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December 09, 1902 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-12-09

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trousers DIII Bt hi fa-IL )Ile
C r u e s The U, of A1. DIiLY, isxxx Year. Tiw +)1ix' :xxoi ive lix' IIIl ,
Thei 'VARITiY NEWS. 21ti 'xYear. lxxx'timiltI ll(- :1111e t, t' ill107. 'Ihit i
Crousers tll _____° T'I Il' 1:11'r11 ate
Iran,__I)____h__________________________________ I 'Liltilk NI)t
Weiara lii'lx ' lto xh e= 00 I MANAGING EDITOR, ' A' i lxxxii nxxx k xei f, xix bIy
of the late t pattexrns in EARLE 1. HOUSTON. '):; x xxxiii l JI iii ,l ix'x' }- l ( i xlii'i b
AleIti xixx ii ix'. \xx1i hIeIx I-IIoxx iixxxx
English, ~Sotc'h, I)xxniestic BUSINESS IANAGER, Niii, xx.mxx jxx xi mxxi KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN.
anxxlWorsted Trxoeruis ROSCO 1B. IHUSTON, 5 x'i04iiI.in.ix x i' lx xxls c i r
EDITORS, xxIh xIx' 1mmxi xlxxt'x xxmixx Mrix. 1Frank
unix RoertK.A'.llon , xx'044.x
AT GNRL FtIiix'iI ''xxItisx xxx 't ~t inilt
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C'kl'i'ixishxies ilk
i11kIT BitS JEWEilLRY SxiORtI:.
326 5. State St.
Second Floor.
When in need of a good, IATIENS__THEATRE.
t U ~III 1tII A "I TU GOULD Presents the Big Cily Shoe Producing
^ s FJi. Y~ N,. iY rk Su i Ses only
'. x' NT G k '
r sold at
buy ''ii ix tr i3;t i a1;34 ix N lix
the 3I, xh Mountain Waif." Because I Love You."
4i'iltzlxxx xx xxxcixxxmxxxxei'xx A lxi xicl i tNx sx xl. Six l llM i n s
,r' AL' a l t Vaux '-ille ctsix. xxxiii ix he Coi e dx'xy lxxxi. Ii o xxx'x
I 3 0KS O E i eli, 11i. l)1.'xxriker te rs li.
l~OO STOIESPrices 10, 20 and 30 cents.
' x " Cor State & Liberty Sts 'iiat thixxxx).lxxenie x x ie txostixi 'i' lrxpxxmiix xilxx-
___________________________,THEiRE IS NO KING BUT DODO."
S~~~~~'ilhhxl(xxhxx Electric Coxircton ndSxples Sfiyle EATESimSS
i. F. Schubri rc Lamex, 207 E. Washington Street.I j 2d Floor AT HENS THIEATRE BLiXI.,
VARSITY N -'lAWES 117 s. tlain St.

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