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324 S. State St. atd of c-slltte . i tIt-II f t steatory t sst he t t intst- pi isji ot ittcg
Coiey hEi therttitt rntiottttot' rIttl ii 5 tthnt th fsnl Thtats_1nitho- s 71I en Lattett Attta i ng Rack,
tyipon, t ttttt't van sttt sllgotdrtt e i nt in Ms tnti I ictDIRECTfORS.-
Baiey &1dm nd Lhtthee ts or t tting n o frItt e f2 itt ssstl tsto itin'eAItts"tt of tt~ts t
FO )CO A ini ts itto f tttf 'tof-iitIits rt ro h ltyI ee(p r~a t vmAnldreyig
121 LastiLibertyeIlttn - t ueltt t ttt t'tt ssit--itst'silis tt titi 5 TtlJa O X fwd E , M~i~r dlle~~ a
et ii t I- t t s' o iS ti ~ie' .ro "t i i ti- 's-tis I ~ nttsiontss oc 1nF Its - sit-.tst
P Ou RIL A N Lll e ir..Le olor t tttnsle Nd y' ife ovhtsst-tt' iFrafsttnks Ps NW-aivsi er-stsosl sssns t n atinstig
121 E ast L)A Nib ertyi-S. nosst it ros l t's still sissy tsssitbtot-sel d st i s tl sentsiltls- 1itti t ,iomIt ' IssT heOBtnfl rbti ort sss It t tt iItttttBFatsk
11 nar t ts t slsttttsstltr at its s ttli-stnitthe-s-t n eIl c os tttaitttlE t i ts it it S us' c ss. '
1 e Ji-ettti nt'- ieno t tn th s ttt5 ot-t s tiiil t o ntsti ts r ito tt sstf (,tit's Ognies drh teia nti L w
MTLrNk0 A FE tt it'Sm tttt ttststa]iwitiarfaisloei otf thott o-istii t gtt isSte. a i e
b UIli irtet t Iiir tst1thsi tttttttat __ ______________ i ) treitite s li t t uysa I I I r. n-i
C OicP~ EN Ats for GH . s llto. i t sttt t ians- syit ildstHeI o rkGuawilto le funti n Otts ra$1 onta th rni li s t t 5 ol s stateitso
o~bryito. tu lo usetadnA um nis sst,., s~t
Frternity rade, ottst-st titi1sanitiitilhos Ii t3Otn ittae tys r ent.
W . C. IN D ERPtt ins vlst a isn op l Jts-f Doo i est.Or Si.rel..He Jn. .
elaxl g0~i M~r istsitl sotg vs o i trad sthe I LL iS J WE R T i laE DY.. A. , & I F .1 l . Sanard te
1q ..0 E. HurountilThe 151tes us. Thoue itssttrllybuntil
At BROWN'SuuDRUGm mt o[F fromR0 15 pt. its until 7NJ-ill ie Tiven
at-ititttts ls it trilNV M ER 1 t .atreclies bn . 5 ittl 11135 Coiu.
60 & W lla S, hi b I rll o teR that I REl~t s TO bOS.usttteg-n s Gl i, tss t s , . n
Lokrpiig e i tin hlearlye f o ese me i ystrind miscelaneeounLaWiBOK foens 1u aAnN AReBORh AkYorwtoAD
Ch icein fissr, ror s t its oilts E-a u s tocki Cs haugsed. mac. D titt . l n leat u .A 7 Pri o taiP.
M e t eit t n g o i n . ~~- ~ - - u a c ' ' _ _ t I t , Fi h . o t 1 5 -i t o uit tG. F a e n t ~ a e l n s a h i h t h , e t p a e s S lA , T l d , 0 ) 0
WM .WNL13t iet treet LwnPblisers ainn iseabrBac
Every Student615 . mShouldoulyInti
o 6: 5 n n ot i s.- tp. ir. T e
vorestai adconets IPCKOCVBLLARBPRR & BWLIGh.tstsats91 .in n 5 t p.stn.ssosst~sstb
' isi ottie s-rsttR ir'oPts llia-l Ttttttt ilsossIR ST- O7 K17 O E S .A aiTtits ottl ur nSty'.o.Aan
es-k episisringaileytittAng alryfrneIt- ttssem str d m illneu LAW .BTt-ttiitre A 1N AtB4R t IsL0d eRotOsAD a
Argsto ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ urstck s5xh u niestyFetedrot-to.s7itali
tugnis s eas, aot s n5raisoleain ln trbw T y Wi et raStn
ofkates ott ttALloAGhAotto isse JJKTiiY.oiA
WMi I.W NQR, i13 or."ibtSrertYou ers ho subrprdatch"i hetNiaga-t.2Nl Roe"
And yetth tro t Fe Pe sMoacOCsins ' l- ' th deighitusess hntheTledSIo ti liy.
ever monin An th An ( eysltelnihed10 MOG, U styAreaiherans,1,14r n d~ARBORxcetSna
MAR.TINhebsaLerra hingsin.thTcigaetteHICAG
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FURNITU awek Lav rEr n naltl hneNWYR
deri siothds e otontisat Siehe n audutCourkpp C I $ E T A
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MARTIN HAL ER, reathrongh iithekciitrete itIsit
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Single admission 50c, $1.00 An essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $2.Oo00)
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