THh MICHIGAN I)AILY-NEWS What It Means Simply this: That here you can find the newest facts; the correct styles in colorings and effects becoming for any man. Same as in the large Haberdashery establish- ments in larger cities. The only difference is the price. COME IN AND SEE US. C L'TrrI'cG, RF.;YEL i CDM 30°,.Vy G. J. BUSS, Manager 109 and 111 East Washington Street GiLOVES CLEANED I RENTSCIILUR. NITI'I'( RAMING ".M MRI. AT iIIoTOGRIAPHIEII AT IENTS(11ILD.R'S. FUNERAL Loel' Corner Store Cr. Main and Huarn St. PIltone 8s, rings DIRECTOR j0Office 20) S 4h Ae. 'Ihntt . Klao- 342 S. State 5t. 0 Dn(3ilyrai "Kng odteed fountain pens, $1 ut dese 703 S. 5th ave. 'Pho-:1 to Ana S ed it itt Iaand Satudy rs1:; t 3us in:"'Pharmtacy.bu nc t es. C Ihristm as M ost1 u ____-- ___ A G UI E ( oen mi reit ha i rtnrkti rniia 'H ilt S .JI;A)1'N~tl I 7IO d.hj( itTH rd v% uti r ttd h r l 11 nl 1 t i ,I;A It;4d it t 17 it ii o ;t t l it aSi'1Y TO UI VIN P5I. D~ont he thoughtless, take tOn acctoutn t alt it't i ii ii't te hotitiiil~ t5 i .i ltl so ehn to r int ii i v 1' oI 1 r in; t i t. ititiI south e p s r ; one-halt a ltl u mtig tm o tot* 'i a t t t 'tivr ity o It Si tut. thittxp sr notiter itr frtentd. Our ,,,tr i Ind Sta11'i the ti1tt11 s'dttttOt oi block south of campus. store is lull of useful and to , utiit'it'liositg otni, tlts"~ttinitt Cheap for the balance of beautiftti gifts, n t lidplll o l~c i o tt ic tes vtof t'n it hiptt itteid by NOA'S HOME SUPPLY STOR[ i' llti ;iillet~ i Dtt Vislet.''tti't t, 9h the college year. S635e (or. Sliffa & Lterty Ss i it i tu i ii jiiohtt'.letrtttitttos South Ingalls Street AFTER Tilt PLAY t T ir inc idilt t i I'iit i ln t;11ey adt, o tt to'i tr i'Otintt5 JanuatryI - U11U IN 4etti it titi et O stes tt ou stye ea" Riilliht S-.11 bt tttii iiIt ~tt IU U IIi M IIII Ittt f alfliikitids. atri 5of 0I ta nfte!" xe i tttI tDrItR Ee~otiitwos''iCTO RS. iii, -rne tn ]amit.'. 1'a' ;u tl ' dsootliettorttlittos prmtittinig us WJBoh Ia N 04 F. HluntsllSt. Nst itVtuto ad . IBtar t "it t tttt" i'ttl itioit J t iarv'tr O(ue btock romt the At hens. i iicLnu u',tci D;il ~llc i fi1t 1it c1,r''iti tesv' to nthose going Wit Arnld Dril I i, V iot. P O IN W & cIAI E. ii.i u i'tItoit ti aNv t atd slitest. Jl H Wade E I' M till hi_______________________ __________. I H E. NO 5gev SJohnIHoae: PALATE CAFE & GWU.LL KOOM de'tittt' 'iti tirt; et i i i State and Liberty Sts. 't'itli't'It :;. i'in~n . ~t \\ thic!'AADLAN IXic t'zONoS !Te o n HHflrborSalvInUQS Bail@ Fut taidt nd g,-t (SOpitn tOd a i d nigt.VIA. j apita toc 5 0 itlitti 1 iii t i "IvOitW lbh ittkot i sasn. Ih ao Altu I -tilt ii ,11 tn De. 181h, 119 th d it411 the 'of thiis State ~nI". tiidirtiiiis 0 elit. yi On,e tiu d io tit uadti ll ,'YSi t it CO RRAO & CO.. Props Alm Arbort ti Inroailtillt sell c ~ usi O ttonte i i'iiiti itv iii' 'E'E E''f'k'E'bh' 'tof i t''iitii ittii tn t5 S P lit It'ituitii . itt en t he ~ c ia~ M od rn Jo Prntng t'o~titt iit..t~o at .t luit unitil Jlantl. 100,OIl!ihii11I safty brae.:: t rent s a l E re:E EShfgu E fk til ' l i I t :Ni;sMutti s ic;t 1 ' .1 P111' i i. . Witierts n i i .i St irr .L fo iiirio Ih i . Tll ttan;d tlolt It i 1tiwti . ANN ARBR A& FY IaROdADl od r ob Prnts' suN , l.Meli N1i'tCe''nutra ltv Irtaeedust 5 t of''3tuUii ittci tot ll u.ult I ' tr itetalf ou l "f o .5 i Mumitieltun i t o , t t i.t o e' l l "eirn i 1'. ti Silt tii lI a n1 n i 8 75 ) in S, u~r5 sli tiirdThe. in ut' eL o ig'. alo li )it Ii(d r:d ,,t nc 'i i. t i. T ro tosi: 1 s it . ii S I '~isai1 U'd6 g' irths't ''iithttt uu tl I N1.or Ypti lanut i Ni -a use'15a,, lottn Cuittait i it ad l th'illrtilwas. tut isnt oand 12:4 5 .m. a- tu'i p a11M~ tint'~i;) iii t'o. Laity tutu t a" n \5 . . ,o I. t di'i'ii , ut " t 9:5p 1xa d 115iem Lpca reA KTLPCWC BI1IST)1e.NfNILI)ARD.AROR&Toledo Oi ANNARBRRAILROA OvertBrownsterrngIStoreais litave A Ar-b etrlSns 15) / i I 101 a UnivrsityAve. ai HIGN CETRA Livlery Student t zIhoI d In ; to N aramFatnoRoht put tu htit terI ivoI tsieyBedn o- ms1111.i~ MAnliit' r tit' A it 'u e ut i CHICi :ic Ir 212)an .IN}'" a G O stite ittilel llt 155 lute1', \hu t1 1ne:;tl .:111 I '. t "o titt nie ti tt il tBlF L tfttpo) ind aIiitin Inl ro te _10,it. iiitc irs n rli t it M NEV/-YOR ilsat n Par' tuutuu totttiiie7.:ti9uu tiiA.M N o StO;I)A . hit1.S illtt t t 't n riet h iti itd f ll toots.- iou::3 tiat. ;'3 i tut a lo tu itothi 'iio:tci ii "ittta 5l u enlu.i py o lyti 3cke t i~ttIor No. ii4 tottittutu t. yo. a. "t t.u t re y T E T O[ clee lT t''I a sA"u Single admission 50c, $1.00 An essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $2.00 StdetsLectureA s ocfietion Tickkt T ie't'o ci a1ltituigiti I4t'icetstueitt()" t. icr titut . 1c ttc'ttt 0 0 t .ii 1 W atch this space for S. L. A. an- tut1(lIS1-11-etse s t en t i the i i (,fi I (1111.'snouncements and dates. Always Ahead in The Best of Every-- style M A thing in Tailoring