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December 09, 1902 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-12-09

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The opening of our new store date will be announced later
Ir ll o el I,. W h n ew l is itit Il'41)a lti l of1.s In 1 ii i mported ne kwi'':i.
It n :ll~s t sl)th k nd ,t e ttll1 ~ elsl " ir t-he , illh i ii 1 1 1 f cuit y, a i
Il NTSCI'11.181. AwrTITI 1~101N 1 A NEW LINE OF
Keep i'It1 l~11 I1. ATIlIEN 'MiIILE1S. ' /tj] ter Col01f
or . M1" n axixi looi i Snd ix. 1'rlt"io rne 81 , 8 tF altr, 1t~. 0T
Chamois Vests keep out 0111 11 1 iiiandla o du s clixci olx nce e RI
the cold. We sell thettm ~ io oo. lol 811S t, un oi r E1ckl rat. 1 .11t1 tost
1t1d lii ii i II ll. 11 Io1cl ill nIi ioli - -A I F S fh K -
CALKINS' PHARMACY.r1l'lix1,t S l. lill 1:, :"711 tal iii N v i L SEE1 i~lI A iJ.Ni 1.1:
E r"~ 1 r1 tI (\IiL \N I t ltiI NA II t217 S. Fouth St
324 S. State St'1 111'
- ttIt ises 1EIt \1iSI' State Q niDank
ALL_____________________________.__11t'1,,, 11.,Itoi x li''ii1 u n1111 0 l 111Ohl,,
Bailey & Edmunds l~"ttltril UI 1 11Wll DIRECT OtS
F I HE T S r . ( I l xr , i -oi'S u e o r rr li o i s'.iiiiiJ a s IW at d e F 1 N M ill 1s
FOR DECORATING.- IIt 11t nel1oKcPrfIscahtt
Nt~i Il V tI\ii ltl'Ioil t~lli] \x V i "Ol ( Fans l1lxl.Oo 1'l11'1111111 0111011
121 East Liberty St. 1301r 1 io~OI~~r a~U
illi'il ii IIiN lttNhNiItetl S .a tiotkour l OIO;n lili0 1,
OPEN AY A~ NIGH . 11it l~r, 111" 1t~r.11 ed n:o l~rJ g\ 1\1\ 101 1111dm I LIto 111r.01onithbe11 1JOte
1 r 1 i i li < , r 't1. 1 011 h l 11 I s JAI ll , N 1 l l t t il "' 11 a f) x 5 7 nI D l m c bdo p e n ilo >1tr ,drri i l a lf
WV. C. BINDER, Prop. "'11 11t11 11 ida' i. ;"".t n ar"fr lhr ulltip r~s hr lesR. . klre"
_________________ St._______________c1__ ' ill7 1 111 111*11 Ihl 1 1 IF tat 11 tl1 is iiti 1 1 iron] ri maV O h s;Cnt a M 7Pr t
t ir11 =11tH tall!. 1,111111 *t lim it l1"i
R oberti ' t"111,t"Inr( nil In VtatPa i resct line b wv nTldo oELRM owpeed.tto1r.nculXnq1"ohifcrlwy Trno xinloi&Ibu,,tes G liol.Chretn
Fresh and Salt Ieats. 111O iaii'olli iioi1lii11li 1 iii I 111il1ll~lIl i l~ 'a., l oand Ithe .South 9d.. ur ,
11111 ollillll 11. . 7i.., ole
Iti 1. \'(I ' tt.. .. RILY. 1. I . .. _______________________
LOW PRICES 011 t ' iON Tlii Iltx D.Y. A. A. & . RY. tandardTl1t
SURGICL INSTUMENTSFor tDetroit ta tfIlllir 611111
;tNSRUENS f4vi ..I1eumCub,11ttnit 6:5 p. nr. Teno ryu
At BROWNS DRUG STOR. '6U.1ofxt. no.dytiiuiil,811. ,
turner MMalilan Hi t t rlioilfro116:15 a. n.tlir:15 ..7in
p 1 ~PRESENTS tat 915pn..iand 11: 15 p i.
____________________________________ Waiting room 11u11111S., R'.Of sr
Lock repairing, key fitting1AN ABO RAILROAD
kNillilo, llllo, io xiiains eae Ann AorbCenrlO 1i1'
GEtNEROAL 8ACtltNEWORI tN t OE 1t Inf1 , Eective o,-t. -3A 1101
WM. . WEtN61R, 113 E. Liberty Street AthensI Theatre, Dec.w* 13, '420 _SOUTH3,tTtl
INo. .- 7:1:A. M. No . ''[ 01.
Every Student Shoul In- Reserved Seats tn sale at Sheehan's Dec. 12, 8a m N.2- A-%1.~I~ No 012,a
_______________________________________ No.4 Os:25Y.. 0, .-liF "
west >i o cents. 11 11,00 PICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR & BOWLING~a~ 's rlenl;lil:.)ll1o
Orlil/r Illrix I'll riall I'TrainI 1,:2,1,x707 N, University Ave ' Ce a. n\ . 1 i 1,111
A U tijt -A ii __________________________________n-__________
.., 100 11150 Il 11 t.1 8 bull I I.., d tI 1L:.Ac
te 111"1,11e c i 101111 a1
tilEil 18 011111 o t;ico.
11, 114, tAST' L~IBET S't 1
C 0
#. 1
J. .li I .'V.G, 1.. f ,,,..1
'1 days 1 'e's fe .MIC HIGAN C"ENThM 1
C'. r'2T'eNutgara Falls Rote.,
it p1.0 'c l} .. E SHOR1018 T MN Ih-
lr11 t, 1.ANN ARBOR TO
I Ot 1111 olloh x - I
C,1,_ .r palYoursfor ! BUFFALO
o~l.' 'NEW YORK
nh'1 cr S. AND BOSTON
%vitixdirc o nnectiixiiiiios 0at '1 leuoo
Plain cand Cork 'Tip. Lous, Kauias City, Mt. P'toia 111 the1 ix est
CIO For information ands xtll Oglliihtrtsii 10W
______________________________ woice to It. W. tIAVI>, AL~ti. n Ariis.e
OF TENNESSEE. The Genial Story Teller and Lecturer.(
Single Admission, 75c. Course-Tickets, $2.00. On sale at Cushing's Drug store.
KR I h ifA ~The Finest Line of 5cotcb
FALL OF 'o81. M I * WwA R D and English Suitings in
~ EU Wthe City..

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