THE MIC IIGAN DAILY--NEWZS " U ' L1J 'tai # VESTS sasac r t t i If you want to know what smartly dressed men wvill wear this sea- son ask to see Ste in SnartkClothes Lindeoshinit[ & ApfelI This is worth YOUR A TTENTION, 'B CFL ROLOGY. BIOLOGY, HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY Intunclille,,-ts & Supies EBERB ACII & SON, IMORT R N Branch Store on State St. 6 PALACE AND PARISIAN -t ).l tVI It t-? - l - is 17 402 Aaynard St. "I Fdnootbali Supplies 1' e I ll i 1, 1111.11' E ' B ll .tk lt t cill'. ,.I i v 0t ' $5 Otv() rst aat i t fw1 1 1 t I ppiaic o AotensThetr,Nov.Bll24&26,fo LONY' ll(lAI[ s }a n 'Friyt IRecoatar $5,0 0 1t art i *Ifl~gI BfVFiS New Arrivals Swellest Crea= ' tions Just In A Misunderstanding M tetLte II ( l~In lt 11 %\-i1 \- 0M ll11 ? l l I 01 1' 1 0I ' . l i_ :10'1't f 1()11 th i01e'l 11. po . i t he s ,*1 21 l ! IIi i 00 ~'I1 W ~ l st~ A : 3 I'l it 1 +i l :1 i It " 1t ,titlt ..I'I( lwOxti I~t lti<< 11 1 o'itI~il jI 1 i ' + 1'rt .111,it 1111 'i+: h Is tlw ;C111I1i 1 \~ t 11 n :1, lit illt'; 11 lin i ia I II ''0,i+ l.1 i I 1 1 I ' :1 i oli- li li, t)lilv i le a~ln Ily .((1 , I 1:I t I :t 111 11. 1 II + 1 at: Illil. ('.1Y s \~l fi st nno 111't 1. Iil + I 1 I 1 Ill I t Itli++t11 I lse {j 11110l Il( t 'O llo melit1111 )111of V11the1 I rOI to5 tillt0 , I~ ft 1 I (I'1''lal elll ~l la l tiil'' 0 111 01111 11;1 1nr it(1 011 I i I ('i 111111, 1 11 10' hs( It 11 ( 1 111110 11 (ll ____________1'1''1\_.e_:_ 1::11+________ ,lls_ 11111I1li1I1I11'1I( it 1' 01111 111 1 :s1 l 011011'' 11t~so ie toIIITt or;O t tt hes Iac lt+10 1111 I « 111 no It+ IiI ils r(w I.1u hu 1 01 ha1111 1 a u l l00 11110011,11 i w l' 1ols'ii l 1''I Wm110 iei ll 1 1 l,7tl\ a e o dto 101y II I.i'~s1 111 :m Oilo toltillltof 0111 =:1011111)ll1 woul LASrT AR t) 001:(i01 i t O IS1I.'al A SIGMA SOUTHEURN KNI CKLRBOCXI3 111111 vwt1 i, 1111 We w0 11 1w 111 leased0 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler. TOOTH All Kind~s All Shapes All Prices Campus Drug Slore TIDY THE OnlyJandy itchen~ When You Want Home-Made Candies. L. 'I. S'IOFlI LLT, 13 N. MAIN ((11101 1111c of 11 II I lt 11 TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES I'I I.L lll.III' 1 1i11c1 0 1111tio 3110S Sat5 State St. tR. E.,tOLL. CANT YOU DANCE? You can learn to dance for $3.00 at the Univrsity School of Dancing, Stale Street, Monday and Wednes- day evenings. 1110 111111, 11111) 1111iiz l ' 11 1 ll1''1 1 re 1 ,I III II III Al1m1 0r- 1101. 11_ ! I'lSUIl.,-,A-SUSEI --1-I 1-1 --- 1111 1 011>15 Ex' tcxNVEL (U tOII..ROSEY'S :i1 i : t (1 1 4 t l ii tll111 ' tom'1. I11100 1'11lc rtt1'1 B iat li l li r Fine Cigars arnd Tobaccos. ',,- S. P~IPERo, 30l8 S. 'l1ain Street. 3, "^ I : wie: k,.. 1 Ji AMES H.KREiD, 312 South 11. CLOCKS$100 up ' FALL SEL --CTIONS f Choice Pictures and Framing., ('t( kg-..r(rtce tr INer. oa, 1t1v.\Ov rcota hircal Tou ,er. :1 Liberty St. Art Store INI t11-O 1CA I NS to' lt 01 1111 t lorl Iin '111ac 11111 thn it talll i 11'nN a te U i E L,1. (IIAPMAN, )tlO , 206 S. Mi tatnint u Ner heUIIHs r __ _ _ ____, wichwI woldbe1,(: I l to lo1111 . C TY B RIE S O VARIT Br'BER SHOP, f y< C 5 / A y 0111iotoo. . V F P A D K E ItCI I I 11 A t t 0 BATH R OOM, gCar:, LSTobaco,, 1'AS- L. :"LVlIE,. III 2 to !11a11 11 s11011 Ill 1. Ill . 111I. t l.~lt ,. 5th S t.Ch ta o. T H E 121oo- h. WshngonStee WE ATRNIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS