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November 23, 1902 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-11-23

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T fk 1FM'i .. _ Extract from the Laws of the 'THE RIGHT THINGS AND
FU SI; Srate of New York. Uj.Aw pron'ircrratio o"'s~i t ENOUGH OF THEM
- tri r ts mlit tsita 2Ielo It ti(1 1i t t i tolts Is2;'ti gtf til
ctl i i ito o 1acal'd r cts' na~
l>\ it di lt s )th or i tswrp id tlt IItt' t, ftitve r t it H tts itap s, n l h
miajw ,o o-tvem 5 toldt isoiittikelh Plstllkslit't
RAKT & 4 's BrkesC llars arei Stamped Linen" ltnt'icosl;IIItLsttMen s F rsin lit
trrn. 111" st M rial o? ssi i eltS i i itl E1 I 1 .1d 11t'as~i2 .
-:ii ~ ln. o Pror u fsar rec H t)( rslitu r x VVol) i I flhri'i
When you put your pipe
7 aside light up a MOGUL Gig-
aretf's You'll be surprised at
.Y t h e delightfulness of t the
reathing n &hecir~tte
N, Ili ne.
Try cne lor' 4 . i; ' ,?,. .
Tcn~r~. CtricTip.
I.'sttblisbed 1881. 1061 E.IlEtriollstreet
s«OI have si icietisil ttth liTtt srtof setiss tita. As a
~ issial, si's'havi' THE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS
+I itsfte iity. ArItinmlSilwl rdoi~ei u
ss .h I M the p i S. ill stillt its'slt iii tes' . our
Sgl iiai Y' tall Supplies Big Seoe frs iichligast S ti'
S' T OO't .Iifti (<11.1Itd f1(1! l:h '1
sS" , n :o l i ts'so t itt ithn "srti . 1,,itii tii 1 :PAll K ind
III Il e~t h(kil )< n I I Iili cl.111r li t , , l r IA ll Shapes
fo -Gt nis 'li i etI'li'~ s ot i itti.li!All Prices
'~n7 wln N1- fo ied Itlsitilt's all loutt d i i t to t 11ttlt ' itl stlt'. o-: 1 I le
t' 'st~tinvented't Fileli ' .,1 i'~t'ii ivy t'""''d aills I l i t In. i ddd I: S WINDOW
- i t il~s m tissi i itSe its1 'If1 ile
I isiiti ''terin t- s t u a . Cotis pit' 7 'tt'sl~.itro lstst ' tiI ' t t S lIt (tt'i t ,m -
'rN, ;s~l~eitt e lt' t nYnt ( I tveisi or'at plc -tt ~Canpus tDrug Store.
ApIt in 15 'Ne ts 5 ttotl c ii ~a I t I :tIttosisat . r o tSi tlrt '',1ieu si '1[ I lto L i"'' t~d t
Other s C. fim "[henrm, We IttllI t-ttt 555 it-l'lt i aitStsit t'5i'tt iANGSTERFER
11;tV'_' fheuiittts'lade i Iotit'lsiw'ii ititt ilts 51 a Stl A i N 55 1,1 NI t 110 .I' FOR
i'll 1 1 s it Ii t pi i hu'l i s.iet, iMi ti Itt l. teiclidtlst tt Bo lists nit, i I ts' i i l o . 5
I_ se . I d, lie l saingts hlei'kistsn. Tiwo's tonsi tss'tst s Lc i il. I lI
~i t lttist', i t ut , lii 'ls' Iell'tEIoIru mI. 1 1.14) hal
or eIIi ro m iltl e1 v w , 4 adss s . t i vtta lisst titl S'1i s sif ic S . s, TOa c (i'LtEDO. ti ~siis
vysripth e i t ~ i , 'll s FI.NE"ti its i hie.rh eidt aruloesm rs i s
iiiti .,i 1 tl id ilt. to ltar sc s ihp l sts'ftrth is t ster t iont oki 'dPol tfl nst a d o hv n ' s' nhii ' 23.s
I a5 tl 51 i 's l-uItit , c'lli'litl a injuyt hvit'i t lit. L t i1 Sl~ taits ' tp l ea tstAnn Arbohat Iii' ~ r s!5 eti recivt he 5 JL LY;es n
u Ifll'i ~tlt -Cn Yneo ANE
AE h K i 'S I1.11f o v 2 l2 6 ' tiitia ti e r H r t a. ' I i n 'I f 1 : 5 z le i . g I is hic s f oi t h eo c nre arutnd n c e for$ . 0
M I S R L I ol pl . 1 . M i ''w.) 'tals.>o it s i~t' ldre SSuder tlvey ars i( T URIHCGAETSan'IE
TUTTLE d i" e:i n t ef.Lss 7 ~eon-al lwdltte. Ee bogt ote-iy
lS6 is a t ' i I a a 'Iid I .S' s ' Si''l10;iit7,itl 'tsctlss' l Iatte nvriy coo f a cig
itttatta tsI"luts a\It oleot'].',i'c isi 's.Phtittttta'y, tat Sreeti, Mnay and Wednes-
338 S. S it I3 ouh taat_________________________ _ dye enin St. R .JLY
PH T G APS h, lercaF1)ciarasiToacos
tii httin ' ®lst C I r N. tF. LLEN, Men's, Ouf i tt an " Stree. teStet , M5i~io5 n and bais-
CHS L EREPop nd:alveiis. : 111StS
i3 -t ate Te CSer.a
Ai .STh SiLNChicago. E HE
P o RaPI slitillilld Parlor
:ua S. ,uiti S121 ETENWashingtonNDOStreet

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