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February 14, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-14

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THlE '1NIE II'Y (+ it M tx: I ) ISt t.
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.4 5it S le ka?: 'l te:ioillr ottit el ' ltsl a 'ti 1 i
gits i01-to-date work, NN-It P Out e,-taldlis policy ofixcluinlg frio
the least trouble to youtr- o01 stock etverv make andt material of
selves. Domestic finish a qunest ionable ineritthtis deserved antd won
specialty. M. F. DOWLER, Agi. the platronatge of the thest (tressed elan tot
Phon 65. Ofice 40 MayardSt. tnty it lens around.
Phne65.Ofic,40 Myar S.$10.00 Suits and Overcoats
Som etemarlkable valutes here-lontg, tie-
A &ain Bros, Itinti and(1short-we Ihave voutr licemowr,
Larest-it Minniniteinthe Worid butt you wtill1 Iave to) hurry.
of Oficil Atleti Su plie.
1st I OI 0'?Ot o" Ti YLE BOOK-
4 -df
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51ANU{ A5'
is ;c . ce-i °.t ::J
list've yousen them? Wexitltbe ple.
r to give esti matesa imd adsuggeslions
0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler.
t30t S. MainSt.
Base Ball, FLteu Hockey, Official
Athletic Implement, Lawn
Tennis, Golf.
Si ati le' -ts)Free t iy AilS i.,,
New York 'hic:'gtto P ivr' t i o
B imor
The School For Dancing
Ground Floor, 312 Maynard Street,
Jain antimiue. Tlermtebegins
338 S. State St.
C. H. r1IAJ OR & CO
Artistic Decorators
Speciatty ine itnterioir teco'rative wortk.
Wattltitter. maints,oits atid gtas.
2013 E.'mWast.St.Ptisne 237.
Gasoline Lamps
W. S. PIPER, 308 S. Plain Street.
ALARI1 CLOCKS $1.00 up
A 50c Michigan Pin with
every $t.25 alarm clock. All
Clocks guaran teed for Ilyear.
J.L CHAPMAN, Jeweler, 06 S. Main St
Sticitly Fist Clans.
E. William Sz., First dior off State.
fr 1
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fi a F&W t h
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J Ol .t t e d v t t o lunre
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clil1 s)t . ' 1h'iii t i li' os ho itt t i ll 111'14 t .titlttS I l i 11 111 ltts i sc ritm lti h i
lp 1 cit ioll Itr tileio r ii us- c111:1111;t ho iy. tItite tlsii( IttrIi l uis r 3n1"Sa\h-S an t .J L
the siehut ttix14t1'1111 fiti _______:111,111II'llito__________411'______Ca ndyKitchen
So(ie,- ol :I 1)1,111 114 t11 fr sctt ii ofi 114, e rtos t ildro-tue i st . ens You c an atHomeda e Cfor i$.O
Atul wtetre. itte lilt() thsit-5'. tti i IIs o t11( e t u-r i suiti setI ti Glt at1f hE Unf.sit y School of3 ND 1an iEn
'Ill ____________ todo alotical1111d i i c ri-tit iiuiiut ofexicl:' tteSretIonalad Wens
thoimiwtrid" S-smlt iolill:;ucite tyI -, ts }-paIIALL her Ie :11E 11 orfod RKSIYGTO E.RSETESan PIE
nt (irtitiger colrsoiltfo pil lDom hell)g. At k id ls o fArtists a n Photorbrugtg- heciy
(ytell io 111b 1om m iii tret. it coml fIII raprn' sniatup yt hees. Cuashiog's1Phar NE- B lard Pari o rscto
Illtte reoPSlta tefnilil a cy. FilesIen"EvtineC g ars and Tobacs
teIn ar'1 - ki yo see ct1111:1 i o'n". f1'o Ier afalSt. T-1)oor Ch: f o iceA Pictues an F rm
Coat, Heavy vercoat,:aaisof Trosvl ier s a waLiBu
facset ri act anytingointhe r ta in! o st fabertyStt.Artet Storad es
Fo e-' l in o we ,wishtocal-ou ateton tono ear tei U IVE SIT
completetline ofFabriC amiffor t alle ar, das
we wouldbe pleaed tossimstyou.ChTYsBABER SHO
a t G r n g r ' S h oA N o D a n Y g .E R A ll i C n T T Ao f Art s sNn dDoo - B Ai ia r d r u n l o r a y a d t e t .C'l o e r a h r s u p l e .s &Tng s P h r -a r l o r sn
1 9 acyAG eCigarCt dTCA oacst.tC
t/ /L. "/yThOWCK8FrO.0,. CsSi
411tE. 57th St., Chicago.
ci itO 11k.
55ee"ISEND FOR CATAL OGUE IIF. Washington Street

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