THE MICHIGAN[ALLY--NEWb Extract from the Laws of the T HE R IG HT TH INGCS AND FU R N ESSIA; Srate of New York.!Anyprsn{frc lr)atinrs(c 1t ENOUGH OF THEM ,it th i t n ( (1 r d s~,o fmi iit yiy 1' 1 1 t i s oif +' 111in Ii(i tinE RACKET BRAN tI'D)I 3t1I"i, lLr aiSuints, O eroasHas, Caps, and all the tf d Ortn r t 1 0 efl liti11ati,.i iiI :ic it, i"int1b u r t inemiin itOrsa il 'inewt i hMen ts F tin ishing ni t(an, nlesIw t eiaMlixio ii whichi ii ithei Barker'sColr fs are mS taped Lineon it1-i 10 t t~ mir()tT t tlnlti 111i1Wt11 it_____ __on,_foldr___________ WADHAMS Il RYAN 1&1REULE. g,, ~ an ~ A a Oins f'trPic o 1 t' , , l , } a i. , i' i 3 'I :,f ,.,..... ,,, r. ,.,,.,.,..,, . At the sign of the paternal sum mc3 there comes a check. At tie sign of the fatherly Turk titere comes a MOGUL S Cigarette. Endorse the check ~ ~ / and get money. Endorse \) '/7~ MOGULS aned get your < moneys worths. t Cigarette co-education- 4 v c'Ten ior ISc. .n Plain and Cork Tip. ldatlrm lse 81 i. 10( 1,l. I [iiroii Str(et4 I BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. + weatre ropt i l ti lii-ti m )uito it it (ver iii i tut. iia \ C, 1i 1Vcii iioin I i ttiiimi tho1iiummr w lktii. A< 11,i1iii1, Wti liii* THE FINEST LINEt of WOOLENS + 4 V 1l .1- Il l.1 a t ' f l (t ll il t t«~ E - ie c S E tIi aaiiii ii il\ ii i 1:11 IIi iIi l)tswl l ret Can ta I iiiiiiiiit u t tt cit iiii :1 Ii i t llii" )ilt1,1 By ut er Gu ic , N. 4 P. ii(i1 1h i tlr le 111 o t i Ph t~i~io pt r ice eii entsititi a u itiN -'I l ,Idil '-1 11: "'~i:ttl iuitI itII! ~ e s i A Compltemou e of anl~ t t loil: l ailii\. 91. w lliie.lir 1:11i i~il~e t Ph sial Ed caio . ut t iii ism r ti lt 1ai lti t a i ltli ldeiu ciiii a iilithia XIiiiu ii By Lute r ie lieni JT. 'il'tim l u , i~ tti, uiitheiutelt ll~ltlr i ia '1iii i.i ii mu t f': itIllt t :II t yli t, ii 'iM liii Iii) ol' l.viii i nu m iiiiii 1i' Aiii niit ______________ -.~tt'pe siis il l~1' Li Prjiv T en a Centin iilmuiimg i i . , :Istheii iite i441it1i I aX iii t til'eetionmmx art ' (tl il tls Diortuie to alI ii miiiS t i]le iti-xa d m 11'1t :le i t letld It\i 11i ant l' iai 55 I XLIh I l1(1 :1JE lliSY S :1\I 'm.t msmln uluuii . r(' a o , il(, A hl ti t iiit,)1 : li'thltlclcshi'dd't (, t mmlii.i A . . .-['t -D i G B O S I~'a)II. 5 X 1- til'';ii'1:11 1ei. aitii ittili ilel Xft iii1'itiiicslt' ':l) Ma1c1t l -r tynard) Street a(l___ it' t'illtI X]1eIttI\t tt h ~tt"ittl' io\('e( I1 :lleii ii11'''s ( -olr li_(f flt_______ aI' h s s l i d ne leI 1;'I it) i I iio I a 111ii ]liltllh r ') h r " i- ih m e ,- I~ i tli iii i i i: . 1v1 \ tI I illiti lteIma ipp relif lh [0111'111 \(HQ O[AI S)I i *i l tea t)°:1(11 . (i1r1 tiaN .~t t i m t ox t o t:il. 1' Sj5X ]VI lU o)4s sredILJDIO oiththiei Ih iiit at THdE RSTlY Berve onerSH, es hudteNAN joill IDOLARS T h (l t\, sei l i st ca ss s o t Ctiiiiiil : nelle",b ll\ I.1 I f1 orHA aiiiiroo inthe citProp. N. s F. ALLtceN Men' Outfiter,1Mai