TIIE MICHIGAN D1LI -NEW.,.- trousers trousers trousers We aro able tot show 500 of the latest lpatternls in English, Scotch, D~omrestic anid Worsted Trouserings AT COMPRISING The U, of M. DAILY, 1th Year. The 'VARSITY NEWS, 21 Year. Entered a a.s ccioct-ctav.s t attr at Antn Arboir Pst Oflic. it atholge year at ity Uivetirsity oftichii- gatn, by tic Misitigati Daily-Newts Potitistiiag Comantay (tnc), MANAGING EDITOR, EARLE I. HOUSTON. '03;. BUSINESS IIANAGFR, ROSCOE B. HLUSTON, '04-i.. EDITORS, Athletics R'obert K. 11"alton, '00-. GENERAL NEWS Rtalph E. . .fcacg. '51. Thoas BI. Robets. '04. whe itthe lnew 'iteration coomes up it will Ste ready t face the itewncondi- tiotis; anti wheni it does coume up MiefliAnn titI5 wliit ontily isgain hier place ~ ~~~Ana. Site twill lhave'an esenitetrti_____o reptaioiltho aturefrth litishli- 11 1,111 Shett nwliii'efiltrs, aAtisat o iArbo willt site Wl il 1 ril'5 th, l iii I l iii ai stringili orfi' Us nivsrsiia- Wiiththliisli':otheiiiDaily~-NtWs;susis-; lenids litblu-ilitit utiliaft-c the (tltristtits itt-ai ti.Theii'ediitor, Ithe this opporltun ltiiy tt1wisittheir friends all te ioysaor thie Holidaty seaisot. LOSI'FTtn say, gold wattit with ldtk stinxifob-t-ary 8tewari, 0ct.; 24, 1894, in hutck.itewa-rd for retutrnt to 102411ill St. itE'PTi I ilbil ia2it dail's studio. tiottled atol Oit i I CWI-; by KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN. i-ORitCALF.l AT . 4t 1 Ilk #1 ^-4- fax Finelstein, '1i'03nttti---T he largs t uttolfinesl issoit- SylterS ol~~,'4 1t IV.. Ilal, '51. pltttt f suit cse 1n te it y. IlttttdandlyIt. Ilaker,', ;. "AT AtLit'N'S." AT Loutis A. I,'aitsit, ' 7'j d~rs 0.O~',.,N0Z.108 E.Washington St J S ra .'05. a t11iiicttrt-s trt oe 3:x3 itigat-I WAHR'S BOOKSTORES,, T'.M.20i 1W2. U '5.n tZSilS that, iesN i tis.DW The outs sripcian price of te Uttlil is; tit S iti or~£0 ANN ARBOR - MICH. Dttiy-Newas i '5for tha citiliie yae itNo seniors, at .spet-hul rait's, tuay' le iad tisps, ctommuitnicatios, etc.. must tie handedl in th Di i oly Ne'wsstia ttthe bfoe8 .5 o t t itittlll's o er itcltl's. Record _____________________________________ maitled tto t,- 'il btia teti :3 t. in. of t tY Wani s , mati ituy be secured t.i it teal 5o' preiso to thtat Ott which lth'y or' axpsicteid l riia lii I-tttI,.ttattN Dr. Newell Suitbstriters will aneraefatitr by repcitspopl tti s oftie 'nyfailuerof arriis M to7. ii pse ~ftor histtin a oytsigmtterut eaM L in 5 ite t p . m. on taeldyaprevioust lihat an wichbIaea t i-'ps d ' IIt~iA Mllcigti fl )t 1 I cii -I D wv ight Hiillis New subscribers $2 50in advanoce -itiar it liallir's. \AIFtE.A1 Ot ilthlii 1aily Aruus citi t.,No 3t0-South Nt)TIil. BISC U-1lii ii~ i (I~MaintSt. Ttiapitae No.1i.. Tiltssecotsiiirirt of ii iii Ia it it UI1.J/ 1 B O O'Sttiversily Sch-oti o1' 1) utiiwill -i 'oiittettt-5 W't'iittisdty - i itn, tan. _________.____________ '''1ss iv s toeeks $3.0.4,000 Stiudont. will {, t or T, dayl o uis 1 .1 a tl. be eating- A,. Mottos aints to :Sasislty-$00-- -TI- --L "MIIGUA'N t ;reot Books is LifeTe3,achers.. 1 ac I ioligit Ilinow. ranksi 'Phi Iit,'s'tttni tourthii lttttiiit liii list tE latt'e Alitetis-oti x'IirsI Ow . D i) 1111 1 F1i t l itititI itt titt " 5 nislit ie s ilp r itid fttitt, ittis t' ra ng tt iiitdlt ti u .L Ft'e.h o itil 'tithe I s-ocsts tf ace, 510 iiS it-tutiful titliepage f01 Plao rtopy Init i theti'i',i g ...i 's °' t ittiatt'a iltsit i N ~IRR ~CSOtPt W H EAT ILigiti I rins tt iSt}SInltheifirs t i~tthe hiacttll ttlitt 20-1 s, l aSsotiglon St. Pia Mas'to' ofthlt' 5-iit't0'i'ofi liii-,'is gui-terthan it hiss nrt41nt ^txe, lilt, is 'if Iilo aihu.. 0c ut~i, 1)t sd -x-ie i lii thie iviti('11%11-tlie ) rs tili i l ""is Evuta eoetl e loo 1 5C Aiisi to Inwl-1'I 5 ii I os flt ' t iltsiifu le111141(10o 'it i t-i t n ii ii ' i t ti- i'l.l i lis a thea eaie Is ~eo s e Lut' .i.......'.i (ii i .' il1ii ii -siiti 20 1 i1tuu thi- -to serve, Easy to ed -. . tillit-iloilt i is 'nlti o "e- ilii ;a lrAl ids at Artisa''stud Photog- tist Gin your landlady's I'h it tu- ou hli-jin ....1 ))tio i -tiec - it al s--i. I r-tphes ' suiplie-. Cushing's Pharim- s'C in lg -i iii-S 5ltst IOalYiiusitipitai atiaAyL i tt w irlIt )i is l ii- it yIt V'ii!t i sxcli f s i -s sL Sheehan & Co !et-i-- tulitswo!olpr I to m-! --_M University Booksellers lt t ifs i si lidf l t heut 111 ul ut'. iIA1iA:i 1,11. 5Et12, Y SlIfRl. go lp olt i~l1Iiest. I s320 5. State Street. -- 1 iii siu Itticklu lo\Ve',itltiti :i j St',iisilhcfor htthutDily'is B I ~C L i1 1 Shoe-Balance A______e~tr As chain us as strong asitus weakest link ToMor~ vnn wersaslngasitnongprCalfskin" was necessary in Regal Shoes to laonc tse si-erlaiting ivear of their 1itllve tiak" leather soles. NINE RAHlS FOR DODO Regal'anineries were necessary to protluce turino5 Ca ii- skin,'-nd to pirotect Regals, against the "iaccidents" of the Ra RahhI Rah, Rah, Rah!I Rah, Rah, Raill tanning !taths. Regals are $6 oo shoes for 53.50. [Ia, D d ! Do !! od !! 12oo- he e a She 122 wood~- " ward Ave. " S o Wod e Detroit, All Styles $3.5() One Price Detroit. 'teggtlclays poucincipseYocvi SOLDAl M[ Y[RS' N[WS STAND, 611 If. TWILLIAM ST. comedians, :l in chorus. . ~ANN AR2BOR, MICH. SPrices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $0,5o. Se'ure yours eatstod fsThe man in the collar . 1 r r s ii! , -1- will continuet shi: tlts on the ,a;: i'tolrlty cfthe HELhMET' IRAIS) Ifterthisvtcation. Itewis hesiyou11 Merry C hristtastandi a Happy New 'iear. CORLIr"S, CO0ONC( 0 Co Ask your triends at home if they know the "Man in thc Collar.