft' hit ui-tter '. t uttlit h ists h ut ica--u I -stu oni i-th i'ut'i'ultitt1 tutu-stit i t :s itt :. 11c of tie lt uts 'tutnd ttiod couctt t- stitug ti styli° its tts "ilhi thut' ituutit of' the t- tilttit-us, lind in i-ut itt thite recen'u' riu ert . inl1 ls 11o i t t'f stilt tha-t hits itl the t-umrs tu thu-u-ut Iinthe 1i'1- hit--it(ltneto-ilthu-itt hehu titls t t itr ' tusli t oi}t heit' it- i suded prslt"ldlditis5 1uuupuuI thu-tthut;'1'liteittuti r ldi 1111-1 tui'itttst 'ul til itt cut ii he t ilut 1ittyit' w lc 1c e t1~s i t lililts' it-ct Im lyuirltol u l i ss " iveretid: fo ~ tliii'-liiio ituI'tu'liii' it- ltli-yIi111111 lye Ier: 2. rf ( tepit Ii ill )lt ii li i t- i ltintuu ut-u i iS iii 'Pnh ts u--tultu-ii ishit lii ut-u h t l ii - 4. tt i t I Iiuliuututh SM~i-yet tutu lii 0V 1(r5 1;5 it t u iilu uh i lo rI'm.it dhunctunut. SIt liii"ii i Stsi, Stiuh ll S- lust ohfuucouul tiis ut I uuli ited hut beIhtutui sue i-tuuget pour it-huthenuiti-eyi ). Theodoir Storill, Maurhit280. Sit, tire guienout. i ldner. G. ihu-thuuutuAuerbclu'h, lticih 311. i. 1rtz Reneir i, April I. Assistantu Pruofessorc Ilutluuft' S. Thieu-utour 1-ontiie, April 27. Dr. Epgert. 9. Gutavi Frenssse-u, hMay -4,Dr Thutse i'teuleuctues isill hisdulivleed it rouotut, TappanHtaitul, att -1:1 It it. oni thuedatehs intametd. Lst ye-tuthi coiursieiproveduuIvery- itutivestanti effot tis hutittp;utmade to utaket thuit ttu- hitrIs this pu-tcri-sitnutor- sit iti tle. Nut tutuesthoiiis interestiesd i ilt.east ill tt I e'iiltinatuiiutut sheihluic Ite knowussthe G ertmttihi ititiuitiOus not, tllt affordto mi is tut. Ait Jutslu-- turehs wiill bhutel-isuruth i PS;liuhi FARLAND CONCERT Audience Captivated y Artistic Use of the Banjo-Music as From Violin or Harp A t-lfred .itiattla, thuehutatjottltuer oftt' ionaiulifatut, naveiturec-itl last niht i it-ese emiauuctl Hatll le hut- hutis tlage tuiencutt-utouicoutu- tut hott uur n tu hatli asltosment iittt the1 11th tt of tlitt nc tutu-ame tlyp' to soon t ]'a tftihetitmeshis banjoiu soudedlik a celu- thi, v iolintor a harp, and ttuhel-swlet imusic huiewsitautue t cipk fromtuthis smaul, hitrittoores 1 notuu1 inoredI iustu-uutututcuitttot he ulusu'cihuuu. Iliiistulyp'qua l-ed tutu ptrittelusi tuu tbaopltye-. Smetimeiisthut Inseseidttu-itnistfrota utreitt disanc,. tutuIdeputivesuitfithutsharutp ttt l.Ips totue -ittntiuotuts siet-cttut- - li.pByhis subtuleutfingputshehtts ra s- iisedt utbajtt hliilest-hof thus pianothelii ltintiatututhethaurpt. FI-i p rigis thu-it u'uupct eneretduucuu: (St ouo-Foh-uu clutui F- ust Fantaiusia thiiih((hutiuvit'l new)l IFamil- itr Airs- - --........Selecteud uiliuutisti. lii Mauruka (I iiasiak) Si'hiuitl-hTusip-h'utrlauud ... -........MilitarupMtarclh SP;COND I lisik---i.... a Matiune Ronudo Choin...i..........tFuneral Miarchi Iupagiuiiii-Fatrland.u ..uLaCat a ntutuela uil-h Iiil-hit-. ttuAir'SVaried Iuuuh-cuuski-h... inuet a 'Autique Si'ituhtirt--Farlanudu-"Hatrk, Hurk, thutitrk." Traniscuipion. Liszt--tucuuuh---2d ungartupirantShutpsod -......2dHungaurian Rthasody Fartuilanidi-Tranuscripution uof ia Fa- miulialt odyutuup. Selected. Farlatndii- 't'Ihiluitiu r thute iulsiv' Chin .............Choluu-lNturncu iSiitltiwski..2niou'hPolonaiuseurlianteuuh Mr A. B. Williams Before Y MC A. Ai. . h.. Silltims, ithitwills-it ontk t Slhiuipt nitutuhut eluMeuithist lullh ol-ridaty'uevu-ninu, istetratvu- Yoiunug' Sit-t's I'tChrstitit ' - ' - t iol oti liii- its in 1 89 y,'lluthu (I tlt -' i hi-tut 'itothi lti'YaSIS h -tutu Itt- tlit maeit oiiiont he su it ti-p ltis tutu en rywic tliiti 't' iilnc utiiuiitu. Hithuttin tui us -tutua '11. il tItuvoli ni 'ul'uuhtt'tandiontut is-tii becut-ututu stiuuiuu'syiof thei' suiuth ti lc ofl Nt-ti' rkalIipy. Ii heiii iltiof, 11t,11,iho uwts aptpouuu'tintdtt tli' s- uof~t h-ust h i-a,(.M. tItIlutnnlt lutt :tprmie t artin 1 the iretuiotut i tte uthtt t tuuttttu utinn telu-tutu-u' utt Notildu, _Shuts-i..1tutu h-ti'laki lititt, S"istutt ai. Phr. S\iliiits is .aumuuttut ftt' h tutc- utluigialttity, tof eiup sut t-oxu'.i aiityut:ti 1(1uaiv i es'itiii t ptu t kertu i otai-cii huis'e tsti' l iii -t ltipli i ason utue c l lgetoft'li'huntry e hutits come-Itil oht dth-inllt te xcepttionul wasiup. Beucatuse ofi his II tuilt upi ucquituittt hi-i iith sltttt ilt, isuty umanuiuniitheUsnhivert- slip- shouuldh hu-tichis utuddress out 1-ui- idaupeenuing, this 20tthtit., tutu"Thes Cuollepe Mtau's Greatest Prohlem."