THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS E FR ME k.1 NOTHIN BETRAAYPIE 191 If ou re articular and hrdtofi c tIU Ru' .Vbber oods, GymSoe," 11S. AI Fne Shoe kepairitng.I ...-r:cR:. y -" ','^ " 7 " j'+ ^^ : I^""1 "'^ P°+vnm-""'iT^ rc-.- . qr R-+r t '.,r .. .r.. ... r. _.. , , a w - .,++nw^r-qr qr -n o p -w > . - . ar+w:,+u*'.w in:st+r xr r.'nv -c yyv,-r.. e--. rAr: w'w' ^'. . - IIR "r'1? t 7 :r"+ T' 1p s-u'.+'; .'^'-c vR -- ...._ , r.. 1-.:s ... rv. ,. ... , .- . Photograph uAlbumns i A line t f the finest Albums ft Zun ttnte prints that y'Cu e versaw. CATKINS' PHARMACY. 324 S. State Si. F OR I)LC®ATNai 121 East TLiber°tySt4. pI 'N D1) ,Ni)N 'Na iii. W. C. BINDER, Prop. Choice NMevts foryt i ' tji S ON t Lock repairinrg, key fitting cau WM. J. W[NURii l.a [ti WY tlySet L .I I Every Student 5hould In=-- vest i1y Cents P] Awl <'ultthetai' itusa t'fPa -t Da~ u i'A rgu e al _tf- 1t i'ttt~a u-o .L eap e' "IVV Sto llttt ti Vt21 >11t.611 -' lll' .Ii s uff i F strea t. TRY T1HI&, TWO MARTIN FHALL.ER, FURNITUlRE , t t' ic ua I'A~f r iii FIB; - NiSuati Alk ' I C A11 TtVi IIN T ' : t'r il ad IT -I'll al Wvtii Other tol a: Fin P' i and AI~tt "'t txi cI 1 (io'Ti DeFRIES ;f ? I , it , : V VPI Io . II I Clil at, I).I 1,1w a Vtt A rlitil . t ; Vt' : A1 iijo tt t r'-the ttV ildtip. -i 1)ii:It' V -Ii'i1tit 6i iii tar \f VVV a V.' t j * VV.VVV (:t j a V. V,} Vt! I, C titt i ;0 V}:1ia I ii~i l _i i ii VI rt t VtVVV 'VVVV. t ' V.V'"l Vi S~ eoreo ANNA0B1OR1AILROA 'L O t :. 1 i r i l c ti t V i , , . VeLeave Next Thursday, a. NOVEMBELR 13th. OR ZNTIRE STOCKI GOES. J1 eal ftor ntxt setmtster atld misetlaneous LAW BOOK; oulr stitck is exhausted. Trua1.i. Ira 411 AV'4I1a 'V V t4 K LAGHANleaveInCO. ____________ rz... aw Publishers Ann Arbor Branch 1 ii ii SI ( t., St-11O 'S., OP I AW IIDG. NoC- 1.)AM J. ICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR & BOWLING r11,No5aT;riIIIIr-NC11A 7117 iirII.GushioAn.iVf) VVnIAI- a Vo VonVy. 7ul N, Uiverty AveI,:i V V V l 'V V V 111'ee,> V I V itt c r .,}No . a 4. r+. , Vr C "ic. THtEitS1tOIT LINT': X, tj ANN ARBOR T V C N E YORK .1 AND BOS~L Pl iandCork Tip. Vol 'V "V .VV VVV a' "La V ... Sin I 'ttttti... t.-O.- .00 XI V . etid x t f sour4'doice eq uipmn1 rt is a Tces ttr tiiS 2( V 'Vi' { .ti' V 'a ( ',at. 12EiSit' 4'V. 'V.t '!V iV V V VV t '+,' W L1I atch this space for S. Le.A ". an- ~ FALL OF '02z. MID The Finest loine o)f mti and Enigish Siig i the City.