Manager Batra Announces Choice of
R. C. Roach-Old League
Michigans new ba)se' hall coach is
R. C. Roach. MIanager Btairdi made the
official annioun(etmetnt of this fact this
morning. Mr. Roachi has heeni a inem-
ber of both minor and major leagne
tams.. te was formerly pitcher on
thle Chicago 'National league team.
aFor the past two years he has coachedi
Lewis Institute's two highIly success-
fl teams. lie is exteected to arrire in
Ann Arhor to hegin work March 20.
Mianager Lird lit5ams0to tbe moch
pleased at thte signing of Roach andi
the stutents generatty feet that the
*iasettatl teamo is to be coachedt in such
mannier as t pretpare thent for
tioue It 'oach tie boys and he owill
tis) -i .. Rioi as lolng, -s practire
in ther' (' c'S' lti
Need Milk Inapector
T1. It. Sitialt. of Kxalamnazoo, slate
dlaity inspector.,Itas beeno stoppinlg at
Motel Aim')in oriile lhe insptected
the dairies ill this vi'i'inirv. Mi'.
Met '1)11 ttitiks Anil Arbtor soutld hiave
a muilk inspector. Ilie says there is no
city itt 51 iclhiga t1 in proportiton to its
sine, io t t's 0: istmchmilk as Ann
mtilk shotuld he fititistied. In conover-
nationl withi:a k't'tli t tiwtothatts givei
McCall oras Ptold the greatest daniger
of adtiera tioni to'theiuse'of ipreserv'-
aine, ho twit1id tanti like ite;)ata-
tons, occutts a flerte itilk leaves the
hailds of te itilkinli. ''i-o you
tink,'' saidth te genitl ematn, thait if
botardlitghtoutse'ktesers, lhave a gallont
,or two of milk left. that they tare going
to) let it spoilS'Not itttch. They wtill
mitke it keep for the tiest dtiy. The
-only way to detect this aduilteration
is to hatie a toairder tke tiowty fromt
the tattle ti satmiple of miilk. .I have
'knowni this to bs' doite ini a nmibher of
The tUniversityvatoroities consider
milk tadultertitiot oi(, of the ngireatest
evils whlichi the new otentin tihie'tni-
naturally, fonidiiof itilk ini theieitrtme,
and tonisutme tirge quntitites daity.
'Thlehoirac'ic ti'ic it hs an injuriotis
effect titpttnte brinicellsiiiid is a
result a artg' p' ccitttge of lheifnest
yteari clhss fitit111tttthelucaiitot sotc
cesst'tltvtsai~tht e towoork retqtiredIby
homite i 11e tidditle of the veiar. Tie
tesstit' states, is tot' the freshmteti to
get .along owithtout milk i'i)it nispector'
is tot stat iotedhee. The titiersity
]lp: httestlowill filtd it ca-
1Xidietit to scttdtatolistsc tot' Ihere, for'
is bttlertotr toss' studenttthan uaiy
subtst itute ipossibly' cotuldlbet.
crwd fI ) ('(I k('Cai' Ott I FARLAND TONIGHT
auntd Ia r-ttis tsoulit easily I(tie oe The Celehrated Banjoist will Appear
"vithi thi'e oit'rs oft the loctt rittk.,' at the School of Masic This
tog e t fct ot'sttc'hta dltbhere. It Alfretd A. i'iit'taithe t tce ltebi'tted
Would gire those Wht t ottttcitrei o lit ntjo sirtuoso. is assiue-otItt'aroat
to'tiiig nethler, .Ittdatitealthiful, sei-it is exple't'd that te Sctoolitt',Mulsic
elitilic Spotrt, fll]tif ext'itteihiien .11Ilt sr1ill be fillt]tt o ovreIossi.. it
ttteneidtbty no itatnger'. was -witli (te gretsttsurttprise and
A0.Sik''i-9c. tltastire that nitisie lovers h1e e'liardi
oft its ettgageelti tiotplay 'eforte a
All Try-Outs will he Held Saturday
Night- Much Competition and
Close Finishes Expected
Yoses) d(1 Ifte'loon rai h itz-'
patttiek svas libsiertittIi tee withut'e
laey tls. itilt.Sfirthel. 111-g atol
,ill-toph s 221tt '(t5tit re ly i a llt'"v r
rItItl' 5,offI. ilt' I) Ili' I('i'I
I3 tt11ss'- 85,s ttttss. 'a 1 0( I;sI
mtaieit-00dot ire am225tettttit-it
't he i- lat 'lethasls. o
'oii Iett 11 1 he ll1 .1'e.t I' ict n'
hertehith t-toe whtiot 1111' 1e.r
h'''its 'tnthe 1 I'lll;t'1 tilc i tes isn tiot'thos
it") l1:ot' ti'it It he t lys i t ilt tat a
to rei llize 111it 11 11( 11 i c istti'11111f11
-:no fort silt))I t t il f ts) ttittii'titandt
th lol i 1115i t' imp olet')'' wit' hitih'eilhes
IlTl itt's le oldl s it t IttS. Ii t' haveI
It) t: l"t. w ih is ot. its O titl sl it itil t'r
d ina-tanjo 'tit). 5 i.' I'y seas oi
te slid ttttiiit i) rill's'wich he ha
-ooere' ruit Yesismliay. 'Theti' l'hi oill feb n v rule
sill alieldobbiit 'et 11111 is fe-i T' eisionesit.f ththetoard of Cnrl
lidl'satdn 1itmgs biteforei' hi ('''i (fth '.yi'alo. lit tiny the a (I -
t'Itt5 frsiid 1141nmg t'eain 'l ves I i I stit't Itto .in'., toelsci hted ch aersem
torkoin ttrd' ofta .t'T he~ ire S otth ttt' iltit'iit iii si th'i'i riagerit' thit socia
whinl behd'f. loI' .o i'tliht i'eof the Sandire ho' if ei-'
at thi s' toibei aih lti ter 'i o'nlerIis- oh ii ho It i tended i to attletndttilthi oa
iltadi'stone i the lol; ol h s tthi t teent'tofthectyitt .IIit lit be' at oin - t
den t ad th iall antI o clsslilItea sies fogrt'tomthseIt'll know' (itait itt'aretitis
t h en1tsella sIt elay- rteris if il be lone'tits or si iktl lilt' gfortesoiiall
rolm 'itff. lt'. a titushcommhIi i it th.e ii o h. Uivesityothe ili
Ih eitt' sill it' fr asil) 5' ht() il I (It sI tit'no itll'l l suda m n aeta
trtag 'tiles itglltbe thit' ne t ' Iy 'ngti Ith Pro.l)hluldii cea'ise tt':t' , oh'
otit t tfr itttt-s yp hit'est io f u s o f al'iso'isdaloe.etrt h ai
tlAtteniond sop homoenres a tn 'ese to ~ttgthe hrat t'tlouiectmil"rl
made some tmeitodalt t teisondu t f t'hhliuseipaties t
Coach Yost in Uood Company
'CoachtiTYotst his t lst ri'achtml the
list sin the iiicilimbito tfami. A Itt-
igile lilthe1'iiaket mittidit"f'hiutry
U'p YSost''i hioor of th Siii'tgtm
coacth,.anmithet l'eiuwobrtandtiloithsoont
hit fur saeill iettcigtr totres o
AnntiArbior. Dtadl ilegiry anst Daiu
ictilgimitre thueloc-al amints, tandt
Intoeihitishgreat ucesili'nttpltcingk
orders'i'. ]iurrylipi itos' hinotrs Biing
Edwa'rd. JhnhmiD reos'ndith oler mnota
tilts twithis company tin ttti'list itf
thto'eiai' mitmrthlby this oeti-.
Te a Beethoven Symphony-Presi-
dent Roosevelts Taste as it
Appeara to Prof. Lockwood
P'r'of. Lockw'loodt, f Ithit'Schiol0o
visit,saysthal~t hi t hikisst'resiet:i
Sittst's t a symphon tiiy of Iltethiovem.
li ititer ordtes. tccordtiggtlit hetstndt-
ard tf this iusis'itins h'mresident5Roois-
oet is mitstes'ially aiitmusictl Iianl.
Syni iis'satre mut stremnous eogt
foe hinmt.
Ohitthet'other'm'hatndt, Mrs. iRooseelt
is mtusical. Slit is respontisiblet for tIme
sirius of sonceru'ts giveniatitheit White
Iotuse of lasoit-tal musi. Slit'toas
the ists) thitsItis'oflt'e whie
douseto instiute siush tcocetes,
'etf. tLoc'kiw'oodtthas ltii'tIh btfore
heItoo((st'vel'ts ticie. Six y'ars tgo,
ouith Ptm tiiresidetnt otts goeror of
Now sYori, hit'pliyeutor ii'tm, tatu
the onlty Itie hie-s tr ismeoelt gtw
ehuiti- os'ettill'music twas ohen
it placed i a rhatptsdty frotm Liszt.
'T'e ten ouernoru came oseto him
'et-h'aming:''."Io(tp1ay5'thiii)oser again.
hit ' i t in i."
Prf.Lwot d teit sa~I iys the Prsident
looks muctihi more srious, moe grve,
talit'eshut six yetrgo. The pro
fesormwto' s hoedus at tietusritmge in
SMsiRoosevlt. Six years ago she
wats frish. Nuttyslit' oear mu very
tiretd ohk. 'Shut'soceialuars ot her
pohisitismnievidntlytv wealteheaviy uipon
Choral Uiion Party
OnitFriday ievtning, itt Batrbotur gymo'
nai sumt,tiue embtters of the Choral
I 'ttuosill e'njoythirtirlst pirty. The
recieplion toitt hit'iformaltt hntsill,
netheIless. htotn of he soil
eve'ntisofthttseason.ThetspItrty is
gioumi for thet' iurptose of mltig the
imembes atiuotiiil'uwitht ahmotheir
The sre twill hi t tuo, tdacitng, gaunts
tehichw01-toetteni-mito itmiemtiters tst
nigh, wtio 'tooivti-l tithi aptuse.
'I'll'htams for 'the ecuploni oiltle
fromiu S to 1.
Ten Students Quarantied
'TnUn iveit'eiy shuets tre iuir
a tiutdhandunabttltle toattendithetiir
lasses. Nine of themitate sit-k, ut)
noi chancutes toutlte takemiof their
spreaintug udithieia. 'he (quaranlitie
hiassbSits-t Iilisi-it because oh'thit' nh
thil onuinhga of li teSSusai Seight,
-f9'17' 'Tomps ontrohtt, fo h
dreadtdi iaseiofdiphthei. tilt'tolt
heiken tao-n preventc thSir tax initg ts
prec tlls lt-tintile to prlt'tt h-
ers bli-tg exoist.
Mayor Harit lon Wll Spek
S~irarte(si-a'1. Iauristiuiof Chii-
h~ll0 to'eiren iihis hionor 1tby
27. Presidenoi tD.1. II i ree oheit
Shippti,1'tChr lie h, Edwat'rd Sit-
Foot astssoiteOsailt the ct-iitee,
Stiyutr Copelandumh toill Itresiude as totast-
"iFoxy Quiler"iex) Salneitty
Communication VOI) Y'i-:t .1. Dr. iluim .Ileit- ntI o
~hTo this'h-Editrtif the iDailv: Ilooi 1 11ho110. ti- os f ' lt N otiiit will m k h
Spothts. tutu1.1 -i ii)o :Intl tlii'l iiorusiht' '1. if St. Slitiitusiitei"TheILi f mid Wh orkt't ofiuu 'lSsiiu'i t.\
((1r sswoeftuly cJ11 -i i n l thost'e utligo Niit i-Ill Iis-K u roo t l t., .. ) rfso lsi
Xvolriii ttl u' 1ttuiiii'e i o tes 1tutu'- ' tosohf tl'ed ciiit:11itohMItteri'a 1eS e
l:11)14, ittte 'la'1eiO'ay ict' 'in' et'.tuW.- Iositt:1' 1' I N.'iogtiu i le ic' hpn tlcrtis''ft-. S(1
l Iiav i no o1 I Ior11it eefico bon h -Puh - _______________________ ve? '68,"ee
hhth' fohu t ltcuii ,xtIt i rnSitt'si iih 's o'itillf o tdo rit t F iiti l' n ,I1ti't''iii' hit- icut c It tito. iut I.1i1-11 'tic1 inc
out ulplti'IIItIu: t tot tutu ilt s ml ott 'us 11 is c''ii I oi t 7 ho I lt p ro, I c 1 11d n i
MiuN-tigumu letA' in it'hits it' muu'usof '.-t1 . .h1Ih.c('III of St l5 111)51 ti'iii1ii to-ill1Sistagtr.I
wmo rtanceSl imy h e liu tntit r' sic't s uihlth e;nlu i il1i')1. l l ('IIIti tmiii'so. 'hut'l ''gyi '' hutu1in t1d 1o-il d tipm e fo
' 11 or uumuuhm lof etihuss tenr s.I114, I ii Sis'Iis'tr'trr oudto~to11-4Sil ,4u1ie at4. 'lok
itler-colle-ersio'c 1its etic1e h tc Dmnuu R. AY