The Mic h igan DaIly ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN, Sl\]I ' RI[).11 t > ( ) I 1 ,f -l Q105. VoL. A"T No. 23. SENTIM~ENTS OF FACULTY MEET WITH APPROVAL Michigan Men Want to St e a Mem-~ orial Club House on the Campus. TheDaiy oucedtheabtlCthong'llcfli'- av its [(ilgt1hiatthas ilstaitc ca'eda lol M11icia e.Stdnan lo st are at altiot th n eingcitat at cl ilt t~c is c t Jliliiltinta cto -Stop 1thi a q ibl 1 laain. L t tleydfaitll ba ,otla ' i lattert I o so etigief r th itu t" Th it IIr ~ iot s ala nd1 namli ketlteistearnbe (aea tsn tvtt 'aeD aiyisd itly a line tcinilaica :1i pr.- a ai.e tti a Itii i alahyaster a. 11111 t np ill someth1111 ilg 1is11done At Pennsy 111lvaila the11stuarentsliaveithtl iits n c l att t ifr rataies a11billiarrt ii hi 1ool iait iitbow tiit ay, dtr romanair ac Sir: bmyfo tl clt1 i mnaedbyttudenatteist 1 < tall, 1? 11 atn ail a join(1 t he a c.l1111 ta1, it ia dllars. Sml a l fitc tisiiar'eiaiaat chr il orth gamlila nd(tatt s,11 ata' new san lan lte aeiaktitha/cluil -Ifsuporing [Il a lubaaela til bot., comamritstt and tatta us ir ityla auhrte a lt o rasona tito erta aai, ishilt a fatii ea plae1111 ft t hiea tallinc of1, ali ni vers11 itcal(sil lit'run ilor' uh a iila'tii'c digN ia'ly all thecolleage. a ca'iictgat 11ia rsaimem iratis ita iiculatas ills'ota'Ite ow i cittetr othaere.,icon-ii a red t'alsive tiuirit lices wth 14 mlsace lai etr ii'ireiitg' ate fromwic (Woas bauMiciisiga lnalapreiae lali nmchait 11..Svpat.iy2o rtit tt atpygt aourinqtiiiigotathelailihii i s\ rlataleaitao 111ohlle e 1,1atia t a t-at i ul.atitta'ufi'say ta'ia titaiosisticofaia diinga hll,' operaaituerr'-opeate ly, ay isantec fatona iize yatli iaty peracens. ofte t iet,,an halcls' roon r o- prwhc'.belongitlbthe undPriladuate br.oaairiiirle.Te aluclig aeentt taflirteen1eeryliarkNedlaaIsmgtieisti lie calleid Mii2:30. a half haurterier ita usual, MICHGANvs.NEBRSKATODY INTENSE ENTHUSIASM MICHGANvs. EBRSKA OBACHARACTERIZED MEETING Corhuskers Here For One of Sea- son's ost Important Gaies-- ichigan en All in Good Con- dion--Result Considered Doubtftl CNa ticligati et i''tan'I, i Aia iii d histnola' ltlciar1;11 to's Ii'' I ''I' isa' at tilt: :inn ia_,hccnnc liiidetitat ihi a lcore taecialln ii smatter lit 11our1seanti the llam 111111 l give littlor iat) rt forlia i'aaa cler isrk Ti he" ft tat ii' liciia hsya ini iiitihellarooaatrsta ;els ofa ralis tt l a tion tha tauty anteciuatig'a'.te ta it it is t a'cont i et' wi, tat th raetlt hab'a'tha a'aeictiiisisi s baeing ahowlitilsyearat hantihasts lsa': lil as atocitIheipast fatw sasails. 1,c t thati is evit that1thel"ant agint ebasa as eariedas an5 11 nitill t itil one.1 ila eiireall Isiuataiiniis tatlinebsaultil isg~ wl ndu as in i itihhhiaaaisnitaott Chiago. unira'liableai 'slight aomari sitn ofi the recordiof1t1e1two tils fliiihlilast1 few ,yars ay'hlinsteretngtat \illa"a dafeatedil him1111 at a fo(th campon sip in thelmemable2,ttola a me.tia NeralskaalsoiiefeaitaidItheGophtilt alhoghn t eiieala.l~ ya sincae,wtutu Nim111111 liasiihail ani un- eila' stongtieia'',ltCacha Booitl has takaithisipr'oteei 3Itaa n 11111111isn abeafori'e astalt atia rod n wtith iaN tiesta's we'll('tknowitailoveea-~ olis ofifcials, hltintil pe rs tt aloiw111 scre. Last ear tiary'saorcad tiontouach- dowaa'isaaoil Niinnesota anditilnarrwilt' miissead tanatagth g lamguileliatigaefeateda lea'the arrowaaini ofi i'fourtinaatst, as li atii isaitt ais1( 12 a. a]'ha yartha Ieams sceattevel'ntmoreta evenlyit iimatated as Nabrasa,acodn tat all tliareprat ls e at i a frmiteirau c'ampi~, ars' 111 ia t tautgethtanaevaer le fora' i ltiitory.a hicigan.iolitheta atherani'1111can tardi llt he cntside reaIas ston saill lstsasans. ]nipstie f thei appartilab utudalias tatg'ooI(imater- at ancliiisar tff 7 ail hiS-yatdrunst at at W iliaHaston. tDunlaptahas reat main'godin inte stletail his frt is litia'pnittigiatr'atiei'tutnueat runs Alhotugti hethis hatts hd is tlichalicea tat showtatheauirlfenivabuility tapli petrit'sat t hisitillis titialttringr inthe dei aafenseathis yarani ibeiifain. With Shutztt'atacenteran1111Shulta til (Grahlamttiat 'guarthtie elter f th its is well carated fiat JoesCLiuctis albettr aind 1bigeri'thanteeaidttatut arialli seemts t le hoin~tg douwn this tther lair/la' tptsitiera' satiafctalilyi.N better edis natoul le watedl tat ar- els andl Stuart. CataintiaNicetss is a avhirwindinimIttsef,atdlwet le is playig ibacklata tefansie there is littletr doidanatgerof ata oppisitg rnu- ter gettitig past his flyitg takes far at touchdownia't. hWitouiit a dtrbitlt tere are nat sronger defesie ttlayers ii the west lhau Frantk Littgmnatit Totilein H'(amtmoiittd, antld ittap is expetedteo i dat his share of witrk, athoutgt he has not(ail mnuch latite t soiw his tde- fetsive workl. CotatrhtYosttwtas askedl whtt was gaig t uwilttoday. le wouali atly say: "I iish I kiew, 1t they edtis they are prety gitod." Several letters ae Ibeena received frotatich~irigant auiti bl irM.Bair., -lasata ,oI 'ts "FooPtbthai(all for ' s liiian h'/a'tlattt.' firstabi ash'o i/as taai.iti University Hall Packed With Cheer- ng Students-- Collection Was Taken For the Band 'n~ it''rn ig a as ahI. aSi a~s rtiliatsaitl ''ii a that a ll. sA cro d f roor i hi s I a a r e i'lyi ee 'na tnve. ya'uhitor i iium t'a'ke tilt Bala ta't'eaorrido- Stanigtaroaom w~, t rcio adtatoIrawh.o'were I.rt i: I t et a' t l ta rI tail e th ar's . isu' rl..aaaa T h at' ali t'' ntra \la e lii hh f~ttr i i"o it ofthei rowe, r _rIs a thela ;;round f a lorla 'tat t foat rs iiath thai MC ad ti a lcti. al te hat I ht cn ta he aletiTh ,)l a sh ;d MI-al : i tte l sr a l it landh harl t 0 aiedth e hit eeraa' a', i' t ta ala'nd ii hih I t 'll aid thetail tat Pl of. a great hi sha, a yti l e hat ol ILh all aaaaaa ll lc i gen all e: awth a .- t:c:nc ail stno t lved'ofa Ia a I proinenitloatialatalaeratd loi clidai- thatt i had Isa wn aIca al!lc tato twn oh at thatutilu cwk t. ) .r ldteir train alta,\. lrhi tt a ti, ietp a , w atat ia 'lla Thel~ ''a'it'rigaa" ha' ha e Il s na b" t :cisa hati Ietl h t a t I haetroalt'. l w~t hoedthecolectonaortlle it'ro ltby' ~theatudeth.I aitatia sal her i t ll a b t sail this' ~ a wfr hatb" b a i hibe it ofata ltat 'thi thaith tiltitaht pedta ilal ha lia i 11 ) binea li Cmen i ad('at rntauil at ' ol-r a h laotht ing alah atal/ta i'' i igi tiacfr atthe utu hat at stri tt ii athe il abaandfad a eti hat a-tin 'f' this'lu au It'll ganircdlnas. bs Sii'ar Io Cill(rr sites' it NI aliee'and Mhant'a d lin i ba nd'l 'tahe - a tteri'g f's effct-a uu at itaat C unil a h ictat will, statars lsatua frituathat' mee'tnag. I amtiha's sahs tacit us athlini thet'situginag, 'and satmea' w'erea'of a lmoroicaraactr 'handafo/edmuch "hsmrigat to oa''locl, theAt''hit haluta t igh foraaa the his''sthiaof tighn neoftheiiitate inutuesholsti. Thit a al i llta behi a yed sil at titusfaia IThe doatng peohl' of tea'Uitarianu ch haiialwill "asi 'aeascal i a ' churcthsi it 81 o'cloc.A llae n itd 'Th)AY'S Oh allS. Nclbraaat lad i irigart. C'hicago aat hWisconusina. loa al. a Minnaesotaa. 'tutu Stateist Yatc. 1iatrardlat W'est Posit. Bhrowna'a i t iasyhvatia. NorthtiCaroliat eat Anntapoualis. Latfayete lt Piarietn. Peanntsalvatia Westernt at Cortell.ih warn'inag thet a'aa sIt ai b lst aunt for ' leinhg' anit that'game i' s Nerlssasa. towsi. hVery lttl huh in, Owtintoheth at'1'ct glat h eli Nera'sk.a tauttheat' n asnoo squ ad reachedI (Chicaig antaut I a latesut' t'-5 haeltau)t Nebaskal ut, aiti tera'ual mornaa'aingfrm Licon te w re sal'lg w r aidcnah aa'a'aa iihurashlate'iou t ofthet hhndyluCitt ciitlhtasts ibe'ting \ hIa i' iadinit ateaitfa i vi g hthat t4:5aVC-? I hast a.-}liii lila la as tea aternoonii they tuc ae tI tuoatu 1111 The lit esat ti fcn are tas ait t ttfahthe ihnde ila t riha a atlas a in exce'a ll tt'conit~ion. i T' ie h aiti ; i ' 'ttti. . . . . .I.7. ga e 'ar~rs t tIahounidsthat Iine au ~I 'i sc lt%....... . 179 ahd theu a kild 1 . t h cCant...t.I...tilt.tutu fa'cshitit i nll he a ye . an ha lal titlist id. ...R ' ITay'lort' thur 'colora'ed ''t gu ard sho i 111liop Slat ....a .. . Ik.]?.I aos 'Schutlte. (it iutttiano itr re hmanit Notacatoss, C' ai apt. t.. . alaon that shil al tdad till 10 iiiif ne austaltal ..,. II. I.. hhenaasked Whiiiat hes' thoui''a'ttiaout 1 llilo~ . 1. 1II. tilthi1100tht s aidth I ewtulda rlylua ikte tt foreas aatlafi talul ttlute a'"'tau' I1,1can sia}. si>w v I 31 [N IOR1/I,)1 U, thatt I h'a'aave sevr sa'u'aa a .' baleslti Isatih f i l uau ilht Ifohasta rth inch ofa grou''',aa haitiaa is t hi cs'c lutu ad lihard Isexect himt ein atoayNa heastua ains howntIatthe hn h eot etot rmic etrawe nt'e cr b askaha h ts been autaiheir pahishald co-ta ia''aI hhn'sa'at'ahaa'a at a cr" ;->' ()( bra tutu I - 3 I I;dm hit'ibe o .... ...J.h111)r()r .......hssI Ir oplit ciacTisi a9 lt °steuggl crnina'ug theat'raenugthaif thet:te'am.ut.Na h e weil' s 't a''gauntathei-;ouautlh :istaluri I thtinklwsathavasstha troitatgest 1btutnciaif Iwtontatwith I titsecond, wht ilt Noth anuy yeat since I wnlttNebrnaaka.It Cataasoli lS lft at that lutst. helil- as balhadtgal atrail inattli la'uaatia'/ teat liiir1,aslta all ta a a at itsulted th i strenth of althatdfniv/aaue andh offensive;ar e" ewet NIa ia aaa It adlAlis platig,'aas utchetalies haul tutueau I las iTethefiti cerltIs tatalectiawra' test. hha is weraelaadaisaoiutedin thur Knoxie I ssitt.Ni{Ialetutuesildett; haiss'aut ae fromtawhihlaI thuaghtine couuldaMk icpei denatth t;ata Anaa in ableiCa-rey' get a godeutelhittohilttushetasm. Iliat that setahclre I ltItar;J.).)eBuyta s uraiaer ganii as a aydi u'au isix irtuatsiaca i l A . VI Ritcluaulafoothall amaaaer; C. 3- ,anud goodu platyinag was 'i'mpoiassiitle. Ihia'.iua, basebiallhmanaaagar; 11. 1). P'as- dot knotwnas inc hati-s.aany'eighthtt tee, tracrkt: aaagce t 1. Boiyer, iitdh'11'ta- 'titik if heaatig Nichaigait, luuttih haidet ttmeer''3" taup acomiattee;' C. 'P'. ktnw thteyve beetn in a gamie." -C'ishiig,uorauteorial deegsate. A