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February 13, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-13

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Vol. X III.
N. 96
TRACK Cant. Utleyasn1083Prospects
The -IWX htttiI "4forliii- llit~lo"
Frtesh Rela y Trials-Some Remark- "a i I0t,,itill miii i r~lw ttii
able Perforancaes-Other' I"t iii
Trials Today lIt- XWtt 111 i's : iitt1. rt
Y-,'tirii I 1I111kId ;II oiher :lay'of lrii i
h g at lo of I'il Ir i iiii ii. fr te it'h e 11ii I :;Iii on It IIIli isle li I al
ist o e o l v , Iii i- ll i u re- re o t iii i ithe i end' ofii thl 1\ Xlii iX I
Xii la the s n'ei i me.i T 'he il- . it XV XXXingX trot"X1X 111XbII XX'
miler, amt milrs ill largo iimh XXI:tort XXiX h latea i] te it XX' pactie.
sli XI ' r l '.l X stu t :11it XXXliXX XXht I l ton iiiiX\ iiX s XX of' theX li l
Buti by far thei at 11il iil ht m' ; X nXlichXii'li IXriii X'XXcXXX'oX li 1911:1 li -
XXXI XX by te f i ''hull XX X-ou t f 111 1 81111id a ii i l lso ,t it, 1,\,Ii' XXX X li t
teaXII. (IX! forIyIofithe lirst.X XXaI
XXXII'sIta itliiX tois;1I1' XIII' le Xst. io
fail, the timeigieasXXouX t yesterdaXy States That College Men Have Small
XXII Iriiiiiliio. I~l~iiitX asi it whoXXleC, Families-Result of Late
-been' CimaIXI illy 111e lX'Xt C Citi Cii uoXi' Marriages
by0 to fla al i class 'IIX. Eight 111111 (guII
CliitrckXXill letsCXXtlml' CCXXIX14 iieiiiiisC i'.the highly edcatedXCIlpirt olithCie
antiuten l ea iiInvaidit CaS XI i l scns :tioiiia CiXpeople diotiiXnot ait'-euse thelii
flat. C. A Irge iii iiiaifithilers amepouaXoIXI11XItonte'otrr
Ieliiiu lith ei'iii. Stewairt mXdeXiXC'ne falls XCIIrtoIreproXdulceXisel."
XXXIXsecins. Hull XXXIIINi-IcIrossXmadil 1.1 l XreportC at CIesiCiet CEllo
it in ]COsecondsXXII ch XXC. ad'ieCCI" HCvad ivr sitS IXXCXy, NIlXXIe Ces jisal
Srilieil dXinCX and WXeiisiiarXe(clii C CCXCniXnglICliuli.X IleCcertain01eXd
tCXrialswill Cii biiliC toda~y fCrl'e l XXI rvard classesXX' mXoe haCCXtwenty-Cive'CX
oXXiX'caXXsXrelay teamsIX. lieinal yea r iot lit cllge CliheInumbllitI ii
CCCXialiorClii':11-Sophomore relay tCIXeam surIXXIIvivingii childrenCboriiitoiCmemberislioIX
XilIbChlidi Siiliio' ali'mr r om XXI tise gases. ThesX~e IigureisChXw ht
XXXuXXCg thosXe wXhoXX ilialiidi'il 1511CVaY- i lXXverage numberIo ch'11Ililirei al
-MecI'ldilXXXnXWednC~esdaIyImoist exuiitly CXwo tCarcli Camily.C
A relay ratei' will beipanigieiCfor CPresidelt EliotsXys
Satuirdailuo ight CiI'CX'isomeilof' thCe "I t st C 1511d Cth Cliesuiv XXig
tfreXIhmenIX ad soXmeXof thCliiupper ilclass.iihildren are labout oliiihltCmalsit
mXXIIIfilluws thiatClese six (clssesXO CCXXe by
Itirost ini CIIe meetXisC very'gee- ~1110 e n eprducedl themi sele; hat
-erXCC arouandl Cle icampus anlld CCIe CCCCII'they' halve, ideed'i, ftllenC28 per ~cetS
aigiCIeit is prepaIring to cco dateoIXUCS shoCirCofit. Twenty-eight per eliC at
a large crowdi. XT~he oiels for CCnete members of Cthee classes are CC-
let re annocedCCCX'a s fallos: mrred, (ld hose whCo ae marred
8CIarer-huei'Ce Fhizpaturik bae oCnthe average oly wo survi-
FiiishiJuidges--l. .. Dunlap, Ji M. ilg chldnl; so hat the mirrei pairs
'ThomasXXC . T. Teiitzel. jostreroduce themelve on the lver-
Fi'ed hCudgeo---JohnIRbinson, Cjiaas. g-
C)Xorak, A. E. hlerrusein. "IC Cs probable ithat Clhe regretable
Scorers-. (. IReden, D~ a Mc- -n're suliiced above is due CCC part
'fhigill. Stevie !iaol. o tCel ate lposponem~ent of marrige
Cerksa of Corse-Sid Millad ,fe-on he prt of eiucated yungl" nen a
AtieA'. iilgentl, Mux tii'Cklstin. potpo~eent whiichte prorcteid ei-
fiaers-aas. Nuf r. Geo 21le.1. ucatlionI noXwperibed fr CmenI swho
N0. Swift. etrthe learned anu scicentific lrofes-
Announic~er-Da(ld" Grgi' . Mnsu mkealmstC1I1C unavXOC ~'odbeThe
young physiucian, layer, egineer or
rhlitetisnow flofrtunte ithe Cmar-
Honor System in Exams res at twnty-eightC or CXXXtCXCineXX,
Dr. J. '. IICCICXlurc5, lptofessXorof ishereasi.he should IXIve Imarrid 't
-anatom, annoucedCto iassesill XCXnt-ie Ill'wCnty-ix. om
theii InediicalildeCpaCImentC yesterdayX'earliir imarriage pii leaXis"one oiii theC
thatCC i'eiefirth le Xwill 1101saelitditronalg idulcCmelitslXfr Crigig"o ani
firilit Cpoi icyi comilin ils exarum- eal Clieschool cotirse Xat XevntXeni0or
naiXonsXX. The s~ ysti'Co ili X'0gueiat eighteeniXI, Clthe llgeX'ouXse'ait XltXentIy
prsenit it CmCbe rela~edi lby thiie'ill'Ctw'entyone ianidu Clii CprofesionalXX
.'Ciionor'' systmii. iwhyichlitChii XXtXXC. traiiinigat CtX'enty-our or SXX'i'111-
Xlasinsaeiiiriito thne sudints ines:.
-andil Cii' professo~r lavies 1Cheasuiis
uponIXX hile liiaor. Silliy are plce 'd Walter Campon00"Betting"u
Cnderinir estiXXIraintXCwXa'teveCI c'XC 'X'Xt
theC own' XI wo'irid. Thei'Llage iXsid BetilgXits ;l fa ture of cil'egelife Iti
toi b dl ohe fac i Ci' XIt.that "''ibbingc' X'XX'iXCii'iC Ira' '(XXXby w liir '1au io
XXXXsXquieprlent i'inhieCImieidicu ')XIX'eXat thei'XXXXXXXXXXdinneri of'' heialetil
classesX'. Clii l iin i cg' . iliii hhling anion:; thelii
Ths Ilili" i' XO'a is'ii X lilst C siiili'ii. l]:e XXXIX' list.~aIX it: xXX
CChey-claiIIth i'ticelen 'iresuts arei' iiifoo~ttball games X i-iai t ii' itheieffectiof
-obtained fromi. 'ihe5xper C'imenti I will ei:amplisetibyI mn ofiihhtinXinii
Cii'XXwItihd- ttuil oXXXIII lX of inter.-I - ili. 'WIiii Itheii' ant-ii :ini-l
i't Xin ltheCXpar t Xith iiotier'profestorX'ora ihmiiii ronti-i fclltahll Ie
Xliiidto th e br o ' XXXIors. uu Ili,,rles i so Thai'.lit'IolC s X iii hit ga i'l
_____is_________nf au oucch helili
"Plate of Dut in Experiencte Va- X
,,,ril'iCtoil. iii' Itl' Cl illiiC~hti itc liii XIX' Xi' ii ,
iProfX.' iLloydChllyo XXf CIl l' ill-al iii -iI l l ii the a ll-alof iii i:itl~ it
dep'ta t't, liv ered' ta 'l-ii iuit' ii-' of i-11e 'X'I'u'ht. Xl ii'nitt oriifall, Ii, Xltiif
'i liio''fCli'ctrsClilu d~y eitiii 'XXiX .:X'-'XihX'e''ti egestop:tl
Til 'lelC'iwasXIhorougillyiIIenjoyed XC --______----
Ci' the aiii'iii'C''X'liutprsntadtheCiineixt XA'T'ENIlON 'Xti C C
leacture oC Clusre sXI X XXlhi cuicXvXsIIoXti i 'I X i ls h :t ii i v i' or: tc a
''lueilay' isill tea-t o oh therilu phlliae XiimootiigisCXa-ftenli-i' il:y
Cthe siueiquition.l Thei lueclitrs.sll nCTmesXX XXII'.'iiX'X'XX' ihh I Cat aX ii ha
held in tCoom i2,I hiUniversity hll sarpl~. "''-lassXX .1licX i-a iltleCi
-XandIthe tdit Ciiidy i generiilX i'aa' X' usedC.. :111iitriu XXXI
-ihillly inite~d o lattend.l a N C-1C.CCPre
\Vill Conhtributle Hecr Sta~rs to MIichi-
pits-Eckersoil is Dcoubtful-
Wolfe is Cn AsntAt-bat'
(lli 'Y'sX a atliiaiiia' Xic'X'i'ii (1:1v-,O
Thelii' illiiii I X i'i'l t, ~ .1111wi Xiii l~t
folii XXIII woriia to'iicillit ii'hi-l
Ce~ ie o tilltheli' li'es lift X'XXcniCt
by* XX'ii'ts. Ciiii stein. ii"'i'i'tii '01-
iui l C'XXICliI'C. T1e1 inhul' uint
XX''X''XI i ffCleii' 10ili'PCXXXIX C~iXO'X''ii XXI
dcie tolii' eaitXerl'X \ili-al'u ilihas Cic'a'
i'uri'iiut foilCXlont huttil.' CX
XXXXXXCiXXliXXXIs VXie l iit oil thei iuiti
lict Cul1ill 'isli'iihni' Xm-henX '(oat asl
Cit theCliiinX whoXX «-iX XXIXmotiprlni-Xut
Cii ill XXiliiX;g tiheCi 'X'ite hlilici
iXXCXCXXXXXshipXof t~h' uitieih Stateis for
thi CHCde 11,11- elevil - aonl usrel'
eXXIeI'icigtaun nxtIfaill.
'XXII. Li-kirsuill. Chi t' CXXI CHammI~ond
brothers III'nd ithe Ist 'Cilndstif Ilydei
Parki th. le h- cCiCIXip rothuersarieClue
menu'isiutCo Ciii icitigi i's iaw u'it at
Clii Cbest ''hrep" 'sXch11111 teamI inCCthe
I'Xcuntry', in addiitoin C oXulfe, -who Ca
ltad at'uC0 l AnnXIArborIC. The onXXIl1y mianh
iciniertiing aCwllui Cl thereis theiXslight-
'at dutis CX le'rsXll. Thue pa~rentls
o Cmthe doughty quarter'X'X'bait aluC uhim
Co :attendX t heUiX ltlisi''CC it o Chiliago,
soX iaslto beXatChome, b.thitheCiiwaishues
lf th Clii anll himuself CprX'vail, ihiganc~h
wsiIl secelhit. As aiq~uarterC Cula
uiid fthi ielXnel'X hCe ihd110 rivauin
thie "pirep"''clausalust year, andih Cmanly
ifth Clii osXit prinen~iXXut ChicalgoX criticsi
treely co'mpa~~llredXChimuu with Weeiks of
'McthhiganC. The Clyde huark capthainl
asa uumos~t versaile aeX''rCbeinig a
hun~lter'at cluisa, uaasull asa CIIaC
CCXeIIto adhaunce e bii alClCby end irun~s.
IHisabCllty Co ruCCCCliii100-yuard duishinC
10(CV se'oinihd s-ill iexpXlailahisgreauseii-
Cuns C ~~ianX carry'in~g Cliihe bll. CCC Clii
iCntererenceI-heCiiitaequllcl es-er. anid
in himu "CicigtnCi silllanid onie of Clue
beat Cfinds" at yeairs. To.st isespe-
ciaills juilaniCt ov-er the decisioni of
the CCaImiondi~ brothers to come to Am
Arlior for theiC collegiuute trauinin~g.
"Fulhl-iack Hammuiiondul would tie a
great uiddutuiu on CliiieMichigani forces
next fal,"suid Yost. "Cle is a good
liii bucker anudui great manon dii-
fenuse. C atahed his wsork in thue
ganme against the Btrookilyn P~olytechnaic
sehool, CCX thessay hue guuardeedthe
Cbacks, carrying5 the buill, hade me
lope to seeiihuimicomne to OIichhitgaC."
Clue other Hamm~lC~ondilis ua Cuckleanil
playedii theCleasoX5 hi rouighi with good
sutcce'ss. The 'Mclillip brothuersay ed
Clii endu po~sitlins01 iX he yde Puurk
teamli XCII the bCig 5scor'Xes ImadeiX posibule
byi theiir peret it'eurfreceX malrk
themICXas plauyeirs of 5prom1ise'. Haulf
Back WX'(iolfie'says' CliieXwhoIleX Ityde Puark
team wuanCtedI to eouie to AnnCIArbor,
armii it isiluite cer-btaintha~t Clhii popularXC
Chiceu'aoischiiol iaill be tCliii(traintig
-eiiunduiforil' i' moreIIX'of Clue futiure
'(C c'higate h 'ltes thaiu ithe list.
} Extra Special
Matt li rborXi C iXXX Vol).i1u.XXXII u'ir-i
allyIX h Iii ii ( hat u'i'u'\'-i'l' $:h.OXX.
'a-hi VaX 'i"XeiXXX. W i tecie :XXXC t' Ci
lnCtXtplis, XICli Sieb t'14).--Reporil
(01i -00(l iai hitualu thatiiYostlwill a'c-Xu'0'
ii nxtason.X C-uu'aill-oab aalyi
N t X'Wiicti' X Xii'CCXIii''molusialary.
IX tIelilla il0.,Fhi , --'Cl'ro ii't
:athletic authorityhr t athesXiCoul
I w 'Cm iotivziiuucow tlii'egeati. Lst 'X'XiC'
tiba'X'will'be asili5u104htlit asfurbChit
me-tinglon I riduu g atC5Cii CinihCI'te
ACIC)C ota o hegth 1)La1t yegr's
Senir Soial
.1l 1 ilcv tit, ci I l ii li-;; i 1
C'i-I I ,) IlX'i'id a 5 ''Xid l I h i i e lXXX
Felt. '1. ( : ii c ' .Xi XXXIi li XXIed
Xe~trv ta oi Ii XniXX iili i [1 i
iiirhXXXII \ ii XXIXXXXX loo ' of
the 1111 XX :t i e: l i XXXIi ' i i' m i c :
'a- i t"e to a Cli iXXXXX 'i -il is o
h r o f:ill' a s s ri i i l to '11W
:1111 l ii it tlili uc t ot Ca t
OCXX'ilsC. The rI Caulk C Xare XX'lotXiu
lii' Xtl edtlw heflo i"H v
Will Result Frem Hgher Eduation
tf Women- Coeducation Ele-
vates Men's Conduct
''hhigher edXucat'uuion ofitviomieni iill re-
suiut iua socil r eoltioi, saidh Judge
Noah XW. Cheiieveir, atfAinnACbo, Ce-
tone CliiiAnti-Sualncngrss at 1,an-
"Eduted vvomh a'iCenu beconme indepen-
hunt 11111they'a isill nt sunderakiClie
reXformatIX~inu uofCXXIXnlthoughthie'pro-
cl-as o it urt'iXXmo. Theuy aill saay'to
the men: ''iYio uu haveayuurseles anid
it you don~u~'t is wonas-ali vu~e anythig
toi dou wisthiyouC.'
"WXhaut Ca it Ctuuttkte-hs womeniCfClom
''It s te t ed hhi publ~h~t icXCntiXent of
us menuuu whoii mauilu sitslof 111C' wivses,
,scileuwe Xiii i'CiXXCXha~ltdeiisis.'
F~romluthisa itwas thCle speaXIkr's(oC-
clusiotuihat the lhighilier edction illi~
resuilttun a sentXimuentC swhichi asill iaake
Clii men~h behave.
CoedXcaCXtioni at AiiniArtir Cssfav-
orablim ~presseud Judlge Cheiver, for
Ce saidehaut siiicii 172, wvheni the wo-
men'shi course aas instituted, the con-
duct of male students lhas been el-
sated ri0 per cenit. le urged that ev-
erything should e dolne o encourage
the higher education and advancement
of aouuen.
A Recent Gaduate's Rapid Rise
. XW. Bonid '(1(awhs, as a nember
ufth pharXIty' awhiihacceupnieidCor-
poirtion~ Counsel Jamesu BC. CDil on his
recenht visit to the University. Mr.
CohnduhenteC(redi the lawsvofie of Mr.
CDill nJaua~sury' ut last yer0s geni i~-
erul huhliuhs boy, CCXIIinit liii ifteeai
CmontCX hs drinig wshichi Ciehas heenu con-
ne'ucied aithi thiut firmhe u~has steadily
uadvauiuceduntCil at thii' prsent time
Ce is the is' m'sIC speciull gent i ex-
ain~hinu~g uluchtrs etc., ofl'theXindustiarill
cocrsil whcht'he uirmCu'uuis ite-
'atidhuhr. ConiC atribouesCus rapidC
ris Cl ' uinu crodiedCCugll fraXtenCit'
it Ni-si'YorkC CiisteadyhapplluiiXcatin at
watever wor' hasueenas-l- CXXCii illguIii.le
u-all' I es ent broaCCtui'id during Cle
couinuingsuuuuuuuuin the Citeiret oathCii
First Engineering Party
Ani engieertig p ay sill te giveun
110 Clii'Xsophomoresii' athis evenuinug t
(Ciii a'X".'hihi iaill bCitheCliIrst pry
ail-i-h by aXXX 'Cgineoi-uuung ca. Thle
Celueau' lX'su'iwil' lifurniihtheusic.lu'u
Aiifewatce fti-Cuhe limiX Xted tuuIXCh''uu
Nelson, or li'aX'uuuXiti-uburg, hSleight,
Inu aridiruto tacilitaute CliiicollXecionu
it shltait-atufromuutheiseniorst0o'all
XCX'partments CX ICthe 0 tuihuinusanh
Boardl requelist thaut (Xveir' senior1sign
Xliii litthu "Seniior Ctecord la~nk"
wahichi maXyO'be foundChin tCle 5Generauh
lund Lav liruriesana~d depoit it in
Cle boxes iii the twsolibruries or ele
uhad it to Clue Cmembe~r of Clue board
from his ownu class, anmd this be donue
by Feb. 14. 198

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