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December 07, 1902 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-12-07

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tIf you are particular and hard to fit corme to us
IRubber Goods, "Gym Shoes,," 11S.o AN T E.T
Fine Shoe Repairing. ___
(oelsCrnrSoe or. Main anlIl urn uSs. Phlone 8I9,J, rings. DIRECTOR
Offlce 09 S. 4111 Ave. I e 9!4.Res
342 S. State .St. MICHIGAN NOTES. 'I' o u t i A ,l..a iii i-i sniii-. dence 302 S. 5th av. misc .%l1. A=-
Wiiin--diys nil S0:uiily, lPrices i,;(! ile 11-ln'.a e1 -Iit1 , t'lI iC .aai t oi l6'1i i bo~TCon Cn ai.
ilome Supply 2Store.' r ';l '2 l a Iiiii<;at. : lt~'ii-liilriiit-Sack Suits and
(or. Slate & iioty Store. l ',... i iiOvercoats...
1 ci+Inc9 r''i iv l;iu niii i -iIiiill lI; INIA 1110 II blIPand I IIilo sri,
Will Close Out Alt\1i a i 1'.ilt. f' ii I ' Hitt hait ; i ' lvo-andIi i is. Ar1 I fi01.1 dtp Prine Albert.
lr -i ,, Aa l.u umu n I l u 1au < I.r n~t. Im al tt ii' r Full Dress 0an(1 Txeilo(silk
$$22.00 Bsts Bsat................ .... .50C -ftrlil i ji: i ir ":.. ."Ii, ANNv li vi aiiiia ( [111'-1\alestn acdi vW
1.00a IINN II I :tt III),'C 9\[ \Mo atintosesl $6:.) and
$20 ut t. . . . . $1.00 iii iai ~li silf l ir l v ,1i'1@1" C G\tl t Wi .l .. I up' . ii Nolirlitiiiitin 510a iiitc:
$3.00 and $4.00 Busts at.... $2.Q001 II -of IPERFECT FIT. SATIS.-
t ai e ioI), ny n'1 j, ChI ing i he i s 1CIFACTION IlCARANTEED
This offers anl excelent chance : l ',p, I . PCI I'S .DEN ELRY STORE. FRAZJER, Custom Tior-
10 buy some olf the hest pieces at \iIlz-O e s at.111k 1rtAbr
half price. - Al ins r rtst a d IPlitg- yr s 1.Bia Abr
AIRTlPLY li "A 001.111' rphlos sulli('5. (ishin~^'s Piarin- State S vinnAFE t1 A
Drop in id gvto srs in tntistlv asn: l d lic livBul . a fir1 ii.iiDR C O
Iiiiclfir J i' lllhinids. \Wili''s i h i i "i t,I, + I\'\N I. 'I .I IXIlAN1', ilI. ()Sii SD R C O .
I i W J11110111 Jiiii\5See-han
10 E IF r iis. Ves.siit nl.Rail( I 'P i i1 1* l\ i\,r ' \I\WmnArnol liOr V'l'1u aua
N J lKer Jh lae
Pi~tOCH'NOW L& SCHAIBL3E. ii I ,tits Ili ll li nl 111C itili's, iiKieh Prof 1 o'ahart
PALACE CAFE & GRILL ROOM .,t , 11i lrlnll:il 1tIk.,fo~ IV(et 7Y Q'
State and Liberty Ss kt i iits huete po iints ill I1 ollcui- 1 vi i
P01~rn a{ ii iJgo er.)lit1111 ii \r, ;il + Orr . I 51 1 ti v tr~~. I 't lli ii 1'( .- riiniil l'iiiiil.1 ilss.ay Ogn 1 i l oiiiivi il Fls l i nll L a 3
ri-il lv-. lrl an ~. - vi. iiIof this Slate.
4 - y.;{iP S' an Feiss iiia l~
iifniiiep it iliiiiin srn . 1eai. Is. + l il ll il:i l,' it U c~~lii iiii l iii iiC l .1.I'll- il teP ciitvieoi i h I'illites els. eli
CMR0 . AO 6& Co., Prop s. I .. 1 ' (Iic i a \I*. 1 - Torolito. Iiiilliiiiii afety S olelvi..10relt.
3ii 'I'lii. . A ilieiri la
('lAS.I-' . ulrieh Ivi . 1DY.. A & J HY stadard im
'S.II \ l US .I115I 1.J15 0 lPA 111 1esI ieiII
SModern Job Printing! Ci ; or D} tillill it' ii 11ru, 91 iv i
0t 'Cela ii r nkivii usiali'S I 'hI i. cii v. II 11I II'SS Ii III'IP SIOR.1 Ill. and 12:45 1a. ln. F'iv lJacksnIhoor'
14,_-____-___Phone_281-2f,_215_S_____ lions 1:19 a. 1n.. iiiii ;:1 p, Ill.iiTh
Friday, December 13th I tt t> uo
III) ' T ans leae An Ario b(1 itrl Etas-
SOTH lviil
The Daily= News !ti N.- -lis0.1-a
Nio. 4--7o:s® e A . No i- '[).14,
$2.50 per year. and_ .__doon____.__'ltrIll_____''
___r________ Freeevhivarsio Nu. I 'iial4.
5 I iat -Di i rbJ'.J. i,.uv ai Hn-Mri r ie r 'G . '. 1.15
701 N. University Ave ~ IHGA ETA
vest io ets 7 ' I ry Schleede's i "TheNagfara Fls Route."
ii .0 l il 0 -? ,tfi cPr I{. ! ImprryiuNdl. N NoT
rr 1iv -iil ii ANN ilsARBOR T
sl, , .ncLrit 1cr fl, 1e},ii, ^ , 1, i3) l I';i i zills' B U FFA LO
rI-I'ns ,err"Iii. i ;,~ ' Irufl il ii.I NE W YORK
iI rlv i l ir ii i 'l tl 'i c in f lii {ulAN O T I~
I I 1 K ill10 Ii i'lt'.lslisoil liii iliiru5
T ..Y i>utTHEl;. W F JSolee,01k w1 oIit dl"Ct Conn ctl 21 11 i b i l i la--for
OF TEiNNETSEE. iinil Story Teller and Lecturer.
N[I UM T if . L. A,( tU."y[PSITY HALL, IR[SDAY [V[NlN6, DE(CMUfR / 9TH
Single (ilis~il, c3. ICourse Tickets,.x$2.00. Onlle1a tlCushing's Drug Store.)
FALLOF '2. DThe Finest Line of Scotch
r%4 " jtgjkand English Suitings ' in
the city.

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