THlE MICHIGAN DAIII-NEW' trouscr THE U. OEFNM. DAILY No Cooley 1Banquet '1h , 11 t: t1 1 1 i i t i l c 1 11 1 1t51 5 5 t t1( 1 1111 It I t +ci11o aI' ii. lie,1 ii 'ri .I l Ii l h ;It ,ti - t~i ' 1, lB.I I )N Assignmnt tEditor r 1i t l icti ' i t It : l I I ' I ' 1 i Sl t ' tl l I s ; E X 1 l it l . !i iM it1 i tl E l i i 1 2 I _ {{ 111;lisp,111111 Ii) Allwtil i ,md WioIf ioi o ilrifli3 i L ~At NFI S - - - 'hi i~aIIvrs .'U Denitml GTr in mie Abroed A T jl\1* llt''. ~rll~tUr (tl:1t1tIl 1 lc ii I": ( 108 A.shington St i ~ \illiii <'iIlil112c Nlot J.AN.1101 1111. 1roIII ~l111 .cIitc1Ili1 . AN RB R - 'ti ll 1 gt 0 111 i l . lArk, (. li l. 110 " iI lz ol A i11.i onli I p1Iltt 1.1o11,1 , i l l lmd il1-r: c , m in te .ubsiers, $2 0ice advwaspincer ,11i C il.Cot Rc 1 101 1110 1taly C o lleg eI lett tee iIYAI0lw i p. Illllolo e iciletyl TextiusBooksato Wii hthyirelilii.>> I :. i" .l l 1 ti Second .Semester a New and C econt-i Hand FOR ALL Departments of the University AT *WAHRS BOOKSTORES. DOWN TOWN Lave=4. Mledical== Dental- BOOKS Text Books, new and second hand. Dictionaries, Quiz. Compends, etc. 'C. ElBaillIl, 325 5. State St. Second Floor Departments New and Second Hand :1 c l1 I t e ines ofIl hv ill t"o im a1 wilh1te0"' 1r l m 1 t l 1:11 of, I.!I11 A ll he t i d Ille I1I iI i llt I ' A11'I IlV r v Al :i I Sl t "1 I ll tII A lI' t 13i Il' I liil } I i" : ,Il ls .1 II tha t01I 01 otherAll il ilthati t W HO Ills'I lii In il A 111011 0i~tlol l 11o A 11111Il ha . ("101 1" Ii , 1110 Amlll ha1 aw ys10 11 ;11w111ll m f awo I The pest $i Fountain Pen in the city SHEEHAN & CON University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. : I % 1 o.1 1 1 1'(-4s . 1.1.0 11il. 151 Freshit A111'rl'iti Ctoll0(1iatelt Cush- go;'1lPharmacly. "lld 1110it I I I 1 10 II II 'l Mill-ti m l :1o ,-v0111o-(,ooj ii l Ii01 Io ll Il)* llI 2516111 -1 , : A :<< I :1 v. ANow York, :1 I - lorI l i 1110 01 II I 10 111 , . r I l 1ii I-os 111 r 11110hi-" o Ii Il 11 I i lll I II= S 11111 Iv ilA fI ,il IA llĀ° r I ' i :iiI I i i i 11111111 ,cSilI Iit I i t111 c1 ] i l 1111 i 11111 of \v 110 IA ii Ito)lhub r 11111 1 I Il liboll cIIIl 1llll'tiilll 11 11 1100 111 II 1111'IoI 1 IIII oo i (ir:I IIgoI**s 14 h, I11 l'. (il't lllil When in need of a FOUNTAIN PEN buy the A. A. Watormano. T he Pen we guarantee to1 give perfect satisfactioni SHALLRS I BOOKSTORES 1I 116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets Good Government Cu LECTURE DATES judge P. S. 6rosscup II. $. Yederal Couri. FE R A Y 1,Tickets for sale at Brown's, Quarry's and Cushing's. Seats may be re- served at Quarry's drug store now. I A - lA AAAAAAAA .AAAAAA Eectric Construcltion n Supptj liets. Sanitary THE ATHENS PRE SS, i.F chuh luotting, Gas andl Electric Fixtures, Steam ____i__n________ J, F, Schu~~~11h nlHt Wtlet Heating. Student's Gas and2dForAHNTETRBLG Elc ic at pI 07E.t shng Street.2dco At theYou will loose the chance to buy a pair A t e n of of Tailor-Made Trousers at less than cost- the $5.00. We have a few patterns left of heavy flOODSPEEDS weight worsteds that we will close out at the ' 110 E. Washington i t is w eek... above price. NXon're invited to look.