nT UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ')tP'Cl sY(CV2r-tlrxw ttr.fr -t .112A ')( post who sss:i de h-o. lIt' 1r.1 S eco n d nnauncernent' 5 11::11 hili receive hof ih](:hlei l~~l~i: io Senm ester __________________________________ the____ -il Sr0 H 5 0 lil(1( a T ex t ro k r1i 7111 t MANAGlING IEDITORS, who ":i 11 lios I fn 1poidc BUISINEiSS fIANAG -R, ifi iiiiil i 01 I CC 3.IlIITV i.':plsslii i in te d, e- New and -eco-nd EDITORS Athetcstil }I Iwo l iirfe a -i-s 11iii1i." Hand O L N obrtI. ulon'41 he 1n111f isrr 11.d liiii111:1t Xl 0 (ENSIRAL NEWS 1 :1 veni moire Jssisi i- tone atG.H.1Wid &C.',108 1 h o ,0.Nntet Ceti} nteDepartments E. l-lllll(Tt0sl Oil (Greit J 0 0 inst iii i-in,0lit Y 'idl I ' ltil"ill uIwuicFORhALL ],tills1 ho hav eel I n sl ill writerI,.I.iVs:--uir p( ,-liii riton in~,toucils oe- j .S aeJ .. oliheiw o l ol IUniversity ii it i l iiifor thiiss Seaso. FadJ lr,10ei IeI lteitiCNii l llti"o h ____pup__ il with0 islilil e i -iti 111:t i The sillscripcotiapileote I '.of 0 I. coise queiilyii ndiii t dpi ve heii 1AT DaiU ~ l oly is V1.0 los the coiii len er o li ofitIs -oiiilnoi 'i .lldtee HtID C H roust htolwihte r xetdnIil o t ith sucsi~l- -u ri ticiu p o teDOWN TOWN pompli lt tis oieuanytfailuof i ers s}liiig 1of_____________ofwhich__________ 108 E. WT'ash. t." 515l l l s iaisi gliy aftleri imu st s e ifi ilino IIteofieb 0pi.o tedyprvos to u-lis, t, fimy wellhethaiut Ailricat __________________________________ that___ on_ 0 h lich1hya re ppa r. 0101 Ni y1ols u th iIiilllaff iordt in tl i iii ihoge Ihysrv o racet h tlds I College 11 Text Books for all Departments New and Second Hand The pest $i Fountain Paen in the city SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. Foir 1eu--A Michigan football cat- Nioeuvs Eudlit Toiday S. S. lBoulger. enidar ,it hhusilois. i Guaranteed fountain pens. $1 up. I'h lt a-go 1111111 -Iliso Iii ulitori- Cushings Pharmacy. I illtot lo d this t hodeliuuls si-iolarsliis i s lilituils: lI'h 1 111 rks1 o silO iii l \11,:4i11i of l ofiii ithat Ceil Itiolus tiurilu tter i jii have plac it his 'liiuonii Iltfiiiilts so as ti oindiEglishi stiuienits toiii -1 cal 1h4or -5 ii 51i intei ii ii sie lillts for aticsi nth saoio edi litii 1illi rv tIii i ii ll illt e F b ~iisls irevhii iew. s(tl:ii lssia tli i lisl uiluiuuil buu (f itis ll ivi titi I. .1llu iljsilji h 'it isi and cm11 're1tuiiii t i n iiii-i-I- ii tu s Iisii i 1ei il lih h -i.v~ts tueous oflI-ilius iii ii WiillanI i ls i'v iiluesoiheSm.IiiNi\u- Ihsrm-y Law=, Mledical== Dental== BOOKS Text Books, new and second hand. Dictionaries, Quiz. Cornpends, etc. 325 5. State St. Second Floor When in need of a FOUNTAIN PEN I buy the A. A. Watorwann T he Pen we guarantee to give perfect satisfaction SHALLRS5 BOO KSTO RES 116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets Good Government Club LECTURE DATES juIdjc P. S. Irosscup tI.S. federal Court, SFEBRUARY 14, 'O3. Tickets for sale at Brown's, Quarry's " and Cushing'&. Seats may be re- served at Quarry's drug store now. 4 ;iA1AAAAM/wMAAA A A A A A& M h Elsctric Conistrucitions asid Su-1utio-. hSinitary TH~E ATHENS PRES, J.F SChU Flmbis5 isGas d Elec-tric ixtures. Steam P i itd Hot W ites Ilieiitg. Stdnt's -is and ---e jj sh1 rI Eetic Lanis, 207 E. Washintton Street. 2d i lsisr ATIIENS THIEATRE BLDG. ~R~ UWITIGS We are now prepared to show you the swellest line of light weight fancy Suitings COODSPEED' in the city--both foreign and domestic. I 110 E. Washington * You're invited to look.