1' IlL 1iI lI(AN DAL) 1LY- NE''"
Contrary to our planning the alterations for our store on are included in our
Washington St.xwere not competed for the arrival of our
clothing and furnishings, now thew are here wve are deter-
m"ined not to move-tanything that lowv prices wXilt sell. All the
latest stvles in Coronation Mixtures and fancy S otch, x\ cueeL '" LE
j FI C ll III..h1< t , 1\' t'I ilL . \IiIfl '''l'I I t'I'0. WMg MAR IN..
tasl ,LLLiutE 1iU'') 1llaA l UNERAL
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C1 s1t.I"TEREciIF ING TALES K in- -j" : -
111Y! ,rCC1A ts I - 1 Itr. St1111 l'll' l'lo' t.'\tll'rl
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11c .L Ii'I atL"1~d ittI n 1.tlnl 11 l rr11 I , e
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CORR O &Cse o., P o s IltIWI'. 'I 1 p11il'.1111}l~ltI111 0 le 1 tll'01il
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n, blok the1of 1;1 "Iem. 1t %%;I 111l11oInle. .in a1d1my.
till Ill lSt[~ tLE W t, Illw (If it I rt A.oth ,, V S1, 1,:,,.
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AO & CO. Props . outiAsXhoXturne'The NiaglideFallshRot 1 ."
II 11A .of11Thisoc O I C A G O
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FE KfPE~ F EtttEFr- el livehors __i lll v 1 t :i ('A I - ",NEWuy ORKd
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I Silln te leott n, e 1of the h os . Te y . l t 1 1s r_, <" <n o ,1. ; 2 M :y .Iy
f'he'Kind.1You'taretlLtey. 01111I-or' '' llmt ty'hall NIh hrII' a- D ..A.NA RR SR a ndR aDJT
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vest toCents t isiu your l Sxet and, tFoetDtoit hl u~ 'ord S,_
°It~I __5C11NuII
Alt ' tle11111Itt'[tI SA ur P i t ' treot e ua'to Iit Al te' :1o1 1t1,r nBJnU Nlc u f o I : 1 l . o0. ntl :5I. >n iA.i
R E Y N ue i~O LD S tt" It i - Le __I___nlds ou 11111A lo, 1' 1,t'1G1 . 'l Ni'1:1411 .11
T h+ill lt't(etper rel'e 'nI "red te h1in S Wi'tll 1ro1111 ol4t, .01'la
zl 0,1h l n u o : I a l liI X b 11 b1L u1r 1 a 1 tu l c , T o 'I 01 t7 lt lNll ll l A D
For 11YI TH1:1TW1 Ld__ e ANNuARBOR B RNCHi StalS,, ofp.aw ilding.uary', ru, I L llCH 11l WGtA
Single admission 50c, $1.00 An essential part of your college equipm- ent is a Tickets, entire course $2.00I
St utA tIImmdeso'S Lecture AssociatiIon i01
The s~ I ttIl sl'ls till hot 1 0to 111110 1111but tb i t i Itct ~ atch this space for S. L. A..an-
RAE Ei~ A - ~The Finest Line of ScotcIh
FAL1F'0. W ARl ~ l and English Suitings in.~
EV, in WN~ U Wthe City..