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November 02, 1902 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-11-02

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Extract from the Laws of the TH RI T IN AD
*FURNES~~~lA~ Srate of New York. T ERG TT I G N
t -Any person, iris. 1Corporatin1115 aSOCI- ENO UGH OF TH EM -
- - - ion lit ma kes ir sell,- oii'r ts ll ords se forh si hs, e.or is bilses
s1011iwith iten to s liir'ispsro a y ci 1 I L h t e tstiis ll(N s
Collairsior cuils niorol, sam dorss0iib jrandl' f iiiil) ih ii t1 iiiw, lii IIi i on (Al th
i dwili lii osicc " 'linen,''"-I eli twn," or i is Is (Miur fill eciliioi
ii i~iii I iiiii 1111iSuits, Overcoats, Hats, Cps and all the
' i stand i#. ii it d noe har.i i hi 1 "
o1iri Isusri ialr' i i' r" ht1 t newest Men's Furnishing
ai collors or colbs ae i a1111li acluri'di s Is i; ii ' tt ofic -l di rI t l ii, amstlesnnedod rpy-w ih a 1 .l
li l iirad is boikits swrap and11fillin-is 11111a gill nI to' the iii 1501111
RACKET BRAND' Barker's Collars are Stamped "Linen" i t ideratIcost lie furilllii ii
tier Bratids Aivirri itisUIliSold as Linsn
r :ieNUT lonimped "Jiiirt" WtiY IIAlU U0 RAN nii
for e 'e. ,)lii it WA xN 1011 &CO., PoI)ular Price LlHbrdasheiI~rs1 low RYAlNIV 0,06fULE,
----------------------- -----------
1s { Ile)
M t
Whoatha "hop"-dancing,
we' measn-'s0easnc os
around you'll find MOGUL
Cigarettes pleasntolsruokes
between numbers. Or, if you
''O it1 ot'she woolt chuMc
to MOGUL asmokc Daty
as a springtimeo zephyr.
Ten for ioc.
Plain and Cork Tip.
Elstaltished1C(1881L. 106 E. IitoatiStreet
usuail, lwi, haivi THE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS
II the If it 'il. (1 it ant Skill Neill prild li 111' li l ii' +
Y +
4. .. ......+.+4 ++++++++++ +++4.
. .
-i I
Sralding'?s Official Football Supplies j
l ii s a d tiillli
t'1111), 11 l
iioi is 17- in ills
t'oitit fr oo
OthrsClainthaiero We
i'1lvtr o iii s inc , obsfvent-
lti;l..Tro lo' S il i of' 'l tlkt'i
tirokos bb, cosil s 'fcitl
'1 '19J'.il'Irsi to cints.
10jWc eud i cur Spolr a -
WI ~tTS ew Yor, CEic~t"o,
U io' I 0111in & aBros1 sllnilqinitiloe
Ground Floor, 312 faynrdSret
rg ucySeks l ie e~ in
it S a t rc t i or " arate
to theil adCiiiCes.
Ope tamS:3.i.L. tRil i, rp.
Grun1Foo, 12 anadStet
C11AlJf1rI7tIJIN 1 I 1his I ii li J 1(
iil 'ii ' ' :n'(( I1, >il t) l I I f PRESCRIPTION WORK
it'ntll)el 1r.1nI~ n 1 ~fur :Il nitct3 ,1 ,\)ttsIOSwelr, A SPECIAL FEATURE
111i w ii n i t e 1:1 h 1 Ii 10 l ll i s 1 s Ie
Iiii' il rl l ei ~:s 1r 1h'Icfr. n s n w t'li c rf l
i co it i i Inilliii :.)I i i s ( Vi 14(11'0 I*v M :4ctc 41 h ) -lr
wi4 (boon('iihi i il lt l' 11' )-E ' 1 ,0 \ltu'"~l ll 1 ' k'ii ' t'Itiiil ii l ______5 _______________________________
Lof't ]"II olit 'liill t il' )' riIn . I I Iii \"111111r' n ost s r+)1111(1 ' ft
341111 : 1ak t 14ke f i 5 I 'its' Ii fr "rcs isconsil sl d o ~ il A lis
itckliice~ t 3trIs sel I 1.11Ier It pr:iil~v it itIcliii Iii' I ill i'0 rI UIH0ARETE adPIE
~;s IwI 'ht lad lk Ii Is ii ii . il lint :11 1011 'a s\V-w ll in for H I E LU (lE in 'iie iui
slitl: Ic' t evpil il Ii.:) lit( ;to ' o l itiw i s dwii o1C ANll"111"D A N C E?
nt:lisire te('11 o 'V a ln i ii Io iioly Id ici'oiic i te niril SholofDacig
fo :.i i n c 'iir o 'ii Slateder Streete"oMondaywk.and Wednes-ill
1ilIIlwets14o vlI~d tisolil: ~idt o i si's15Y:1( i. Feenigs
Iicett-4'Yiii'u'l sweo. 6Billiard Parlorsl -o" roild ndfo
I I it l 1 . 111it 1 A it Y 11 ii ' . Ntl I i - - 1 x 1
-11(111114 t11 t1L II I :III .I i III ;11 1111 i
1.I 'I .IIIIII' iI illi 1 I I'I'I i
tl iii' :;i Ii11(. e t il l it tll 1''
A1i ilIII II 1.tl t t 1:1 1 , : rl 1x 5
ii' ;l li~i i l f l r'
11li11 't fi) 11i'l.1 i I
tub.rot ci ills Oitl Pat10100l
Fine Cigars avid Tobaccos.
fJAMES Hi. REID, Stte St
iANDI BATH 000O1S Cigar I s oacos
16 Itt . lttic S,-T.
4AIIIONI('X '1 'lll(~AIIIIlEit I t X
TI] 1I
Overcoats Rverco ats
N. F. ALLEN, Men's Outfitter, Main Street.
Mnaers of
liiiand dsl illt
tOw",aitil1l,+n taps
The : C.K }3C
'ii I' 01Ci iiii
121 E., Washington Streeti

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