'11JE AIICIIlGAIN DAILY--NEWS ( ___. _ _ If you want to know This is, 4 ~what smartly dressed s men will wear this sea- r sn ask to searru, 10 I i.is ow i taco ?M. : " , , A. '. _ y g ' yS 4 rf~(tid 0 t~nr s NCLT[ T worrth YOUR ATTENTrION Y ory P\10L-0 XN n I. r1t L Su pI ies " . : . ''s' i' ,. R ! rf ,Y f '" , f " +'. _ 1 : 1 f i " { ' .. A ' yL'' 4 + S4 f } {{ f I ± f: # 1 1 J f lkk I 1 . r F 111.0 ItdI, 11.l'~i, tfficial t ltImpicnint, Lawn i Tennis, (Golf. 50c JNeck\Ncar for 35c Allgo5, ihA-,rush Ii °. f Ie ... T _ r 0, -l LLT. jtwjer rs tM RA ..L I itI u I t t I ~ 3 \i .1 S V(rA 3i,.1 ,7 r I l (!i' 0 Ar iii o r alorsI 1 Iiiu i'l t . t i ii" , i i E t';{I1+ +1 . i l;f3'1 . +i'trj f, ( 14v" iii +' ial';'t'St i'(iiili' ~ ti iiaa t'1'( d . 11i1 { t illil !"^'+ tit' .1^ 1t'll t't"i W, S. P1PER 3085 S. !1111 nStreet II I I I 'tt ti' ?N ALAl RNlCLOC -; $100 up 1:i1~i .11' i 2i X tIt';iticci iSi The SchoolI-,rItmiicio ;UK IS sARETES an~d PIPES ti i .i ,«" $ 3, uu ia teO St. k.E.dOLLY CANot. YOU, DANCE.t' 1 II Yucan learn to dance for $3.0G ,ra}r tgStreet, ModaiandWees ,,.. a :. eniogs. [ ,,,; , 1:: i i S iit . Ground Floor, 312 Maynard Street, FILL E tIts tOt ine Cigars and Tobaccos. Join anv times Term bet ins ^Sotut when_____yo____d __. ~JAMES W. REID, 31 tt OWTUTTLE 8-iLL SE E TIN_ Choice Pictures and Framing. N[YT IE 'S hO(OLAI[S In rrnskirn- your selection for a falt Suit. Top 8 A T-- VV 1toat, Iteavy Oe rcoat, a tpar of Trousers, aSt Ar fan(-y Vet, or in fact anything in the taitoring Li bertySt Ar Store 3.38 -": - ;t'e ~. line, we wish to calt your attention to our Near the UNIVERSITY _________________________________(o ltete line of Fabrics for Fatl wear, ________________________________w__icah w 'eould ho pleased to :how you. CHASL i'ET~i~. Po p0 IENIRY AND KYER M ICIANT TAILORS uNIAIIOMSCgesTbacn 70trictTy Ucsst 0005 AcrND BAT ROOMStigr o bac F.wilat}s , ~fs o n ssie rR+tI . ' 3 X1tf it~lg A~iC + !iD.RJI M ENCY tItHAitOA MERICAN. .' The WACKern (a h Pery E tran et rGiven unor theussoS..A / i .. -.vi^N,.,xb,--"....~... fJan. 2 ,r2t 2,+t8 p.ii I Haunts and Homes of American Authers. r ; Sonic Famous Books and Their Makers. / i . I, isst s iui lass nd T1 oAuthors I Have Known. SEND ' Coo.[ I Illustrated by stereoplican views. An exhibition of rare and costly SEDFOR CATALOG UE! books in connection with lectures. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR. DRUGS