°_ "° THE TTNIIltITY I!"()F1' SI'LI hANDA IILY. ; TH IGTTNS A NO " rn Lo.i t ( ci' _,. _a. _. ._ ..-.ru ,! I J i' '" e oa xxiii1It f111' (c c'is1tc't3v1laro..' j NYA~i t~ CO., O ..LAGNh I _ - ," . . ; ,, _ " .- i : \ Y J _ " r. .,'y Y''?; s' ;'+ ' ^ ~ h ,. " When ycu put yor :i._; aroott° You'll bea surprised at t h e delightflnesos ofo t h e change. MOGULS are the real things in the cigarette line. Try one for a little change. Ten for 15co. Plain and Cork Tip. E'st'ablish188 111. 1 46 EI,. 111 irollStreet 4.t * BURCI-FIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. We. are p1111e i-tii 0010010 to Ileet ovel' V oetinllod. -is we lotve increa seod theoItulnbeor of toothmnn. As utsttal, we htave THlE FINEST [INEi of WOOLENS intt te ite.lt Art11anod Skill 0will predomntate is otir workt asooi. 'n thle pa0t. We resptectful ly invite yotr I 6 C P 6 C B E C s s s M a h AYOSTl~ Irlinwp .Rro YOS ON FOOTBALL a de fionno ol e fotteo world- antiochotioilbroke foroof rtioc sor's nnui nr recoros last saon'0.h1Quary'sERMITAL UCREAM Largest Moanufarhotera in the Word Ultl'ielf'li i Yost to not only a footblli011'111til A f OficalAtiet esppie. ito g Oingo e10) sistbut a trueeathlet'in al iies.~ i it o~~i 00olo1 tvei g" or" tm reo n Wl ttn n ad to 1base 11111il(e 1101d:ttu t I the remedyto nse * 11(01J0hp ter Fida~y O e evenig. i" l t ,a1 xellent 110prs et App E °n Next ''uesdooy e'InilIg tte Derot for i lltlltt 111 base hall11toa. A mo1ng.. Exceollent atilci si oig L I Alumnoi wil 0'entert'ainthe 10 ''1' CICOthe ((CO' tlvrwly l beo'ttho. t itcherio MAKand w'il pro'e'nt 111. togeter Owtttlfrom11 Albion and11101 1 fro m T 1011 1oledo. f'Et oao'h Yoort, M:1linger I Girol, '11101Aco tch loss lot a:0e0 ben 0etl 0 A it~~~ Trainer itzpaotricklo soith ll011 u-01'upon blt iot- tey oWil get a goodI Base Ball, Fielo Hockey, Official ;0(10a1' footbollo otoe 5wornoas t c o ne ndrtel o10'0011 :'l 11' 011001toi 11 i l theen. Athletic Implement, Lawn fogs. Theo' '1101'IIs ir1e' of o(told10 10~ 0~:0( el0 J R Tennis, . Golf. tlsrile on'l eac10011 i'00' o nt 'l ll-t 111' At A 'S. 01e looter1 for1 ful~ll U R R ___________ 111,''he pllo' i ol0'11 w 501 on y to theE)2 are,",0ogoos. Spadtllg'oCtlogegoal 11Atle t Spor r t h ipooo 0001 M oo i 'ccFreeto any Addlress. "We oill start 1p1001 1'l." sod o no '~elo I Alt kinds or Artists tool Photog Cm u rg Soe A.G0. SPALDING & BROS. Yost, ".abot Seplto'mbeoor 1, and01 as vt rolloers' supliles. Chinln's Pharnm- Ne lYorkI thiao Denveo r Bula~llo ile placoe 1100s (lot elot dot'oideduo'o I , Iaii 11100000 I t icook so.' sill (100'W hit 111(01l jLalke, Othiclh ha:s iprove o livCo10110niet 1Ai\':1AI NG T R t Others Claimi Them, We for thlttwo0 o'o yo'ars. W'o'o'ts will too'1 *..0ter.001 'o'oit H A NGSTE R FElve Have [hefn hKnsas111b..1I.f oll'0s1ur't ths 1f1all dh loto'0o'ess .:", i 1 letoit,111a oold :tFORI 1has.1 "00:101 in l l nWlil :111501 111)0 I o t rnn h (,ice:111:': : 10S11. - 5 0S ,oi} S ll I arlrrs 01and1 1011111Lobteslrs, 1110'ine lco~s ll. 01 01II I a sw th te luv i ty G ntcl ' cth s II ::::: : ::: 1:'o :1:'::;a Fishl. I'Ce tr'n oo:in tClhi meoo slt lfinl91'.o :'.. 0: itrltklaot Foods, se1lrhe00withl ''111111p' is a er0110 'I'5' aller~tot. l1y"111", o Io0i:in. elct'lock" ; FIN E.* niceRrJic ' Seamlo, 011rtrol rse Whtil bu hsl itto n' iege lae I tol rpig lnde lotlyeto'eot tor hun ters. I Ol trolilt: Ml ioo:lga o'he osil 1~ oo.ot o'drs -us . pn~vIn lr Tile onty strity frt':c11.sssot (t ans'' aro1n00 tOllli1 'ooo' 0 i:'lrhignan 01c Iln o b 001P"airs :r00' 0 cikid .u C NI totlt gu ool~ 10 tolthe l'dio't It (01:04011 01nntrshad o r o ort o 1 1::11:1 h. looisrilio'eanlly111r' b t et 10011 o'olliily :anot ('il :1:1 :0' :.us a trilI 3i6 S. State St. WILLITS,'Till,'(CATERCERS., hevse:idnwalIakste vytelrt'n(by. FoP'h otn0 F. 0i4ilm51.;ll't0to") 010 1000. lI oso s lio _________________________t.___ Op1: tome.6:010a. m.till ut(1igl~ht. sohihiort of lthe studoentt body11n1d1goood Lost I iol sheol tih: ogod bcl.Se eeie h ags n ro'oi' from t : 110n1111. I1hid 5se'v'r'lt;and oi01110'ty11.se50. n brrlt 0011111001 11111 HAYF s leofs rcie ~e Loel n The School For Dancing finoo'offers whichioulodll 110100nt plas'olave11 Scoof't0oI 011.0Ile UKS CG'TESadPP octomthntionwad45CR N E ' It Wl e mnbltha(',1 a Ever brught to the ciy. ____________ 1fios froloso'orsof 'ioooosfromooo i):o Sold o ooolo'olor i1:ioo'k FINE LUNCHEA in connection Ne'braoska intooheio'W'est, silhohor $Io, atl Grang~er's Schlooo forD' a(n1ill. Eerythin eto ad ctoleacon' Ground Floor, 312 Maynard street, ooO an11111(101greteam10s10to conqoiuer, t1GrondIl l0110 Iooo, Maynstree01'1t. 'I100'h 38 south snte St. h. . JOLL. Join any time. Tainm begins (Cobioinin thoc :st withl hor rounod 2-4i. n8 then you do. aloe nral tiihoc 01r1eat'trnteamls C NY UD N E as0 oiponents. And yet 'Ir. Yost For rHe"-1O. Mitigon fooball Cal A O A C siiooovo'oIhis tegard ifor los bleboed edar t lotIaler's. TUTTLE Maieligallnoandipaosedtill:1 all lip to -1t ou can learn to dance for $3.00 LOWN[Y'S (llO(OLI[S oo'viuihihor ios towo ye'ars io succ'ession gs I'toootmooy. State Street, Monday and Wednes- S.Stt S. OVERCOAT SALE'Bi1aS~rOs PHlOTO Q0IRA 4PH S2,10wothoflvecarsdt75censrnlilodur CLONAll $10.00 Coats reduced to $7.50 Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. SEYMOUR STUDIO All $12.00 Coats reduced to - - - $900 JAMES W.REID, sito~t 310 . Main St. All $15.00 Coats reduced to - - - $11.00 THE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, Cl ol 0ttetesicto sire CITY BARBER SHOP DAN SHERIDAN, Prop. .F L E ,~ e' u~te,13S ilS. AND BATHROOMS Cigars&Tohccot. or oo':lioSoo-,s .. tdoor :11 S1:ate. AGENCY CItCAttO AIEiICAN. _.-_ -} tt ~ tyNEW SLEEPING CAR LINE I 5 a lc' a o " to l 0: tic allo ge t (1 l re __1_-XD 7 ? 1i"TCGL1 1 0 too man:, G.. ,. A., ltot 0, M ih. WE PATROINIZE G(oDY EAR F&R DR UGS