TH-E MIChiIGAN D)AILY-NEWF + -. ,,, I. E . 11111i ; ?1 I!1 t'11;1(14Iylt III 'I '+. r i' i ati1 H orriei ~lcl~i T tr'VA r T NIS G 1;~ui ~t~,I ' 110'1 ;3 011 I ?i' i 1 1 l i3i l' lob a t 'iH o me vtI fl otrc lb . lk~~ a v e j uT htU ,r efer v1 M A A G IN G E ITO R'', lo i ltioi tt buIoiistiititci'mll: sto1r hing ed a new lineldof 1lUSINErS1 114r lR ~ l 1 it(!It 101)lilt, I ote lmp n IW s o t i a t f:0 0 1 o71 1 r 'llu th tll ' 1 Oli 1 01 011 'iu quo loutLill), Iill.'Ili bit m ent111_in<1 the city ;it e1 i..!.. 1'Mihi ANave 0I M CJ ienEA RLtntEttInt . S O' 0:;.t le lta ! ot i'l. attachment and lioiii lii' Ol $ol in at" thee DBIl ESy- New ttc htiii 0i. i o b1' '11 0se \\ iihai' o I lo i'ivI'. I il lill W oole spfotfal t EDIORSt11:1 0 ii' Ver ev il'I'llacilt. to $ .0 Attacie thwlerat uicbs tttiIetitug in111U-1,4)11-.----'tet 11a pootya htttie nyti ili 'a er. I1ii lii'fi 4stnlrns'tiin tii E ERt Wl ItElatlte aeither a, tooteLli ari K a ie, 'ii° Iiii111 o lu 1vll liiro0 or1 idi I di llI * E E *E Alfe an et Ia a errtni og ta t r ao.. vee ryE E E W E 7sron g ithr u l a r g e t (71ztrt0t 1,.,'t~cJt.'t;. tit i tIt iii io lliilIiist li ttl i l t(o*4 .-.0 00 1 ttilatlttt It'l 1(11ct-:.:o.utspir i 11\i iii' 1._:i114 :11D ISC\V IT . AN t liii h o h, o -I 1o l, 111 o 1) (111''1'Ilil' Ill(, '' 11111 h t is liii i mute ll' li\'4ntliti'it liiiti Itilt 1114x,111 lii' I 0 : tI L I" F 'lIit t]l l~l ot iliittlrF ' 0 itot'1K.I i i is ll 1\\fill.' ' tloo po poit io tiol, 111 o111 11t1'1.O 0111100011'1 l'otilli 1'114 1t;to'4(0000' 11.1'1 i( 1iilii 'I Ii ll' hu I 00 Pt'tl tot hi' tileephonellNo.II;;.it0'litOnoto111;11:4to'1 otiiiii I:Iily in 11010 t t 110 101 it 11 otl T he01 subscr10 (i'o01000 ce1 of1 t he M000 in i blnt is 111 (1 1 11h; 1;1 Ii) Lil. 1 Daiy-N ws s 1.7fi orthecolegeyea~r. No- l'tloIin oicoi00 011 Dti+ i ohe at° 11;1 lN R O I H i tl~o' 00 10a11 000' e t.m', t.1 0ie 0nded t' i malii i ll lte ieior101101 :3 . I ofl the 1 day'' 1 \'1';11ill :itl 4iia tO i. ii ' iii' 1 c o I~r S1Z1wilill previousltoithat'iilloich'theyiare1expecte i r u iitoitaipear.o' ltil'o''l 10100 it 1 lst livid.ii cli in is 11ll0 Sb scrloni b wi l o nr for'oeo rt0~ 00 0ing 0t 100''r \v I i1,11 o' it. Il' tI r' tll I',0 io l ol\u o lu Sni~~~nnii C~~~~~u pomtlo tthls h lieafilreo ft11a01iers 0 u oitlal 11 al h a ic i U nivraty oanler, 11010 n 0 0001 li' o'to iideliive ppr.u'IIl' 11:111bi'lt o t 11e ra'ir1 in the off 'ic 1 00 . o 0th daypre iou0 to ''Ei '11x41iirii oit ioi i ' ' :I t ' thaSSt te St e t. on01 0wh1 i' tey are hoto a boil. l .11-1i i ii' v i'll.1''t' l~rs(d!i ii y !!010 cuiititiiO 01.1 0il i i 1 tl o vlll' . l:;:111'y \ill BES:FOO Beem seteoo''t 'tetisf'l.' wilili'' 100.1 ''ll' 1THE11 :11 LRN\orRvil r-..Itoa hltlh ti thtloltatthlila"tttlltnlilh.tAit t R'1' ff/7l . Ak AIL AIL AhL Alk AL Adk A, AL IL A, Al AIL AIL A, Aft Ad& AIL A AL { J i A A A r "SYSTEM THAT SAVES, t" An oarsman, who must bail when he should row, can not I GUUU UUvernmenIIUIub expect to win against one who races in a leakless boat. Regal factory methods, and selling system, eliminate enough leaks, waste, and needless expense, to aggregate a Ap It also saves-to wearers-the four usual profits between Tannery and Consumer. The net result is a $6.00 shoe for $3.50. Ex-Senator Towne, St vo Bok Tels W v.Mayor Harrison, Dt~I2JATGovernor Van Zant, $3*50 1XLE \JI L $35 Judge G-arfield, Oak Soled Shoes C. J. Bonaparte, iuultulilltilila'tl~ttooot tuo A~ l~ 0Co ii oo t~otoloto..btioT. Ii. Head, Men's Store:' BOSTONr S. Wonmen's Store: S~DA MY~ 'NWS STAND, 611 [. WIILIANISI Coursek 5b ~~~ ~ ANN ARBOR, MICH.lces,08 PICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR and BOWLrIG ii'' tl'taiolngi- . -lii IiEltiil ^r. ,Lion coil Eleel tk i ,itot . St ' o TOT North Unoversoty Avenue. J, F Sc uIh It ooI ooto20 t a'lngt 5G1s anet WISCONSIN, IOWA, CHICAGO; OBERLIN AND MINNESOTA YET TO PLAY.---424 scores so far What will be the total? Guess and win that $25 Suit, $10 Suit Case or $4 Varsity Hat. GOOL)SPEE D'S, 117 South Main Street,______________