[liE MIHIGANDAILY- NF2V% Extract from the Laws of the Srate of New York. NL LB il l ilkI lor tt'111 . . THE RIGHT THINOS AND ENOUGH OF THEM - ne~west Mete's Furnishinig ho W ich i < c E t 1i' s a -'.tr 1 'l +Y)3 1 I 1( 1t e lt'1I t RCKET BRAND Ba rker's Collars are Stamped "Linen" 1 i1 1 p ~!>l '': .'tv311 &CO., 1P14)1)111.11- 1ride 11 11)1111'5511111 WADHAM S, RYA & RE OLE. D '.''t :y cI. thin get I; t< l)II hI> i s . 10t; Il.11 setted r to .;before :rg : :round. 1 BURC HFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TR; yc1ha've on ..g tobe 1 k r ythankful for :I} 'u kNW e11",\ )1(') 'L ill 1t LIII 1 L" I LII t"('I'1BILL M t.1 T.Cie te l ' in tl 'LB tilt,11311111w ) (I ((Icl IIlLI .z Plain and Cork Tip. 'f S.IW.111 B 2 ! I ~ Si ' 1 i , (, i i Y z ASE. )OLEN S + II i [i' '1' +ov il IIELD .1 +&+q+++ ( A i7 'g'' Gficiial I otINILLI $iSupplies, 'Tie hI 0 to U I0 i oth LGns t Li i+:E17" ll ~it I! '111''!1Itl'i" It 'i'\l t'c " ' c3 )I 1cB) Have illhei'. 1!131' I I I LIL BII t+ I ( I ii 1 t II \ ' l I '1 II lit+ +l '\ B I ;.,_ BB LC l " Bl tt t 11IcVStLl:,,u IIIhe(LI' 'g ~" IL 1 \LUNCHtROOM LI ". 1t1tl' tit'ril 111 1')1 OTcoGRi ml mASt Overcoats ( + 11 1.OU1111SiEUDIOip11l'14 111., WIT [W ii Ii L...I'i .i. rop. l.F.s ALL N,1Mens 1Outf A n r o .(. l"l + 1 1 t I :o Il Il1 i I I S r~i!elin~ t~i sii),j'1' 11 .3c~nlin EE+\ Iiil 'i l lt1'i 'l~ ": I i l ' r II I I. tiL cf"I. i)' t," I ILLy.AC 1 11 :it it liiEC' '+ l li o n 14 . 1 II I 11 '41 B 1 I i B I I ' "il~ iri.Ii , tI I Ilo il L :11:1'I +:141 I III' i'III ICIIII EL '' I L PkLIgI:111d * I.L I I tI Ilwy I'{-611L1+ II 4 ' . I i ly 1:I LoL III 11I14I - 4 1 1 1 I l I l ,1 1is l i l, I I I '. I 1 1 II. ' It w l' I''I". Li l IlMr Ii' I I I I I 1 1 1I lI , lt o I o i l + I' { iL VI~ L 'I' o 1 1 "As '' i' '' 1I tILi >1LL11 I LIII )14'I' l oI l I lls I' ho 'LL' ,i=o heL i t' 4'111 L11II ii lI 1 } 1111 ' ii I' rshiLL. I'LLo ' 'I- S I' l~ ilLI o l L',11141 Iho I LIII 'se IL 4I 1111111 'B II 1 al ie I lo s Il 113 L IL' ILLILI LII jPRESCRIPTION WORk A SPECIAL FEATURE aie asar i n S0(1 treuiv ANOt~< laSTERFERa CANDITESE 'LI I 'I" OB'LI'316 S.State St. i. ' I. )t i)I.11 '' w .' I 'I I HA E jsLIt receliedthe LI 'I an I11'LBB L'LL'LLL' I.(1111.y TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES Evrbogtbruh*r h III.II'S .1 'tI I. 11"NE LUN('11d'iit, L'4m11cci illn I I v ti' 'BLLILI l i cl eaBrsIL * 1: C) Ic "chicLB '' )I' 'IL 30INSout4h5 State St. R. C.(OLiY. w c l {it t' lnllll)1". I' ILL' III ' 1 B ILLXI . 1CAN YOU DANCE? I is I f :'tst' NBand1111 LLLot'- on can learn to dance for $3.00 suppl iles. sing'S PIliBtttiLLat the Univrsity School of Dancing, State Street, M~oiiday and Wednes- day evenings. Bilard Parlors 'x7'er oa~s Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. IltiI lt I eJAMES H, REID, S2a o~1t. SDOLLARS. 'CITY BARI3E SHOP ftter, Main Street. AND)1BATH111tt.NIS CigasBB& TobUacs. THE 121 E. Washington Street "'REPATRNIZ GOOYEA FORRUG