THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-KNEWS Speci1-al Sale of, Over1coats. The Alfred Benja mini Celebrated Custom made, Fulton & Broadway Box, worn by all stlish dressers in the east. The make and (duality' speak fo0 themselv es. WXe desire to annouce that we are selling them at a close mar= gin (luring onir rem~oval sale. 0i. J. BUS, .manager. GiLOVES CLEANED't~n11 0, Lovell's Cornier Store (o.M 342 S. State St. Home Supply Store. i NNI \lt ilEl Will Close Out All ,ll 3 $1.00 Bust: at ...............50c 2.00 Busts itt....... ......$1.00 N3t.'l IE. Il $300 and $4.00 Busts alt.... $2.00 I This goffers ian excelleul chtatnce l~ 1I,1 i uy ome «f the bstpiecesat,-;t3 itii rAl price. NI I 1I - TI I"A AI INI 0. M. M aRa "it Kc i a ii Te it I A n4 . L w. I I ' 1 LC{11 ll lt;l } lt'ltit'tl i.r t :I!t3 rli lllti a13 'il llt :l+' t 11it 1tt list l l )+ Il}11 1o I Ni ~iN> i IFUNERAL 1'hnnhNNNDIRECTOR ax. { \..: N\ nt'p 5 . i. faitj N ttt tillin \I ; ' .'I Sack ~ltri 1'Suits an" ,t t t I t ;i lt. i i i i ll i w ti ll "(i 2 t r i. s r: "1'11 F ktt tt i 'RAZc"ItZRCnu"nl _____________1____itI.____ )t'i I t - }I5: f'N s AFT ER '11-1; IILAN' 1 N 1: flt. t . . t '1'1.1 .IN Ni 1 > N t' i ill 1 i