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February 17, 1903 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-17

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No. 99
1romisca to be Exciting-AlI-Soph
Relay Team Selected-All-
Fresh Team Wil be
Picked Today
The try-outs for the Al-Soph relay
team were held yesterday afteroo.
The contetants were Adolph, Wal-
ton, fayes, Mlonald, Gat sd Hyde.
iehstock, who mde the teamu lst
year, did not run yesterday but will
probably e tined today. Their re-
,mnis are as foloss:
Adolph, 13t,;Walto. 13%; Iayes,
3,y,; Ml oad, 1 :;(alt, 1 ~ Hyde,
Adolp~h and WIalo are sure of their
placee on00tIheeama, 1no others oaing
up io their reord s. I byes, Menl ubd
(Gait and Hyde. al of wshomo tied at
1+,, andol ietooet will potably run
Last year the1 Al-fresh 'elay team,
"Imposed of Adolph, lestok, Wal-
toni 011d1laclor. wo l lmenet with the
Al-Soplh 11111. l andlit"1(lo1ks 11w 1as
if, -wi1th the exeplon of asor, 05h1o
is at Notre Dame t1'his yer, tee.,ine
yea r.
11'lry-outs 0for (lhe Al-reshi relay
teal ha1ve1 (lot Yeltbeen hel.
The 1caidtiIles for t11106')(3egineer
relay tewrli ete rda y fter
Htayes 31' . Ml lenldI 1. IaBell
14; Avery',1 ' 1111e,1 4a;.
Itebsoc~lk 111d 1not 11r1n''yestrall-
smetwlllbeIheld.111 is1 undlobtledlly
the me n hc sleelIIl5tll11101011rl 111
terest wil111 mtiesllll'ted. 1111s year
tile fresnn lass wi1 1lldi te111111
to) tileexcit11e11ent.
Following are 11111cl)lilg idor
Fresh-'Sophl.I'll. 21.
FreshImuenD. 1. S., tIe. 28.
Interclls, Marl 7.
MihiganIllitnois Mrchl 4.
Annual 'Varsily indoor mleet, Mareil
ivilbigan-Cornell, Mrcl 28.
Lewis Morrion's "Faut"
Lwis Morrisns version~ of Goethe''
"F'aust" ('1111s0tils easn witthtie
mst elaborte seiecl 011i105 all
electric, i prodlction eser staged in tils
eontllry. The n111111Ilnd fame f Lewis
Morrison's versionl Ias drawn a sue-
cession1 of cro~wded-l houses1 in1esery
city it has so far visied, its adiltrs
havle voilelitieir aptprov'al ill tmullt-
"Faust" bids fair 11) be te igget
fnancial teatlrial success (f te0101'
son. II(10WIn iiswee a '1 'Illi'00111o(f
111m1ll udence1s0h111e1cau1(101eIt ion 111
of the 11(1aIIm1111111'1 11s11rve 111n11
Lewis Morriso'.,''Fallt11111 tll
whi111' ce'' tt5dt he disp111111 ly lof tha11
It 1111 Ilaod i n, "tand111n11111o1o1
(0llillwhich i'll proIaIllyI'llisibl
Recorda Compared
']The 1dal I ne l ' ((Ceco l '5 i'll:11 a ln l
Illinois Salurdy (rat111 11111 11th' (('-
hnnr i P re C bon,11 ((('.13'111111101 011some
thw (11' 15 111'i'l1ic 1' ci('I'lgh ill (Ifould1
bi 1111000' ('('(dear tho ill'l0.111l1'-
a1n11 Ste'w'litof Sliehigan ('((I'll 1made11{ AP POINTM ENTS
4-1II'yard l'lll-'llO kwoalt'r (If C'i-i
P113(1ra1111t ill'soC5conidso;NPrcs Executive Committee and Facalty for
(If MAii1g1111ra11 it ill .55% 0s1con1s. Literaiy Department Announced
yOS;lyald r'lll-C'ah1ill(If Chicago rn' FurMebrsofFcut
it ill::101;;11111 (f Ilielligall d11ill -ortmelo aut
ill ('01'are Non-Residenta
Mile runl-Htal11 IfICicaigo beat lie'
A. A. A. T'. indoor lrlelordi lIPdinlg it lie followcing is til-eexecutiv'e ('0111
in 4:3(1;. Kellogg of 'Michigan r('1111 i tt11111 nd111111li('ty' (f 1111- 51lle1'ses-
ill 4:441/;. Sionl (f tile literary depltment of 111e
Pole v'aul1t-Miler of Chicago 111d11 tniv'ersity':
10 feet 4 inlcheIs. 1101el of Miellig;all TeIEEIlIXE(05 (--
ma~lde 10)feet.
Itigi11lmp-Wol(11 b(y'Snilian (If ('hi- JoOIIl1. heed, chi'rman'111.
cago at 5I feet 7% .;inchesO. BrewoPr(f .John11It. Elitillger. dell' tal P3.
Michigl~l (lid 5 feet 7ilinhes. 11red M. ''laylo'.
Shot lputI-M.IX 0ell(of Chlica1go( did iJosephll1I. IDlak'.
________________________1: one' i;Illl'Iill .3.11.-II.l'l'reiden't.
1. N. 1(1-1(1111( 1 "1 orc
TWENTY-EIGHT INSTITUTIONS 13 W. i1W. 1111. 11, aht1'11(ic's.
Represented in Recent Convention- It A31 11(1(1y 1 .Ilillllil1 }.
Political Science Association's fit-.if. Con'. itto, Science (n1( the
New Officers-Importance 1XArt(ofI 11 0111.
of thc Convention -1. S'1111 .Whtn ',Ipedgog'y (lnd 11n1(1c-
J. A. Woodburnl~l'1. (Professor 'o(f hO-
?\o lss tan thrty ifferllt du- orti1te((0 vrsl fInin)
and li7.
T(he inst~itutlionlswre
(Micill; Ilniltel I('elige Ill)lol ' Brad-
livgilysl'llsll; 1(-1-0-1 11511111(Il l ayi.
Bsiess 111( ill5( Iil 1(1 dn inI
Lewois 111s1itut1. Chica'1go1: 'lasscll-
setts Inlstitutte of 'Technlogy;';Mount
Union11Collee 0(lhiol ; Neolthwes-tern'1
lege 1o1 Agr'iculture'0anId MechallnicalI
Arts; Saginaw. I',.S..,ihighl school(
(licel. ; lUniveorsity (If I hiI'1105 1' Ii-
veOrsity o(f Illinolis; Cio'ersity ' Iowa:
IUiversity lof NebraskaI; It 1i0'1'silvo'f(
Kansas1(; CUniversity' (f :Michiganl;il-
ve0rsity' (f Wisconlsin; Ut'1(11Agricl-i
Northlwestern UnIivl-rsitx'; A. 1.1.
Churcil, presidenlt of IBucitelICo(llge;
(and Ken111111L. Bultterfiell,, 5110 was1
recen1t11y'seleced o(f pi~ent o~ (f tihe
ItihodeI' IiIlI College of AgriclturelI'
and lecihanica1l IArts.
Till'folloswing (11fic1rs0w1re el(ete
for thelensu~in~g 3y111'1by the'(Michigan
Political Solene '0Association, 111till'
lDll-lit; firstvice-es11eidentl(, VWilliam
WIiddhico((1111 ,ra11d Rapids:;seondl~~
XTillO'1Michiganl Agriultura;I 'Ill 5(1' 1 tor
('hlrles IIT. 1111111' assislltantprofessor
of111 l ll~y 'liest fMci-il
e11cutive com(ittee, glI is l' .'Mc'-13'0
111111110 11 Ilidustryl U ivestyo
AtI 111.111of 1'e nivrsiiestherep
i t l rkIj; n 111 llln 11'
.1 () 1ed,'phyics, ch ir( allofllh
.1 l 1 1 rk, 1(111 an1111 an515.
Mark S. .ll efe1ol1(po11so0'
pyica ;lt 1111 p0 I Il Ai l 0. 01111 Mate
1j1110 In 0 IelletO.-Bl-w.
Ka lrlt'":' I) h 313' physics.(ll'5i ''
ii~'alteI t. P IilltIbury, IiCph ils'o g-n
Iler 111111 Iei ',s,1(1' t l ll '13 111
1)e1ry11A. Sanders'. 11LaItin.(111.1il
111111 ii '(111 111 Iickhotf.lGe tl c ll
111C.P Ll illeader Lltill 'i'ri3 I
IArtIhur '(,. 1 1l0'tlil'TIll s.itilt
ill drawlne(111'k1( at11a111itt1le 1111to
keetp it foll'1111' sweek if Illsiredl.
gtogether andl'111(1lmaeIr-ll 310110111
for it general111recetption for 1t11'tbenefit
beom 1(101110 0111 acquainte. fTe com1-
mlitee' appintedllOIto sen bo hepe 11 11 10-
setto ol111ilIlf a irenlchpa1t'seieul
meet'1ing o(f sveral iterstedl for neOxt
Selturd'}-at 11lo'cl-ok ill Ioonl 5,
'fitapa all 11. It is vry 'lily tt
prsne by'(1l the13 111 c'cle, followig tie
curium aniong till-ccolleges.
Amount to a Quarter of a Million
of Doars-A Rapid Growth
is Noticeable
TherePIw5511overI'P ItateIr of a oil-
lien f dollas in 1110trtst funds in
tile ilandst of the trassrer 1f th11
Univ'erity'of Michliganl, ill 1110 c100(
of tiell's1101fiscl y 3er. '11110exct
amoun111twas(5$20588.18, 'wh'ichl 5w11
$1600053more110h11n111sOIn 11tie tbt
accounl~tsl(111' 'year ealiehlr. Sincee13914,
the funds depIosl1itedI wihl 111e tniveIr-
il3' IP('11tl'1', its gifts t10he 1110 tl-
tiIIt, 1an111110endowmen50tsl111the11'icomes(
11113. At 1111(,lo~seO of 111e fiscl yer
ill 1894,til l- ances1I1lill110erust 1nd(
gift accountsl aoun itedIt to less 1tha11
$10.0004; Iayeair lter the 011115511
over $571501); inl181 03' they amountedh
to $87,00.0; in I1)1O to $213Is; Iad
ill 1(2tile 1to1al1 as beynd the
31110exItctln'es in tie Untiversiy
treasurty to the creit of gifts 1101
enowments1101, lt tile ciose of tie sev-
eralbiness ye0 -3'ars-ince 1 890, are 11s
1890) .. .. .. ... .. .. ..$ 1,3:0&
1891- - - - 5!)5 194
1., 2- - - - 22,01 (3 5
111 - -1831.1M2 fl
13'14- - - - --......... .8246 71
1815- - - - --.........57,113 256
13917- - - - 52617 :13
18 - - - - --.........75417 4
3189 - - - 87,11331)0
].18- - - 231,808IS13
1)12- - - 2611t,5S 30
Dvorak Will Compete
Michian0wll'noPt. ih(slteer-i
so-ill ha' s I'leporitd. Dvolr111k will'
cometeill hs1vet1 te oe'aut
hetw('n'11 I1a:11 il11 1(1o1f1Chicago1
w11'l ll oit Iulm1inaion' in the l 1111
Ttfe "Iitce soinoftSrcintllui
and-tril-' arter ill Capp'sw11 l
The Senls 111 i''lS'ial ''sI
o11' ashold0111oul5ar''o 0
If 11113'of t1111' m tE!;
'111e 33111 am1111 isol rrtlllflIP
practice at -I oIclock.
tt DR. tAY.
"F~ox ' (1111c" InextSatturday
01111 omII' 011111'ley "(!ore 'of 1GO 1-it en 1 1' Ifs ol lhe IlIlrIk .:1 ' in 111
'1'Il lo f -11-tol (l-I-l ~llow w n h i l'1e s' ('1111 an ld 111 ' tll'51'1itttI 11 1 ' ntli'5111it,
0111, lc rlI1 ('11111 1/~ 1111 111 (No Ill iel flt 111 hm 1 I 1ie sl , 1c1 11;d 1
hSyalrd d4101 11(;111.1 fIl- So, is t, Til'Pi-of. eoos - ill'hcs -l 1111 re ort11 I '3'
'Ta lr '01; hIll-'-' so(-cd ; T 11111 4-1/ sec formt for 11 11 1ac11vo ' lcunelit14:-I
11nds. (NoIeSInIllatICio10) 3I)I. .todaly.
-yard ihurdles-Calinolof ChicagoLA3FLER, :Manlager'.
Le Cercle Francais
Sic liSI1 111 Splll I' (lidille he111 ll
oficr .11 I''1111 5 ill I- 5of thel ill 01110
E).:1111111 ( :111 l Fl11111 is 1351111ll1
F a 'd at. t is I tss tIii5,111111111i :1 ilnn,
1 511-5A pIlo1'iIl1. A.l ('('11' ti1111111
slir Wost 11''111 11S1wtllOI1itoI i11111 (111
11t ilofte (It'llIs111 1'11111. A
riv'eg:111of ille ho'Il11113 111(11,e11111 1
tiI o 0113', of100 1-110 1150111114 tooby

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