THlE MICUIGANDAILY--NE\Th If you want to know t1his is worthy YOUR ATTUNTrION what smartly dressed V men will wear this sea- BACTERIOLOGY , BIOLOGY, ti= HI: VOLOGY or PATHOLOGY Smat lotesInstruments &Supplies [indnsubnitt Apd EERBCII& SN, 1ANUF~ACTURERS RBranch Store on State St. f f e " 1 4-" 4 %Px %W wan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PALACE AND PARISIAN 'T eFns ut A~O1M~ and Overcoats the l e whCC ere vaOtl c 1 ) y. M.F. D W E ,ii. 1t' t{}1{ ooc t at this sto1re. t hI'{, a657. Office, 4012 Maynard St. i e s t, ee ,t - a ct iIiou s,11i(d ire cw_ l o tI 11:11 the ti 11m.i s i iiiit I Eecise 0s AtiticLibrary, td 1I1r& vot . A compete cure o MICHIGAN NiTES. 1i11tls1 r " Phv sict Edocatioia._____ By Luther Gulick, M. D. 111i ; t. :,(1. ;11111A 11 'r1tl1 .\37 , Pie ce Teri Cents t i;ll~~ll t T'll.; ;11. >PALI)t"ING&l BROS ir'. + ti '" :11,t t t;it t aI. t~i ' I~ i1ic t \ta t 111 tt GRA NG &R O S , 17a1tI1l~lil' Gie "'PALeL ti~ 1t r out 1 M nr treet, w! l t'171::1;i 14l I '1'ii' 1l4 1sli~ is T U TT's... .re .LE -71'1 1 1Ii;i m "1i C sl k !sueiit'1'\'litIlls ' 1 Itl° 4 t 1ts7tI sti is i t ' i ii+731 1S.I iI 72 \ . I i .1 I +'7OI l(. I il iket 11 LAST YEAR WE (60T LIP' THE ,SI0flA SIGMA SOUTHERN KNICKERBOCKER .-I1 PINS ttH ve i a ili S~e(' 01titini wi l tlbe tileas i _ / trii~iieetliiiii t u f t'. int l "t!^(i 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. .> S 5 lu' it. TOOTH BRUSHES All Kind,, AlI Shapes All Prices Camps trn tor l'01;11 iii1 v r i FIN LUN4-CRY E'. I (10/14 atthOnlyrsity cooltDcing StAe .S t re et tlonda « and1Wnes - s day evenq ings.£ .tin a v . ittd is - -ee -:C.OC e..lQ t1,. Choice 1Pictures and Fram ing. I o i:Sutu ISlii 5 .W e ish t a liourtlii5 ii ti itou(Ill. . ' l Jeweler, 906 S. MdittSt '011te iFi(, Iufouhlltt ar ti~2 Near the UNIVERSITY ________________ouldbe___ itittiiaiiiilt b halt ' iou.U MVARSITY BARBER SHOP, IND RME _N CITY BARBER SHOP dHAS. L. PET RIE, Prop.i ,.. Lyi'I\' ANDNUATHROOMSligao' rToac. F Williii iS., iiiiirffse . ' iii. .. .riM:Iir i lJlilliipkp AGENCY CHIICAGO AMERICAN. /f The W.CKernCo. P x 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. ?L4~ij /Caps ani Gowns made to jI i~4~ bY order anid rentedl. Pennants for all colleges and y °" -M AI fraternities carried it stock. +, cti.t 4 Clas,4 Pins, Class and Team " ah / _;Caps. Send for Catalogues. Randall THE Photographor 121 E. Wahngto Stcet WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS