1111 us t DALY. VOL. XIII. ANN 4AIRBORI, MICII., SUN DAY, FEB3RUARIY 15, 1903 No. 98 INDOOR MEET A SUCCESS Big Preliminary in Track Athletics Brings Strong Candidates to the Front- The Freshmen Show Great Promise The Indoor trat-k season of 103 -was ushered in successfully last night in a way that promises well for the future. Protbibly the chief thing imn- pressed upon the large nunmber of spec- tatoro was the excellence of the fresh- nan material, and indeed it is prac- tically certaini thait nvr hefore inl the history of liack ithletics in the University of Mietigin has thieie beeni in the first yearic lass so many rien of promise. stew-in a lperformiiiices in the 40-yarid dash, in wiict he pushed Arcie Iain hard for first place, and his winning first ill the 4i0-yard liigli hiiridlies, eliciteid consider- abile applause. hIugg also provedt his sworthi as a the 45-yard lash oily hy inches. Captain iRobinsoni surpriseid and pleased evierylbody by piiitiiig liii shot -4) feet 9) iiiches ill spite. of his ill- jiired leg. His forii is fully up to his last your's staiotacdt. The relay race betweeii two bniilies of freshiiieiileid hy Nifer anIiilerrii- steinl priiviei very excitiiig. MaIlditk anddtaleliii tigIfanthill tackles, list oiffsAithi i tdead lheat aiiiil ifer onilie last Ip tied iieriiisteilliiniiwhtat is tiiioiiitdytfseti iap iver miii ini Wimleimiim lgsyiniiasmiimi, tie tiiiie be- iig1:3 sit m I ft.i Theie utu riiinm-upre ttymstritggli-. K~elloigg, Witeii Irry iiiilVomirimiis tu elamaifin iiIWlxillggspriiiitii secoind. :119 ft. 41 ill. D~unlap, third, TH TR S POBE ,37 ft. 8 ii.TH TRS P OBE tOtE VA17LT. head Att., heighlt 10 ft. maerluiff, The Question of Consolidations and Siims aiiid ienidry tied for secotid plaice Their Belations to the People at 9 ft. 1) in. Discussea hy Judge Gross- Trihute to Mrs. Palmer cup Last Night A mieiiorial meetinug for Mrs. Alice judige 11. S. Groseup, the etminent FcreeimainuPalmuer st-is heidst Wed-Vuh wrist of Chicago, lectured last night nesday afternooni at the Chiciigo Artlith Go oertun ubcrs Inistitiite. to a very fair itidience. Ini his open- M1iss Nlarion Talhot spoke in tie- in remiiiks lie said'ta i miio half of the intercolliegiate aumitnae. ltoenitertain, bit toliueliver a niessage. Shte ieiipiasized Mfrs. P1alisers organ- i-tis imessage, lie remiirkieid,sas upon izinig caatiy. Mis. AideliiieLittuer- tie tirist quesilt. soni Timmipsio. ,a luimiiae trustee of IIIii-e course iif his lectuure lie said: We-llesley, stiske if Mrs. PLIne' l- ''lie pre-eiillenci.e if Washlinguiti, if flunce it Welli-sley. At liii-age mmf Lincolni, if ,Me1iui-7. stNas ldue inthe trenty-six she sas trosideiitiof st-lat fil that upuili iii- liig wstciiIici- wa~ts tiiii lihe Ii gent sviiiiains em'liege tili-il th-i- conss-ieiice. eiivti'itilis, in lihi st-rid. Professor WilliamiiGalid- aiid their effoirts. And it is characte- iii. Ilt-tomctastoutl81Mis. Sti otsis she of lie Ataci-ican ieoe ais ai ibidy staiR i t liie-Uni-emrsity-. It 55a5sitiethat they svwildo but ione thling at ii siimm stiggesteti the iirgaiiniati of the timue. Time ti-ist tqiestiin st-ill sini Studeinut 1-uiti:soietey. Osvi-i181Stu-tiideumiuntduimerative-ly the undutividledtat- denits hate liei'n assistei-i ob tttainiiig teiitiiiii if the piutilic. ani eduicatiionii m iiaiiiprov-ideid lby 'l"The tendencyi-ll labior ill umidern this society. Ci-iiiatitiihs iieenifrott he msiiiile Pre-sideint Jamies ii. Anugell spokie itf ( itsatid timeemitllixe. nTisis shiown Mrs. laituers remarkabtie camasity for ibyiii- ixiendedd iviisiiii iiflaori iiisw piilub- licri-ss.st-iiii-i-tefotre thesame article Nvst-tste- THE HONOR SYSTEM liiiotiter haimitiitii enidiiiiy ililito- iietm siilhas ibeein froi-theiiil plex ii the itusimlfrouiiffitusediito SophsmoPe Medits Take Active Steps -umuion uctmrited onersip.iCttisttiidiiat Toward Etdosing New Plant for 5tictiiies icuvoen ioirgaize d miitd Conduttitg Class Exant- I sli tdiiiii t ttrii catitizedii imetic- -la, itolidittst F-dx- itig-il, tttiidat , ittt ounttb cautsiet itmalkcs The oii-als iaii ihe el~s-i-fus ill infishutgli ing uteionr systemill at iiiai- iu.Iiiiii ma-um-t, lii-eiimjorityouthmie Item- iuit shiiiiie, t-ir- i-nilg list Waislie- timmis. 8Mainy plilis steirie iisic-usasti i t i hstruust it asis a utuiamts if in e - u-mm-l evens, mutt heicl-ose fiiishies itotheinualmecr inawhilhithemi)jeth lug th eir i-nuihah, anditte-ti--herefoire littthat -rut-u inutierestedh friiiii liei m-ouilih be momst effeciively maauuuuhmishmemh. iktit ontiibi i n-lg Itropirieitors.,, bs-gliiii i i ti-itheIenifiihe cottests. Soatin -us-anicutthi- systeu mmow is-ditniii Theiilectuirer Showeliibhistabtistics Th'le siiiinaruy if resultis is mis foit- Priincetoniaunhsome that usm-iduithe limit bank udepiosits tadinucreaised as lasts: T-llirsity if Wemst Viugiluii. mmiioisomlia tin set-i n, i t o i f ill mpro- ItiE~ti INsit tt 5 -mu Ili) Ii5,11 I'P-hwietoni m--mihi studuent itnums lirtiontoi timeii i(uiri-sm i1,iiltmuioll; First hititnt-mihu hllh41f,-,sumcotnds.himselfto1mmexpousei-anyonue sihititlihe tiatis, the ui had lmibltcoimiiito ia wctthehitu ggi-- secontdt hums sm-itm i-criig. After lie hats large xt-ut hiendersrithrithm-ittni- '.Thidliieat, Hhnuti4,) seotuds. 55wtritteti thie ex-mlinatioll, him- tilt-s a sshmrs. msl-ii-g thueuinkstush fote- hI'uitthi hit-itti-im-htuyre 44 c mt wr 5 ittnst-it-iettt lh ,ituihuetr gomig lte ritus tof pointor ushiph. Fit i-i ~uh--i41/5scond s-i-ttii -- l.The weamilitiimssedl his-the-borrower-s, Sixth ticatStewtiimsecos-m Atuhs thlii University mof WestVirginuiat ini ashunrtiuiegiivi rise to the sits- Seveithl hea t, Vt tO. Stiller, 4! a-chiss iieihtil u s imilleid aidth.1icoiii- iiu, mmiitime pa-rt if time people, thuit secondsuh. ntttee elec-tedmwhusemidSuts it is to themy haitIhisc-tnstt1ii-i-uh 1 hums sits- Eighth haGl,4Asetotds. swathheii-situdets uttd k-ieptWmlties pmimt iiicio oene apopm'mtinduus tosoimal- Ninithiheaut, l, i / - scotds. of thoumse fomundul liming unfmir uor . itsin, firsr, s-th p ic ii ottiii iies ip, is SEMI 1-LN~~tSThenuas-kiss Meietitng is caullm-d uand the -aitue fur this troutlei. lime titme is First teat, Hhn 11u s-au1, hut gsiesonud;studuents dec-idehehstiutthe penamlty shll iiiiiiiilt I mutilii tthe people ustudecidle 4%, seconuds. bli Teyrui5-seldomi -icmsuuuinei-to ithe Ioticriag-in mst tmum-imu, aniii itiei Secondimihesmt, Steart as ii 81aucfictyit-thuat a shmtuet bei-sm-tt imeuf;ormmmumoh -mit-i-rmmu-mt timuicli distromys Itvte sit-mttnm; 4i, sieiondis. limitheyiiuisuailly"tmkeit sot -entiruamly- indlustrial liertyl, the hesmit of Afiemri- 'thirdiheaut, ;Mllehr ston, citGal s t iiifor the Offehtideriitha ttihe mmaves.(In Instuuituitins 4 U sicumuids. mmmiiSolveif thei-mii-tiltamss 1 mresim\ihltdI I isconntutu iomi iismcmucii hE L.hft fitrmit-i :m/sti mm sisomei time Lmiter-. miii ii hhulihti fit, Steitiitt sume mii uo-mii ht i tm edms-iat im-m -im mitt li i m mmc'~tiutinis not thei i-aie. liie thiru-Mi ller-u fumthi. i lm 4 -:St1it ,lim it i tll-ii fii-stlmmdowmi oil mu- cmii haim lm i immiiuug rp et slI 4-YADX IIiIItHURDLE .t aimit Imhonor. llfhms tilt is mmIimilitant iiiiii iii iii mmtltii5siot hamt himutilt> Sm-miinal. e s-eite. N cm-c e1 -11 es i--mit mmii ii ione iii mii ii5it Sl>I ptiii li- lil5 1-'irst hemait, Galt wonumt- Slimeci secmnt.l ii mutt-mi mmchiri>is. Ituules mof itsiti ss. Time gmitts if the 'Tie 3- 5. Ib. lMt-ttttiti-im1liii mit ii istuponUnmmmlemlStriltes hmtmitmIbm-i-hanitgedi so Second heatmiiStisumu wlc llt 811..ili a.mttmtttysin mmm~ila~ dlf, Intl-halmt ' flimt b ll l i i lt neftitote ii cl I I1NALt -f- ie i- simI-u s mm-\ miit l i- ttit l; li ma I Itt-isstt imti . A11(ii-I-in-mm ri Slemsmulfmust:, iulerseont al t-mitisl y oud 'o(miftt() mm-iin nttrdyil-soporeos n tut. li -, the st-hl mit,- immi ofimi mm iifilith mm11 ii lifor ithe missmuummm lmtha 445( Xii) lt iTimeim:m)10.ii-_min 1mrmimitsiii imi atim ihilmt i miii mit I mmi inte toiuiand/.e i-t ii-mt -i -it-c s mRiU tushi i ii si ll 1110 r lc, II Imiima deii-nmitsi.Immi i-- istuistom i am ii ,illint tmt i ii m itmtlmt i ii itt uil. urn . Tn- ge tiI'ludssmut i-mmlfrif f \ 1 h l : Tmm-tI'sm lm-p sentipeiny blimtori mt-i-d squad-fNom-iosstwonittastit.i REtA -mcii. tke.utui rhim-il i :15 lu f -1onI l to :11 - mitfvaket t hettt Temslmt climposeT oftu oo, mmii Sin Ir la In uf an adti-m will}l(ttm1-i' ?'msftttni-t.4'l} he II ' I fIt If) f ce \-i, 1 i~ltlimmli1mlc81rttislnmlii ml imit - oll e pubiecli- tutu. ARlii US.i,,)I Ji-ti ml :1 'rs ifm itt Fis 8qu d 111I I w Nl-, elim SSton11, -hmi ,m,, 4)himhid. u-me _'-mll. 94mim l-ttm-- mmlmtmtms-mi Se to d s i t J~eb tII trll l t - mu - - ( imi m1tme('uiem l lsvr asec. K -ir smutu, Sr ii , t-i uir-ries tIItuSouhepasitoitall herg third. ttciglit.3 ft. 7 in. milh1- 4-- - - - - - its in time tsvo libraries or else (Millerste O.S.4. 5 mani~t,athto hlimit lilt tf - - mmm :l dit to the tmembuer of this hoard 'tleared o feet, thidtiot comtpete.) Oaud I4 c,,-. - - il Ottniiclass,-and this be done Si-OT PUT. utIldi1}tr'.-- l- -h-i-heb. 4.198 tobinson as-ot, 4o4 ft. 9 in. Maddock couies \i l.lt.1103 8ISCIItG A1NENSIA1N BOARD. Book dealers in Law Suit C. L. Bartiiel, ivhotst-ttus w atd teitlnb ooks ua 326 SouthliSimie street yeste-rdauy-mnaide complautinlt befire Js- tire IDoty against A. S. Clark, of Cala- ghuani & Co., on the chamrge of doing a "tranusientt" lbusiness swithout ut licsetse. Theudefetuiantt comani~my at-a muss hook publishers of Cficamgo anud ure well known hut this uit, sw-hee they hint-e-conducututd tutuagency for stuents a itutmuuhr of touts. Lust hDucetmber it ntim-si- nanhiumtcewasn listed hby the ciu m p tuosutg a licetse fee of $7 a cliy fat tratnsiett traders for the first (20 uaus a-ntuit$3 iduy thereufter. Tliii- pla- anultut-ut it thue s-mse climus thatit his I mit uuuts huuve vioatueud ths oriunau-u n-. Theriplue- setialtive of thimli ifirftClark, te- ut-s the cha-rgie -and still ight tie ordinnciuiute uatnutie cs t othuendi. Yesterdaty tuirnuuig its aiipmined hut couurt antd pleatutu ot gilty to the vlilatiti of liii ordinancuse. Thie tuse sims set for Febtruaryct 20. lihe case is espetialuyintteestig to laisstutettstuanyutof si-homtihituse iur- chamsmed bioiks of bohuupiliittims ltnthe suit. It is expectedlthaumt satmne oodh muss-points wilt e brumghtoumt t thue trimul, wsicuhuwiii t utu buuhthe lrgely atttutndedliy tUniversit luissstudents. SCHOLARSHIPS TO OXFORD Plans Discussed at Chicago for Con- ferring Rhodes Honors on Ameri- can Students-Age Limit is Deided Coiinerningu lie Rhodemus schoarushis ha OlxfordUinPiuv-rsityt,Fridatys Dhilynt tMuroo, sof Chicuago, gives the fiollo - ing facs, whlichi still he of ituerest tn stuisenuts lure: "Detaileduplitms fr the udisti-bution of liii Cecil Rhoues shtomrshipis to OxsfordU n tive-rsity, tuamotg the eight states tofthis udistit-lhlinoisXWest Virintui, Ohio , Itndiamnau, Micshigut, hKetutkst Wiscotnsini intuIowa-ur beltingcsmnpleted hty the cinferetce of distitnguuishueud tepre-sentaties froumithue untis-rsities of the eight stute, t thus Untivsersity- offChicauguo. "At the mueetig it Hitchcosk library this tonnutg from 1f0 it oclock thus uiscussionu cetteretd on the qutestion of the age of thus stutietts to hie appoint- ed to these schouarsips. The follow- tug sdecision -sa reached: The highest (g iitmit is to e 24 years, thus st- duntttmust havuie completed his spio- tmoure yemar at colege, but he must nomt havue hanud hul a mclors degree loingrthanuttiwoo tmmrs ut titte of up- pointmesnt. Whint-u hie tmeetitg ad- journediuttouthut Quamdntge Cub to luni,the tdiscussiouun of the qhuestion if riesideince ssms jiust begiu. It is nisw li-liing udiscusssdmt itthe uaftrnoon sessisotiof the coniferemncemi Hainsel "Thueptilt hio he settued is whetholer the itnmurecemiing the scmhomrsip hllibei muuted s mt mresident ofIthe stamute intwhich-ti livesohi rs-timuintlt f lie ismate i hutsichtt tendmiti olm- lege. 'T"e oiler pit catntilrt disus- sinthitstafternooniitht me mtthmdm by swhic-ihtseudifeentmei n mstimli te "Nt the umeeing this muoningupretim- tm-tnt hhmiwue ided andtmh Primi idenih-t C. it. hmrns, of tIlitnis Cone;itmmmut- edm min secretary~. t.I hmarinueitpla-iinedmlto tin-miner tuunmtiiest huts n nimim / limt io sctalutmiiits mit l,.immamis-m -mmi tirhuto be isu-uutim mamii ofitimne,.m;t sre tom sinupporttut mmmaiinmt i'' futt Vl miityi for thiee ytir. Iloi mum-miitm nts min-u- umbtimamtmmmmi iuni three'yearm.mIm lei lso riad inumiut frothe vm- sumimut mm iiisz5 mli -xfmurt atin;; thamt inhey mill bmut;it to tutu e ap thu-i mm imiilmimtm sith Amoimiti-mnistudntsmu Prof. Taylor T-dy Priif. Gratm ati myoriwillsl "-mumin uiersity IHuallthimit;afienntm otimnt "lue StUiversity itt sociaml tutuCivisl Imuprovemnent." "FoxyQuillier'"mexitSatin i