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February 12, 1903 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-02-12

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I'IlE INI 1'"Ll of01 \I( 110 V PDAILY
Our Styles are ExclusiveI
a See Our Windows Before Buying
RENTSCHLER, JARTISTIC FRAMING Estimates cheerfully giv-
We sell. PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S. en for franming-all kinds
Iikesdrfr Cr. ain and Huron Ss. Phone 389, 3 rings, of Pictures,and all work
MICHIGAN NOTES. Other Colleges ~ tebs anra
CALKNS' HAR ACY.Xl Ioixn tit fiint iiti \Sit ititli vlil tnic 111 to r ti 7S.F llb t
E paile yt &e 1'l E d mitun d s la~ li i to Icsc t h e rai'v C htu in it ht :d A G
GEugene Marshall tiI} ' w i'e itdte 'grtl ofi 11i . "I I I It.
ISI I11Iele 11ElS ~ ll te 11co lort l o oi l I ' 'iiti l iwr of cit III otl' WoJ ooth .no5' Sheehan\yh a1 ts 'oith t1\dprtIlno.WnAnld O1CVig u
Ii's litll it It' ieni' iiJasi I lHo$.Wiarod .I'' icVls~tO
FOR DECORATING. it in Julie. is Irady eveal ale. Ioito lit\ l~ tilt I tl itntititiaNJ yrJohn anerf ne Ilu JoRchP fHSCa ar
0J't1111_' fr i il \51'1 le I 1 te IPeni t e dF ank P 4tlaie ChitanonMatie
121 East Liberty ISt. eli eli li e t er nSit Chi' it IHI' I1nn01
all. lf r fort he oI leian. I ht lM o Eitint tt l o tesho'lintittlins ll titc ITo he flen M opS avi aCt
l__ i tt int a i hoal i lt il:it' ilt 1"iha'. 7i6~ D ro alu Bank
(ld I It i ii t 'i li lotte Itle h s also h 'iit.i i ttiilt l~t Capital ttki ,(50o. Supla, 150000.
tL f p .iiinsitiis12:eather in tile :illittiil a: i rri'tldtn li t I n ' it'it teati t t e teGent oal anin [w
OPEN DAY AND IGNHllTdci tt ait etlelilll tatlfo r cc':i Yale. it'ecledipiittc~lyt adsies chanlge
W.C. BIN\' D Ejt R ProC t t it yo t closii ediiiit anyif li tiu li u iS tllii on'1 Ilul he piipl ti fth lpe n eit ttats.
iIe l tt ie t ut'liun ofe it\.iiiinr' l '1it 111 t11ti itt eItt torn ll t i (mu t .t lihe upni oe I etific aton.;
W .__W__p .____-1___which__________to__________b__nhetlt ltetuiiSaifIttonMoIes ItoIrhne
h I t e l lt t utt ori tfieei tig his ("°Itu ii isR.ii' XIPes; .
"ii i t li i;;n fi I ;IcI
l Nf th r o un h l g s 1 1r 2 1 W i l i I a o i I n " I C i e i t .O h o C e n t r a l L i n e s
Z ?reh arid 5alt l e ti s q 5 ii e s ]l t htlu : } t. oiii hsostu5.t on Iii'iii.t iiii t" etnti it Siii.IAl.; o r egtito
DEALER___________________________ Ilc1ti t .ti i i i' ilila liii lttle i t'ayXNgIirect i X bit we enTtiioeudo, Co
;: i u uliiti lt tei nt t t y s hes X ~l l eulnon I ituhll iii' n Illbu ,A h n, Iioi h reso ,W
BUYthe YOURd hs t v, I iltl uilt i t IitS p plDyo, IA . I ai, PAi. RY rtSt.r ,Tm
-07l:.Wiliait ltuuyodit .utl1 th P io'st.' le51 ' D il ' .u..u i Iet oit h alf o u-1 rly H rin, htSa
i, t till student: en111orani tit111111AmI t teln,11e l ottIn ve noor . I. Th ouly unti
alI . ;lnitSTlti4111)i)Sit f io .o isl ch iilie'sliteps 11 ii' Ctt ttDJt.'t,' A11 ~s i it n . uA no. BForSJa n oryim
BUY YOiUfrRii'It ilyi fi''tit' ing tl tt tlii's' c illlitit i t}. 1t. X Fr pi'oh oly t1u5a
3 jtBO NSDU ST(OE. (ftievhoiurn Lat'. r triih'iv' as nutopli'l5, e scohst 3s] l d;
~ ':uut r uittib' ofhis te~ aing lhiteilire al S''urusm.ttl htutgl, ii utus t il85p. in d n 11:11 ypuno.
hi'di'thiiutipilt' igtiiths ea. utsl i Itit"' 1111i' tlett ut's :1n'ldtbae foAtelotl o ersnig1:5 I'pi A lR a IDon ly, af215a
Ioc rA i R NDRGSTkE fitting i 51toic cote t i olhclii11slotilt . o li u1111aai m nd1:5 .m"FrJako'hul
seiat e r, ra o s I it l a liihou h h i ol nt (' ii hte ma e ('tils"ttlesgot' si sun tr i e I u , at915p i ,an 1:5p.m
Lak t~ rp iltl.iuuritngtlkety511itting Pth iii liii' o liae.Ilatesleiasetd TA~NsNnA nnOR A R OCnrSAD
Il, cigru daInttihilouyulanfndaltte -ard Tine.
tIONERAL InAC"INE WORK DONEd lti tutti ot listittii.'lit it'll' Sn~tg'i IJI .LEIIS JEXVI'EI.IY STORE. Efetie Oct. 3, 10.
WXl J. WENG[R-, 113 E. Liberty Street f 11 i iilil tilt i t 'll'rl. SOUTH___ NORTH
ANN.ARBX R IUI I 51'COl. Guranteed fountain pens, $ up
20-t_11 1' I.. aehitigiotc I Cushiti's Pharmacy. No. 6.- 120 A a. Nu. 1- MotO A. M.
Every Student Should In- ___________ ___________ No 1a1113 An No 1-2:1tP. M.
vest>< Cents PICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR & BOWLING atiiuil'''ciutAro
'\8\vianlr ;nd teAn ' et n' i t i ly. 7 7 N Un versty Averai ins,1 i4, ndltitly eeelt Sunday
A~trbr D il\, X unts e t eve n-' }o'j ''1 'll.s i X-'ueh t ircasOnMclt tiedt .
Thelii eI5t, 111111 in the________________.____1'.________t WTSILLS. Aent
hi' t tea dit t t he iii one111 B'rice..ii l. .V A
,i t t iii' . 11 I t, I, ii or-
iol t hel s oni XI otilrSlit /IThr i olinCospnyjVH6NCENTA
011,t'llL t . X t ,its ' /"s. Boin 'hiard o'Inigha "The NiXaara Fall Rotite."
liilit "tSuth i lsstrett '. ""'4 lll'a 2god cigarette. Thi)IE 5001"1' L IN -
T YTHE TWO iar(\ G a t leasatcst ANN ARBOR TO
Fr Low Prices a up ovsuiitins ves, and i{ OHOAGO
tx ,Is teucl l eae om iestBUFFALO
Daln i lalfeaux r .1 WithiithIs'. AND BOSTON
<tPlain oand Cork TCutouts K ittui®Cv t 'iindteiWestt.5
del A F ellfis sut li Ii i i 11 trogh th eul oniest
Pillows and Pennants " tieiuuuuiutsiii ihdtii1. i
I lfi~ .. s:nlNo_ _ __ _ __ _ ___,, ...a.t'ii 55 k tli it -tt
Alwas Ahad i ~fl* IAJA TheBestof;Eery
Style IVEN . f _ amW.W I". thing ; r iin' . . a-t'ailo k aring ,'

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