THE U. OF M. DAILY U'PrOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICR., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1903 No. 94 BASE BALL AND TRACK Medical Society Meeting 'The itidiai Society wil celeorte ~ew Candidates Report for Practice FounerslDayv this Year on Saturday, Feb 2. -Preliminary Track Meet Prom- The eventwill be one of unusual in- ises to be Interesting eest, partly on acontoft ehe social features. The faculty hisdies will hold Quite a ood sized crowd reportd a recepion in he parlors of Basrbour for base ball lpr a(test the gyina- gyonasin, following the exercises ,sim yesterday afternoon, including in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, where sveral new candidates who disd not Dr. I-ertiisis will maske the priicipsl' report on Monday. The cage wass up address. The subject of his address .aid the practice tossistd in bamtnesg has not yet beiinsanninced, bt it 'Without fieldingkoin hari throwing, will le oi the life and iflence of This sort of work will be continued one of tte founders f the depart- eXclusisely for a fewvdsys in order nent. 1Following the reeltinli the to limber tesmuen up gradtually. Cipt. students and u ests will le etertaisiei 'Utley took: the nouns of all the csandi- by dancing ii the gi nnasiuns dates whlo didt not hand in their names on Modays, siid will receive any adii- FEBRUARY EIGHTEENTH tiontal nanies as the mcii report. It is very desirable thist sll cieai- sdates report to ('lip. 'tley st once, arland, the Banjo V irtoso, Has at and that tiny join the susd sisd get Last Set a Definite Dae for the beneit of the gymiiiasium work. His Recital Here This brsinchs of itie traininug is often _____ -overlookeit by first yer studests who intenii to iy fr the tesin, and who Mr. Afrei A. Fsrlnid hasisate lst fail to see thseimpoiirtaince of beginning cosentei to thse setting of si ieinite easrly Capt. Utley requests these dste for his apperince at Anus Arbor. students particulsrly to report at tie Se will play lure oii the esenisgif gynmnasitmind io get well "h im rmest the e igteenthi of this sioit. It wsi tip'efore otitioor wiork beins. doubtful for sonic time whether M. The prelimnausry indoor track nieet tFsrlind coulil so irrsiige his western is aroissigismtchi eithiiisiism amiong tour as tilsuiie Anni Arbor, but ie he imen t the gymsnasiumnnstd prom- fict thist le nyss iii 11y iii letroit lees to te very well atteinieit by te on te Iuh ma nsde piossible Ii p tiieent body. The' datis Satirdsav hearsisce here on he evenitg preced- ni-lit, Febl. 1:,iisteiie of Fridsty, as n that dase. Wassasnnounicediniitihe Dasilv of Tues- Mr. tarlatisi, it will te resmembstered, day morning. A tnusiber of freshmen is thse tiost scoplsluel bsinji plsyer arte entered and thiey will hve anl who ihs eser aperedthefore he opportunity to shouw their aiity', to- publi-; it Is triiuih his wouderful 'ther ithi the oer mcii os the plsaying, ii fat. tist the tanjo hiis track squads. IDirector Fitapstrick i hecoiie recgnizedl s a concert isstri- arranging to makze thiisa succe.sfisi'Dint. le is everywhere iiiist entlii- Ocet iiievery respect, and every sn-. siastieslly received asd his plsying dent ini the 'University sould make it is well knowni fromis Rostoss to Sans " petiSl poist to ittenid. t marks Frsncsco. Muical criteis sre as- Ue openiisg of he t-ak season for totsided stIis sbility, for it seig 100, aisd all shsoul enideavo to nmake ipossibse to those who hasve not titanaupiiou bginig.heard isi tht isisinstrmineit itterto it a siupicosisbegssniig. cosidered cruie eacii be msade to ens- dotNOES drsuch miusic. t seems impiossible MICHIGA NOTES. that is mi with a bssijo cssi hold -1alF tkte 0,lf atee people almost breathless for two auF.teee,'1,1f'lsor hours,fohihoeiGrn Rads but this is what Farland hiss Miug.for.hiStleeine Gandc Rpletedone in almost every city of the hicollet.wteketandhailco'tpkethis tnited Stats. Isis fame has even his ollge orkandWil kehisexteded to Europe, where h will diploma in use, bgin iis tour nexe Mlay lby playig The seniors laws held a class meet- bef ore Kisg Edward VI. hug yesterday at 5 p. m. and after Tickets will le on sale oiad after flinch discussion it wis decided that the 1th at the Ani Aror Music Co.'s they would wear ele asdemic cap aid sout ele canpus; the seats will asse gown at coimnecemient. be 50 cets, aiset no extri charge Coach Yost left Ansi Arbor yes er- wilt bsisade for reservisg thes.isie say afternoons for a trip through will apperst the School f M iusic. West Virgissias. Se has large coal ui- _________ hegilltlooktatere.ndwhie abentPros.-Asgel left ye.terdy moriing 'ire ilnotk afwn h e itegess.-tto spesd is week iiitheswnest. IBegis- be noe nitheowltng prbbYsturllnaig toigtlie presides over the Re- f oe tlshCo ill peet. etun igious Eduicatioss coventle ion iCli- Amnosg the sew - uetestseitrsago Tomsorrw le takes part iss the Amog te nw sudets nteingcomnesmoration exercises in Chicago for the -seconds ilsemiester work is sne In memsory of Mars. Alice Freemanis of t he beest high school footbSt pliy-PIne. Tuirsdsyle will Se it sD' C"Iini he West. Se is Wolfe, of Chicag~o, who pilayeidoii the Hye Psrk Mtoises, Sa.; Friday, its Chigo, where clanmpionshsip tesusm of 1l902. t will he nwill speskst iiiasimisibisanquet. lier uemieee ilatit asItilePsrkSaturday he will spend in Milwaukee thatefesitieedthti wsIy s ak n eset Mondsy ie Madiison. thtdfae hrooklyns Poytecisiic____________ Prep, testisby such a argsirc ote, NOTICE 'TO SEN7IORS. S1h18tvInisg thes'Iiterschlolsstic chaims- piioship. Wo ilfei'wis hlf bsckon Ins order to fsciiiitte the celletioni this tiamia-isic igan sii tudesnts are of statistics froimi thii seiors f sall htlassed to see h ismienter thi siver- sdepartmttii5 hei-1io;3 Dlicigigaueeusrs sit,asishle nillhbhii-igiod candeidaste Boret reqest thast eeury siosir sigis for Yists team-iineit-t f-ll. oe citthus"Seeior Reoert Blsnks' 'hesior lssit clst iIhnlediSanieetisg wnell-imtasy bi fiiudit hetGesera-sl Yesitrday5 ftesrnent itt 5oclock is ndueSLssw libirssries andil ieosit it ii ItOOMe C. 'Thei'questiiin of the senoli te oes ii the tuo lihsiries otes-Ie s tocisl wn eonledisIby- fixintthei dste I ndit in he memibiter oft he boasr for TIhursday-,vI-i-hi19),st Grsngers. I friim uhis einiclsss, asdtie his be ihuesu ' Gosed susint-ci-haseisecurredsndS he hy F'ibhx1. I198 committee isnius iohaisve ss good 1901C IhChthIAL~kESINSt~ OARI. 'ttendne. The socisals givn-si-ti IlS ,Islways prsove einjoysablh' 'stes.sissilNOICE1. the sic.t "Senior Siieial"will n50 doubht This'thrisls fr the s op hsuauore ri-hsy he plasait icthise inens hereto- tesutniill le hel this saftrnooneu. All fate by ele class. $1 nset195) trsckuensiesphelsenist st gynisis- may be ecurid from any of the fot- sim ast 4:30. Towing memtber. of the conssssett n- MacDutyf, It. K irk, J. E. NItcAfee, All caindsiidates for traeck tecen should '-Thorlow Coons, Kig Beatty. report diliy for gym. prsactice ini prep- saationi fosr prelinminasry nieet. "an to Bsau," Athieus, tonight. ROlIlNSON, Caiptsain. YOST ON FOOTBALL 1 Following is an Interview With Our1 Coach, Published in the Kala- mazso Gazette-News ' Coach Yost San been visiting vai- otis cities of the stte. A recesnt issue of ele KsalamaooiGaett-Nenwsos- tsained stlong interienwiths hie is foiliws: Fielding R. Yost, coschi of the fam- ous Michigans foobal tesimehich startled theo West by its victories snd opesed he eyes of easterers o he fact that football csn attsainsprfec- tou hss the West, arrived in the city yesterday afterstooss and is sopping at the Burdick house,tHe cssne here frosm Basttle Creek std is ons a tour of the cities of te stste The football trsining season does not opes until Septemuer, buC "tIurry Up" is aslredy lookisg out for good material std is ready to help the boys who are iii doubt as to te university they nwill attenduSnext fsll. Coach Yost is doisg something now thast hasnsever beus trid by Michgans efore-visitinig the dififeret cities of the state-anad expects to gsin soni- thing for Iis 190 sqessd hby so doisg. "I doniC wsant peotple to think," said Yost to the Gaszete-Nenws, "thast S ann goisng sout trying to hire boys to comse to Michigsian sd handeing over mnesy right stid eft. We don'st wnat ansyosne to cosme to Msicigianstand e.- pect o mize kthe tesi uinless lis comsc ins the right spirit ad thast spirit msst he a good ose." Mr. Yost is a modest young ahleite andS a perfect gentlemuas.Se is not Ins thelest afflhictd withi egotisms asse no one hears him tell whatiC"Iis Mich- Igan" wil do. Whe n asked what the prospects were for this ysrle said: "No university ever developed a football esathat nonus casmpiosship for three consecutive years. We hope to bresik this record by thorough and hard work on Pe part of the men and the earnest support of the student body "We have three hard gamese to play, one with Minnesota at Minneapolis, one with Chicago at Chicago on Thanksgiving day, and one with Wis- consin at Amis Arbor. "Every team iss the West will look upon the Mihigan game as its hard- est and wll trains esecially for it, Michigans must, therefore, trmi for -every gamse "We will have si. of the regular men withs issandS eight of the 't' men Captains Redden, eft end; Gregory, renter; Crter, ight guari; Maddock, right tscke; IReston, left half, Jonse, funl back; Lawrence, tscke or ack; Graver, haf, ed or back-all these fellowsnwill le on hand asse still there are ive or six other places to e filled. ttcrsstein, si six-year medic, Cole timd MeGisgiu, six-year laws, will he ins school this year, but all lars payed theair limit and that's ard luck for usu." Yost tsllied freely of the prospect. of its-t yesar, sndsasid5 ht he fesred thast titer confidiesce nnoud get hold of the boys. Ins spesaking o the Ceam he ssid: "Msaddiock nnil undubntely be the star out the '0i3teuss. Se is sa fie fel- low aud i hard wosrkr. Se is nowt spending sll his spsre tme training in the gyminasiumssanduhniillpiobsbly he hic stir shot putter at Mician this sprinug. "Seed, or Buck' heed as the fellow esallimn, of Ksalanmszo, is ai good cn- didate saut insfsct the moC promissig freshmaiis n-ce ssue. With a little mosure neeight suitS:peed Ihiesill msse a winnter, asset slthougtshi le msy not sakete 'Varsity thisi.ffllle hls nevertlcess good chances for le is yosugsnse has ots of time to de- velsop." "Flurry Sp," ne-Io aways has his eyes open for busiess, seemed par- icularly anxious about a certiin fel- low, "ewho playd last year with the Kalsiaaoo high school and held the positions of full buck downus o creuit- ably." The Csienes of Frsank Lognan nee not he-surprised if thiey ear that he has decided So take a few years at the University of Mtichiganu. Is speak- ing of him as a player Yost remarked: "tie neas a wn-dser and despite the fact that he was short winded I think he neounld make a good payer Thor- ough training would develop him into a handy 1S5 pounder" Today Coach Yost wilt visit Kala- mazoo college and may address the students. Last evening le was enter- taissed at the Richmonsd by sevemal of the local students and Michigans alum- ni. tHe wilt return to Ansi Aror this (e'ontiuedSon tl-g-thre. COMPLIMENTARY BANQUET Members of the Team and Reervet Were Entertained Last Night in Detroit by the Alumni Lsst night ltseietroit Alumni As- sos-iatitonsentsrtainie Iic-iigssn's cham- piosshi foottal team w nithsa a tsnuet st he University chit. esiues the muembuhers of the teamndnsthCie reserves, the memcbehsrs of thuile Board of Control, Msanager tBsird asse Trainer Fitpat- rik nwure hprescnt. Thus Anus Arbo deslegtions went to IDetroit tins 5 special ear, nte the bn- shneCue-sinsservesh itat p. sa. The enen- tug ne-s the occa-ssionssfor the pre- senitaitin of smastll goldshfootballs, te gift of the Dtroit saluni, to Cle "It' muens smit silverstoes to the re- sures. Msayo Masybiury usade the preentautioni speechs smutgae out the sounveni,. 'Shutbanquet newasn ela- orsatesisse, the sttendanssce of tDetroit alumsni beinug quite Isisge. See-ral amsusinug asuitSnteresting teasts were restiondsedh to by different ones, and the wehole asfair hasd about it much "Michsigan-s spirit ansd enthusism. The evenuinugewas an enjyable one for all prtesentsnse wilt long be remembered by the members of the 'Varsity and of the reserves, who were so royally entertained by the alumni of Detroit. 'The Liberty Belles" On Thursday evening of this week "Thne Liberty Btele," Sarry B. Smith's new musical comedy, will be presented at the Athens Theatre by Fmank Rennessy's company. The piece is said o be one of the real noneties of the season in the way of munsicasl coumedy, asse ins fact to be utterly unlike any other musical comsedy hat was ever costsucted. Considerable notoriety is attached to the 'hiss pajama girl," who makes tier auppearansce ins the first act, and salso to hic twenty-one other young woevnus who ne-ear night robes in the samue act, but the reat novelty of the act is, of course, the scene and not the costumes The dormitory of a young neomen's seminary, when peo- pled by stage struck girls, allows of ass easy introduction of songs amd spescialties, asn heCluenisical comedy gels fsiry insder way niths the girls still ins their Sedst. Ins this act, as ins evry other one ins Cle piece, each csharacte is ginen lien to speak In fsact tesdialsgue is fuiouss untilostist incomptrehnsible sie Mts. Smuith's idea nwss to fit his charcters euiris Cle nmsatiee idol adoring char- acteristics (f teording school girl fiction. The cast incudes Gertrude Millinigton, Netada Hefron, Rita Ktnight, Marie Twoenoy, Maybele Adams, Psrcy Leach, SHaty Stuast, T. A. Mairlone, liar Lyons and others. SENIOR PIICTUR~ES All seissiwhneIo intnti to hand in old photographhs for the Michiganen- sians instead of having spial sittings at tRandall's or Rentschluer's this year, should mail their photographs, to- bether with 71 cents, to the Managing Editor, 1443 Washtonaw avenue, city, by Feb. 14, 18 1903 MICHIGANENSIAN BOARD.