TI4C MICHIGAN DAILY Go.He Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-clsos fahrics and sptecial style for stu- dento. Gs. H. wild Co. Es BALL SITIS We are showing a fine line of Football Clothing of Spading make at the following prices: PANTS Canvas $1.00 to $2.50 Moleskin $3.00 to $5.00 JACKETS Canvas, Sleeveless 75e to $1.25 SHIN-GUARDS Reed and Feli Padded 35e to $1.75 SHOES Calfskin, good quality, strongly sewed $3.50 per pr. Before you buy come in and look over our stock, we'll gladly show you. Sheehan & Co. 3 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r i i r r TiHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Ftt d asec~ond class matteat the.SAnn Arbsr Postoffice. Pusblislied laity (lItsttdays rxcepted) during tte oltleeytar, at 117 EatoWXahigton strset. Beol plionet 892. Homtsphonr 76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HA NS EIl ITS. Atlttrtirs ........asreceF. Etlridge New t ..............Arthur C. Pont E,,chriae ........ kartesIF. XWitettad ttosir ............5A. tt. lOstotopot 55'e s ............1Effie J. Atrmstrsotg llugit Atirs tranktin C. Parks Lsoits. Stickosy. ASSOIiITE. Gerorge A. Osborno lltartttd C. Smoitht J. tart Ogl r. Gergs A. ttars I2. liarseO'ttriesn 5Ftask J. Ctark Rot I t. Classy tlenry .. ttsttgstssty 1t. F. trs 'ass 5\VattrrNltzeauniatt RATES: fa.5t peryepr, or $0.00 it paid is advance. Address: WALTER R. HANS Rousiness Manager. 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. Eior 'Visits Walter 7letzertss. CAL ENDAR. lOct.21-'0)lii t letiont, frotst9:30 t. m:s to 12 o'lack. lict. st Etarli Nsetraska vs. MVicht tganatitFerry lield. Oct. 21r 191111etgineetr electiott; new list. 2j-Fsotitall, Albionl vs. Michsigant. IOtt. 28 Esatotbatil. IDrake vss. Micisigant, at Farry lipid. lOst. 27-Itlssbrt A. Sptratgtteintti Vatt Wittkle,'' at First Battist (seslarpkay tir1112 :4 shlatrpitodttay. All of1 thts etijtors'ilsscc111 at's expetedra. Oing1 totttiinfortmatittttfrom a Bouce wh aicT heitD'its lthsconsidsrsd re- stists stalteadyestertdaythttlat Atttis. thte varsitys prters, itadtiswittdrawnt frtott tlhe raIceforiarntittager of thets p09 stgitt se11g latss. trask teattt. Thtis Walis st'rst11g ofi tse ldit mehntst~ism oftthetlit'lass tf thte'stttetls ttrsati tltast aas ancienttkitgtg ratedal tit P generalis bs ishitntg tthm i.tanqu~tised' . 'Tsetiss oftru s~t lspr s~tsanship retuil'etatt st' ttppot1otr tatt Illestusttltiatialy al th all minence atasatt attsttt tatwe.r attialltimsacr hmtecnie titatis ltte tla tt woatt'dtinttg thirirs be spItr Iiciiiat. If st' canttasttsetis atttdessevtnat tefeat, fit brintgs tt light 1ntatstrseaof ylltow ilthe irsooters whotave. sftr foutr 'ears cheerethir pteIamtts 1on 11to itttty,.sill its no scatas.tr'tpaht. 'PTwo years ago the I. S. 1. rooters ilayt' otes of thts bestt sxhiibiioitts of effective rooItitg ePr ssen sn lFepry field. Tis. wastin no1(salilgrse dtte to1 thtsfactsthiat ttearysvers massrp 111~- rietd ahantnter. 'Ills Daiy swtttul stggst tsatt raroItesatoptth t is scommend-t s551i1111witltMichsiigant 1athters. IAWP l)ElAItVG ~tCXIISSIN A FLOUifRISH ING CONDITIOiN. Wt largsttttmberssipis, capaitetmt n, 'ad rswartds forPefcinttmttrttithit .s'pettfIplas.on dsebiats'.,bttot of te sas stisfac qtorya iyeaIrs thevt h ye tttbuta ttort' signtiattt itttiatiitat e'sen thii.factstis tslargte tntber soI tttsttbrs sshtt tas atraltiattd atie interet'.itt slttitaffatirs...Thills tttsstbsiti of thte Webtersrims111tp ttg15. Al thttttghtheitsjsffsrsosiats alnt b(1 oas otI alnt equtaly'large'1numbe tr ontheltir lit, tarsdatrs at.. Ii lerttattt. (ttiss an Hllaiditayr. A nttswtplatittill isieollowed tityar to scoos thtstdeiaters..ftr teter s- stlegialsteisitatis...Ott Nvemtbrr 2, 3 a.tstl e achs 'itit sill]Slttipraelimilail among08ter ottttttttttbrs, frotti thostt thitt Webstersclubttill'met t heitslpthat Ntt clttb aftieliterarytdpartttttt ott, Ntotemtbr a2, 1111d tillNvsettbr 2tits Je(ffes'sttiasawtil tmssette Atlpi tiilsttb. l'Thrse stett wilil b'chsen.ttfrottteahi tf thtese'intter-sttteatets..adttthettssi' will participata in llteCisiago and 'aits- selsactintg fosattixs ttettfr tet o it' g itercolleisgiatet'debiates..tsps.isiiiy'of tmenttbing ieligibtle sillits eiminiatid. statemt th iat atreptresntaiistiveofCit- cagfo mtttity, tter wtchItligthei Nebraskatfoottatll stitatpratie othet tnivte rsity camputttts foloetthelip'star pae-at colord lboy, b tthesway-to'i 'ittiashtstpropolIsitinto quit111Nbras- ia fr Chicatgt. "Itiws t.pratsialy a rpetsiion ltof thtt'lBorg tdsai l fa sear attto capitainloftthtis yars tam1 twas tfferedtlatibetratl smiltlItold11oilto1 trantsfr iis atfliaiaonts to Ciagatta play 1football11ttttder Sagg.' WARMd S (CNTFEST FOR 'Tsetlong'trawnstouIt cotest ftr csits.. offices toflt'esiotr latttclats sswil ttte to at clstodiat'. No9tawiti sacet I S L JP P L IE S yearts hats tter betsstthstaltftierce oni testetd cotes.t' a'can hoisntotr, l intse spttiotrclsts .Nostat stes h1 lpit-~ unttturidby ttse satttidsattes .tttd ,tsltst iWp sas supptly yourtt'foto tall ents 1o1sithter tiscket10oswilt a victorPy. outfit to assr highst satti sfacttiont i'htssattidatsontilthaiitisckets iaes attd at tielt'wtts'st prices inthIet bteten isisl ele tiit thets stttc. atr's'atttti tw ts' greatest ssotsitde'tatittttfottrtteit'atbil- ity' andttet-p't'ittntg power'. . Sittetal con-____ t'tien tisItinth ot earnest appelts were5P ttattestotheita's..y0'1 ts' bestotrical 1power rocusttratbls'it it alf if ttse call- Football Fails - - 75c op iltates.nttinttatedt. T'i .spwat..fiillsttesti leadgears - $1.50 to $5.00 by eronl sliittio b te hnc- Fads - . - - 25c up mtent of ttea' ri'o'sts c atntiisateps ttttil it mtay safely it s aiidthtat thtsre is tnat at footballs 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 stutttithe itclat...stwtitltast..be1etntt$2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 pledgedst. iTeresu.tltIoftis pesoal Morltl Nosegoarils . . &,50 tistias itt ll be-fset'e i at ters leatioif conttt'i, it tat. s sstten ttntrely ftrIs': Pisti sc'atdidates.firtshetpreiettcatthis spats alt's excepttion1al ly topularatli1111 th11' slaissittateIs. GCsT.1Helvsin's''ttstt.alwtatys badt tis a itt playing it s t lithei scru beensucctttttssfu ndeaig.I i freshmantYeariie1. tas oIs Isteiteat '''ats'desb'atettst' icthis as in h't s tsohotlreyestt-ihssalise'ber111 ofths tttamtt' hta.a tdviss.sth a eta l Deb'atin lauhitmp..iontrshtittytdeftngifohts' Itesterni sitat icago.tIt He' is iaso1111 atme li te.l 'it' stmaisuter ts' c. i lTht fais lnblo sse ilb 7rom39 ho tO :3asetti.. .Tt'.ju'gs, whoel has atttesteni ato'nsedibystesf alsy,"as C.S.Anr'utt, c2h.airantt. s. 23a24 J.i.ToAel Ar.rJPres frtsiyatly Fats V gpratty tookly,1arenotitithe' eitt.a. C.il A.90tatts ginek r tow015.are islte. tmtd the stiettisry.nd117 ofthX aith: tots sfscs. S Students' Bookstore I p op ti tt' the ate's lt tii yeats. _________________________________f__er__the__closiotiestitf last Satuttdaty, tehold aae tothles fatthtat itt G et Yjou.Ir I.3oml oohathr'is ttothintg isatttatttt.'Tte gl.our of I lisitigatt'.. greaittprestige Decorations i n 'a hamthiathwillIttt'e'srt' watrdt ofd ea. If A ishigant titl,,tttday it PILLOW.S, BANNERS, FISHNET .t-llits hltbeaut.sottr itesaa othplay WASTEPAPER BASKETS, Nsspasatsatttsiittg thtat nttt stse ttatn SOUVENIRS, ETC. canttivtiheItstetttrity' toitretdist at thtis t ine t ist'ip111 it 'sv r ittoyatl Misctigati .at nto 111 0 trn out tite gitla ttad gis's DARLING & I1ALLEAUX teteam the h easty' supt th atithtey ttstee tt tand serve. Lettus tatsesatlittle Both Phones. 224.226 S. Stnte Si. TheBoktrths never Un- dersold C. E. Barthell MEDICAL LAW DENTAL BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND Cash tr Exchange for Old Books V. C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Telephooe 71 When a Man uses poor soap, his face rebels-becomes sore ad irritated. Soothe it with WILLAMS'SHAVING WILLIAMS'ST IC K Ervoch Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance--Cats, at cade ay or ailet. 210 . 4tht Ave :a ltr est a ne st Phoness 514. AwttArbo, PAILEY & EDMUNDS 5porttngO .ooaok 12i East Liberty Secet. A/IHIGAN C NTIF "The NipaigaF tallse Rsuaso' THE SHORT LIRE ICHICAGO ANN ARBOR to 'BUFFALO BOSTON (NEW YORK with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis. Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. For information and through tickets call on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 Ernest Thompson-Seton = Nov. 3 Hon. Chas B. Landis = Nov. 10 Jerome K. Jerome = - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis . . . Jan. 16 F. Hopkinson Smith= _ ___ Lorado Taft . . . Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pros. Alderman =._. .rliar. _- SOUSA'S BAND = Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers = May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number Tickets for the Entire Couzrse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Otfice or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-SO Cents Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phone. 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday excepted) coM-op FOOTBALL 1POSTCARDS' Pictures of the Michigan Team in Action College Souvenirs, Flags and Banners ALL GOODS GUARANTEED PRICES LOWT We sell to everybody-Members obtain large discounts. Join the ComoOp .i.I I Douglas Shoes Gym Shoes WAHR=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.