TIlE M:NICIIIGAN l)AILY ilockinig Valley Ry. I Re ule, Conlin, Fic(4gec, Corn p 1Au (.'OT f U'lxLS ITS l',XCI'lILENTI TILAIN SJLILYIC E Yseauvi lfii Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sterping Cars on Night Trains I 'anix ltepoxtsx in Txxixxlnand (Co ltxtxnbxx S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius D~etroit, Mich. Ij ALWAYS LEAD INr oF QUALITY E 3OVERCOATS TOPCOATS STYLE VARIETY PRICE RAINCOATS SUITS HIABER- DA' lIERY t r ,, JA !. .r . (, i - BUY--.. ThePEN ~wi/i 3PONT ,.f5U,,EBt,\i ,RITY SPEARHEAD INK RETAINER PEENTSLEAK/NGOR 0/WEE/NO 3 ---ANTI-BREAK CAP".-- 3p3 PA9RKER PEN CO. SlANES VILLE, WIS. An idspection of our ex'ensive stock by the student body is respectfully solicited. 0$ % ,,4 STORES: 200-202 s. MAIN sTr. PENDYOUR VACATION ON THE --GREAT LAKES txl - I L r o t r i )OERf~£ p MI Icl _ ' KS Mf~f? ESORTS. TI NY],.' r.. j4,4 :ET ROI0T, 'CLEVELAN D Lrao ET! 't,!Tlaity -10.30 P. M. Alnae CELEVELAND - - 5.30 A. M. Ltoaso CLEVELAND, daiy 10.15A P.M. Arr ive DETROIT - - - 5.30 A. M. 0-il . & C. STEAMERS tsr Mxixc"xMarqutte, ODluth, Minne- lix Si Paxxix Petoskey. Milwaukee, Chi- c;'lohGoxrxian Ray, lx ixxhailiail-xi DAY TRIPS (inciuding Sunday)brtwen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY exicepi Monday,.JELY ond ARGUST MACKINAC DIVISION Is TOLEDO. Mondays & Saturdays 930 A.M. 'ixes/.xys A Thursdays 4.00 P.M. Lx OETROIMosdoys &ASaturdoys 5.00 P.M. iWedinesdays & Fridays 9.3R A.M. FxxriTrsis Per Wekommetnncning tons 15th IxE ~xxxn i xt .de t.xxCINACixISLi~xA~iN tox'iuxxxxxNxxxhiiaxxxixesx,oa ':,)o x i. xixxx txiST. IG xAGi. ,, i. xx Ix. llustratxxxaxxplet. ix Ire x :,S.Iiiii ti/,x.B:. T' xxDtiii xi ixh. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAY. CO. i [CORRECT DANCING TAUOTT (Granger's School for Dancing. Ground Fl o~o sn aynard St. I Photographer RENTS CHLER 319 -3. [lfo Motormn Jamsii X Friz oftheoca teda lix see ' largxsakeillingi sith hscr a inig axirm r hl pronounced iil a. ItiwasxI t(xxx of ithe Pit oixilix iilxiiiiliiixii iiom- monilyiknownias thexinexiimakehx a naxtive xxi Nexw Jerxx xi andxi tsxxx xovx'sxwnifext nonxg. '14o casss ae cnduted ini ctm- lxxx ll xxi x 'ith xth iMe hit x luxliva scihoxiol ix hich xre xdeignedxi o interes unxi xi xixlxIivestysud xs. Cneflx ad xisin. i chagexfiMs. ro .xxilxri. xxmeiis eachi iSunda-x ]lxxxan in lthe lraxing o ati xx e blxiii ihall. -'I1 eacing'-, o Jesus '' 'xx'bingii xuclied. liihe xxii'fxii menii isixiniuctedihelDr.vW.v . ' Fhw \~erv and meets i in lthe aitliumil ofxi xxi xli. :Methi st chx urchiiiax' thexx l axexx hourxx I ti i is pursingiliii t''Siixx in the xix' N\xxix Texta- xxiii.' lxx'n i'xsix xiituidenis xxwre. cor dillyii i ilx x xxid t iiiherx.. :110,1i11 x xx ii\ii11'v.'lxcsxt~ii l -ii -x 'liii x -i xi xiAii ixx x ix. x i~ iIn Tgxi w ix xxi x ix x x giea a necp ifthex i ch-xix x'xxxxx xx pm Sixix ixi xi cil %5iCiii 2i1;iS. lxxxix' 'lxxx._3 ic c~ Ii i. Si7111111, Safety Razors 'xlav i x i x Ind av iv nesxx and 4RIilefte,52 blxades, $5.00 Zinn", 24 blades. $5.00 Yanrskee, $2.00 Ordtrssr'y Psxe~, $1.25 Ass $2.50 324 SO. STATE ST. Boe evgas lenseii lxic -tI'd i xlxx i xi x Oica Deii pit'.,iiixAir xxii xil jeer Soe f h i h ,ichixi l ixOpenx i -xi -----' ------xi---''- -i-x lx I. lx x - 'iiv lxxx) lxxtxxxii i 'xi xxx xx. x 'i W hyixli y ixixi asax ii xix l oxxi ourxxii xxxii Sxx -12d xx I eI xx xx I Vi ..CiIt ixii i ,ER Jvxi-W.RiVx SixTOxR. , xiiia i x St .1 T C ii'.; I \1,I 1Zll< AIx .xitudents'Ilampsatiileanii&l xo.'s,-.l lsii. xxx ~tliiii at xxxi S. 'shlix treet, $t. n axxiii .7 -.Yx. il'iBleist xix'i xii lx lxiii xi iillri ii'C i~mr (ic day X111 1078 1 Lxx al.ilega the txii lxi -" MANN'S DRUG STORK; 213 S5 Main SE. IEDISON xl Pho nographsx and Records F. Vi Complete Line xx SCHAERITlE & SON i14's". Iiberty 5t. Ans Arbor.,Micix LOW RATES SOUTH VIA BhIG FOUR ROUTE On sale every day. The Big Poor is the only line with Union Depot connections in Cincinnati, with through trains to all winter resorts. No disagreeable transfer Safe connection Ask your nearest agent or write L. W. LANDMANV, General Agent TOLEDO, OHIO I i . l ' i ,' iii .... it / ' ' i , .w y _------'' 4 QPYRiCi!iT. . HOW'S THAT FOR A GOOD JOB? Saui ofa ishirt lxaxudered xxiniiurliin lshed fashinx. Tlio verictxoxfxxsmart dresserxs amnig ixioxiniI tixat ie hinow howis to wvxshl, starehx anxiiioixixixrxlii r collars ndaxid'xiEtol plxe tiulaiir Ieontle and that o'e acin lkeepxinigxviiIx ixur infixrmiatixn . IPostal hrina oux' w'agoin oixourxldoor. 'Phnxe if youiie to a harry. Varsity Laundry 117 S. Fourth Ave. Bath Phones 92 I After Paying Your Tuition Pee The next moat important thingi' lto 'vMil yournelf of an oppor- tuanity and let uss show you our v.:ri~'v finxx s{ar srchixodin' sciect- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be seen. TAILORS HATTERS TO LiMEN Hen andKye FURNISHIERS., 709=7t1 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. V CALLAGH-AN & CO. LAWP BOOK PRICES All NEW send LAST Editions Ist YEAR=-(11 vols.)=$32.00 2nsd YEAR=-(13 vols.).$42.00 3rd YEAR-=(8 vols.)--$2I.OO AllINEW anid LAST Edltlom~s SECOND-HAND BOOKS CHEAPER CALLAGHAN (t CO. LAW PUBLISHERs, Chicasgo ANN ARBOR. BRANCH, Stet St. Opp. Law Bldg. GAS STUDY LAMPS 100 Candle Power for 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and Troub'e ANN .ARBOR GAS CO. NEW T A IL ORWING WE iSELL'DIRE~CT TOYOU AT WHOLESALEPA CLOTHING PARLOR S-.- MLPICSI 118-120 E. Liberty St. New Dieterle Block oorn cnEsr. C A L L A N D B E C 0 N V I N C E D ALWAYS AHEAD IN 71Lmww w w =7 Aw T% W"' rori u, '1AWW AkW% THE BEST OF EVERY- STYLES IVILWI-KJJ, IUL IAILUK THING IN TAILORING