I HE Ml('11HI11ANtLY NK>V r If you want to knowI what smartly dressed 0- men will wear this sea- son ask to see This I I' vo IN Seinj= H 1,SI'( Smnart Glo'hes lsi ______ [ntI~nschif & AplelEB PALACE AND PARISIAN TeFns ut Lainii[yAfRlCI i and vro is woth OUR ATTENTrION - o th 1) iY OLOCY, LOIY a 13, [HGLOGY IY C alS~t~ MI atlt RBI ts Ai& SON, IPRER N Branch Store on State St. jLAST YEAR 551 (01 O 1 TTE SIGn1A SIGMA SOUTHERN KNICKERBOCKER Ia i c 1 U at t ell e iN 1)11.011 / ti ie e i1 I i d ' l ti~lt 1o1 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. Work, w I Iit ' Ifttl'(l I V(',l11'- , igyp, M, F. DOWLER, Agl are t I t ad ant, tis torf01 1'. Ti-t S hose 637. Office, 402VMay nard St. tivoL'ac ' w Nettof aatisflaotiott II int' Annual3 Pin1;iota'Kapteia Dreame Norl ase t LIcI l.at tI ' l e y, ffcil t* -I U i"It T~ai Lu. 1 i t cH No \. t sE 10 :NItI . . t. PAt1I NGi& BROS. N+,% Y k tChi 111l NEW ITER January 10, 12. (IRANG ER'S School Fr Dancing ,!-:o unid Floor, 312 Maynard Street. 'i TUTTLE 1OWN[Y'S (IHOCOLATES 1 338 S. State St. 11 1 tI ' :ilk rIt111 t i i 1 i ; i 1t 1 1 i i I, it "f I hi l V'i~ l K:ll~ l t !'I it t t t11 t 1 11 1i l , It t I it Itt l i t ll " II W '°it i b i i ti'il( l' 1 I t 1 rtl Illl t1 :1 Ultl li lkU l itll s"l~~r~ ir n lo (v nI h t Ilo l ltt "tim rr w ill d , 111 I t C.tI t I lt 1., III 11, . I ., c }r, Ut I i l i5 31 ;1 ' I , i~ 2 ' " I 1 1 ( 1 1 t'1; TI 1i% (I II 1(1N II U 1111 I I t ; t l t " t LIla UWN UI )1111E 2111.t1-211 (11 lt S . (INI-: y 1() I(UN (ON II''1.-ION ,, I'It{IENY 1,,1:11: 11:tlo w tlto doll 1 il :i~t~itit of <10 15. 2,5, ;:r+. ti (1 SEE Santa C'aus at Campus Drug Store. TRY THlE lOnly Candy Kitchen When You Want !-tome-Made Candies. E. 31. ST{)F'LETI 115 N. IlAIN TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES FINE LUNCIIIti iii cot'0iictio n t SSout~h State St. Ri. E. JOLLY. CAN YOU DANCE? ii 10 I ti\ siv t i lt itii Vol':l(I 1 ,:1(' 4. il o . You can learn 10 dance for $3.00 fic~l o 1u(l n: wo wih '1.)pllll~l~l. at the Univrsity School of Dancing, A ri tc D c r tr 1t Uf Itl tttlil t r it ItEI titII ttl. t~n1 trState Street, Monday and ens . Ill t rt tn I( . t'ttt't orctk. _______I______ 4(11 14 UU'tt'U. SL 1L11.R1'S JI «It ; 11' STUS1tE. ___________ S U pEC -4 i' ,EII ASt. II'i tlitsuwciENVELR STORE. ROSEY'S Gaoiefap1"'' UN' A1;( t _( Billiard Parlors F___ine Cigars a~,d Tobaccos.3s1'.S.PP ,>: S.Mi Stet. 1 JA F !a V~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ S PIt 1SF nSre AVL .(I) ate St. ALA COCI 100 p ~ ALL ELEC IO.S t 6hice Pictures and Framing, 'it( 1 1i :1, i ' I ti ti 1 1 "' \ 1 ( Isj Ii « r l=.' l io l i'rl ;q i ,TopI Vtt lttt tt tl HI1(1' ll't Liberty St4 . Art Store 'I IV, IM,1 Itt I ('tItN tS tttt f it tjr i I t tGtli 'i ll tet li it' - i v t'o (a i It cottlt t ttiolt o t t t itt. Near the LtNIVER.SITY .L iIIAPMAN, JeweIle , E06S. Mall St ( o)11t,1-1to linett f It J 1tttt '! F:1lwll :t'______________________ THE VARSITY ' RRR SHOP, G IT Y BARI3EC SHOP H strictPl 'i ii.s+. DCti ss AND"'i A~fXxtbo "1 1 igars & "Toacs t_ ' IIH.Prop. ,,.H E R N I ijr7,tt o rrA .tE " x. IYlil ; t. i i I,, UN at rf ; " 1-r 6 / heW' .CuKerni- a !? r411 1E. 57th St., Chicago. t ",t4 ' , k i , ,. ' _.K t t { ti l' 1 j l { THE 121 F-. Washington Street WE PATRONIZES GOODYK R FOR DRUGS,.,.,..