THE U.It'ERSIT'Y OF ITt It IINA DI AlY. ati PALACE AND PAK:-I TANI a Lillll)1iP1 tf That's tie place ttlie' you o 11 gets tup-to-dttt'iiork, ith (? ) Our s the least troolhle to) your- ol t selves. IDomesic ir lihlta usic specialty. M. F. DOWLER, Agt. te prt Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. tceitt $10.00 A.G.Spaiding&Bros, 1 ' II1 no thlieialthi i u)Ae 1t ASKi (lii 0i -1 Y''tlal1 i>T rIir' t o 7W s.v is-'(w hy YtO"UR AT ,r N d-' tIl - i a#-+ 6U~T 5l~~~l~~~ k i~a~~ k~tA aW~ tN JPx2 U~j.t s St C (t4 tat St II )t ' 1 t 111 huh i t a iii 1, f )111 thelflilin,'l h'5' otse t.tnltIg b(tt / irk ev''I l iake and nIii tL t itaitof ontakee un tlihas(deserved1 t iil wton / ttrot age of thet beet dressed moan tor Suits and Overcoats remnarkalile votlties here-long, 11ie- 11,11dlitort-w'e have your eize naotw, )ti trill hitav to hurrv. 'It F'i'YLtt tBOK- Base Ball, Field IHockey. Official MticligataaSe itt Society tmetst at the recepitt aio tritisae Athletic Implement, Lawn tLast Sittititirafte'rnon a itfu iii' iii a't e i f tie saia'tt eitts a fit3