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November 12, 1902 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-11-12

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d 1for :,INN > , sLIt
Extract from the Laws of the
Srate of New York.
"int= person,fiiimiicorporaia on or asoci-
ation that makes or oils i's ffers to sell or
dips-of or has ini his, her, or its posses-
si,)t with intenit to sell or dispso'. ans'
collars or csifs markesi, sitimpeid or branis-
s' ilk tir sors i iles,' 'fiure linein,"oir
"alt lise.- oriineas,-51or inciseds-in in
boxi, fir kag , coversir swrafpper. marled
si'ilii-iliior engirril' to denoiti- thair ski su
'1-iie iis " lien,"' '"piireinenur,"or "all
'i iuless lthe imaierial of wsichrl ifs
sii isolas iir cuff's ire imanuifacitired ciii-
ofnsatrostofeiioiisldiir lily whicihlihasa
flus shread intitisscwrip and lilliog -is
;uly if a wisdom eassir.''
Barker's Collars are Stamped "Linen"
Ott ierBrands Asis-riieltidSiiildas Linn
ire NOT ,.iiifs'f"l. twnii; WTis'
S-1 Ci ., Popilar O'iiee Ml'ae.Nashers
Is swhat kees i s store its close1
fiii o -if With ithe isifi men ofi theifIhis
SSuits, Overcoats, Hlats, Caps, and all the'
newest Men's Furnishing
I s (,-fi rs f 22.2)iii l lii i-i'-of suig i liiY
0 ifs ade 1up o' f is hseil's
thatii (r iv oes' tofff ti le sosearer.
SMen who lofike os-b so's-lldresied
aitinosierate coiisfirs'eueft is-re.,
There is no boftfr companyEtfllslt15 .1( .Ilroi tr t
when--boning' Ha rdo nighs BUROIFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE.
= thn a good -igarette
0'MOGL'S are tiepleasntest + 'svr i re iled theii 1 l - in o iic si- veti isis tid 1
- t kind of cm p iccpsn. Open I :ts; is w iisse liifihawI l fnra< h ui i f iisssrkiiii :i
/up yocurthhink vlodof + usii lilwsri ussi-THE FINESTLINT6 of WOOLENS .
thelbsame t 'e 1 on citmies + i h r atril St ll 5will pre5 lil i n 01iis 1il
of'accl oce - offi i-Ic s i lti i rt p It V 'I fi iu lls hi fs 5 fill .
Ten for ko5t,-*+ 'Ififi
Paih an. Cork )ip S. W. BURCH FIELD
Sp ligsOfficial Football Supplies A Cm iiainlisilyI lt itai on eii l i i reis 11. vvr
i-n ioaubytlifiiiili lis
ii --iiisil i lf I slil l-ililili' Idtu i l il'A y r it, isis".1-f liihllllti , ant Hit. al PRESCRIPTION XW ORK
scI lur tsi' theyi It veit t low on he tudnii ul' ii~ if-l i'lhisiiI1iii0 i. o 10 he rch5u
=plslli c ffici'ii Iilhl~ ai i1iiIiis-lul7i 'sa. ifentnne iand o i i e tlussili ng.A SPECIAL FEATURE
IMaih'ili~~i iiit la-ll~'liiisfsusedsiuinilflll i '-is dillivel Iof hsifiof is 4no lolt
lsirsp ''sihl~atilft ii oliillll i tit si, si~glii il. Ifi l("ois-issue iiltnl-I lis- shi lii if C uhf e ~a~eprdein fie groLii
Prie' $4 .40 fss'ieu' ie'us i is- flov lli i i slofo iibr nc osifrbu i
iii1li's Nric At- -tos locar u shn ii /0151 i if bitanili ii ciii
tacihilnt for rooit fli t' ifhlr .XV- ~i~ti'i ih t 'o ifelii'stat i ctliia al..1 ultta1 e5a d ac tCrfly
nahis kil r usiiiiiug 4,'Landfu sieri-e tguotA crcHneshysand Abin-
by Nr. Joist MoM s- t iul to fta'e if iiui f1 s'lls pa iuf Ibc the i' S i A I I NTI
ers, trainle iof thir
lHailv ird I t . It i hXfii'lis's of IfS llonit, ilt. IThis yval' '
isc best p iiaiiee f aillei'al loi lr' los final con i
--9 ii 'ever ul. t- Io t U i t ' As 4sew ort th lIoisi gllsi--Junior Social
Fo5 t filiGiie file
la "-trice iit c ii.. W dili l e iiileiwfsilihligi' h lisitis Irwil- Tutil l Ilic 1 lsu e ei-i1}tiosl~
- 7- -idtin'Fulli and Isis irs iil f5,1iitc li ea t-o f su hiss ~ei-s clu, Not'.2, T l r5.tttei f'll'
sIcy 55'l ;;ti t l 's at h el- i
AG 41 qBrs or, Ciiiago A osi'iI u. 'it iiithis ullltsllidii al 'iigelilsio is ttr el cxiii gs i Campus lDrug Store.
A.GSpldig aBo. - , _____tal_________________"1111_1proiseatth
______________________'Mathes.lii 'ilhiuti nanfur- i ues-llu'fr 'liei ifl i' s if is f lu s i -l l iiisila55 glut
Others Claim-iThem, We l'cisho at i,~lls- lim is'llirf yliin Ahi- isu.n ,<lnt~tut~c:L hi a- H ?ANGS ERFERi
H1ave f[hem, Ii i s ueairliiffI.liifiiit 51 issinui 10
Shell Iref eo shd flasiu o bsters s iisis fills~i ii :11 ii '06 Mdis Ssined
Fish. 'eelsr Sp rinhick~ili eni- isul l a it~ f 1111 ofItsli. s ill uffs
Large 2 air' atesalsall the ledinflg sill liiil oiy' lhlln lii t. 'll ilusinasTe liii ofifslo f st hr06(I nll trss'i
Br fassto ssl'.sereeswsith i tliiitrill llsilif. AIbis- sluiishf lit :ii- s tIsss lse ii''Is;Qvis s h ii-s hs's. Isus huhI Nssu
i e-ic sCrei tae D essditiho. ~ ins u iignii'i not I 5- - - -,iInd sf. ito othe l h i..td O n1 lII
i'sersiii sL r hiuinthis.ot losBfrO.( rayistit 1 i-its'hreenhrh ttal sI 'h11 n.1 tatitc3 1 t 3zi
ise only fiPoi okIll,, -ledf fisfiffIinii -los
rdrdnil minithe cI Issues.i iil t.-i-y l f i
Ch1.is' h. 'iu-1.lii f lfii 1 liIis ii i 0 h50- ms5s55 us iufU36 S State St.
rese f h n itrx Ii si lan . oll 1,1oS antoisi osn1pills ii isulio ii isI H F -ut ee~d te e n
G R A N G ER 'S ii'il' i i :1 fol l' r nuill I'Si--l ftoi'oswii'sll't i iuCane s of lsilllii I lsfai
hi iii ,n111(ijs~, so. 's-Ic is 1.,it5555 lt~I 5 All kids or Arlito' nsuisfofissiem TURKSH CIGARETTES and PIPES
D A C I G t e 5o tiu5'' 5 or, arlih i; l' 1155lis. Cihin s h Ill li5 55 hu i hs
an 114 nteruCl noe ls 'rl s. -FINE lUN ('I -in o iit'ttl4'tiiin
Ground Floor, 312 Maynard Street, iisiiil'55iif' iisu ifiis - hflllf' fhi'ff S'511. i5iiit tte t foJhLY
nlhiuiiugu'il'i5. 'lii li-ll lu-VIiiIf' htsli _alrefti Cloalatsiast Cuofi CAN 110U DANCE ?
T UiiLut f akoi e.sth elimntt'hiuirreficy. You can learn to dance for $3.00
toTT E' linfoefrt , uita I, hfk ors. u mbserhfe for the micii,-ntiaiy- at the Unvrsity School of Dancing,
LUI.NCHI R()OPA biM i ii' 51 helilislillilhlof ifL(I' SuientNews. State Street Monday and Wednes-
day evenings.
338 S. State St.AT L EN S
____ ____ _ AT ALLE 'S.ROSEY'S
PHOTOGRAPHS'vecots Billiard Parlors
CALL ON ovxercoa e c a s Fine Cigars and Tobaccos.
SEYMOUR STUDIO Tie Rigt nt ind at the Right Price. JAMES H. REID, ste Sth
316 S . Main St
TH ASity FBrRBERlsHOPN, .ALNMnsOtitrMi tet ADBT OM igroacs
CHA. L PERIE Prp.116 E. lltRNlns ST.
CHWamS ., FirtdorIoff Prp. _________________________ AGENCY CHICAGO AMERICAN.
7, ,2W"A~>r Ca) Randall
'r1 411 E. 57th St., Chicago.TH
Penl frill fsTolulrl ifhhP otg ap
- er ofol litalossi(Susi-s.121 E. Washington Street

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