T I 1VMICHIGAN' DAILY Ga Ho Wild Co. as Leading SMERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in ~t the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for sq Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and i special style for stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. Te Nme of a writing paper that wilt save youu muoney. Suitable far the finest car- respondence, ii bas cloth finish, sty- lish size page--causes in blue or white and is pot up in pound packages can- taining 4 quiies af paper far abaut thb pricc that you've been paying forane qair. Price 35c per lb. envelopres1enper nkti ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY.I it very ail. ito an sllcoite itt Etrda ecndcss'ma tters at thieAnno Arbr 'oscl'toff'ice. Publtished daily (Ilondaysecepteds) duincig tiec ollege year, it117 Jhost Wiashtingtons streot. tietl itshrneao. Hoea siter70. Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EiDTOah. athltcs..... .... . larensce -E. ItIdrisict Nes............. Arthuris'C. Poundts (sitxhe ....s .... thastes1E. Winstad itlllic..I......... A. It. Otliyor Wome .......s .......IEfietoJ.Arsrosn tlittetsAllcen Frantklisn C',Ptiks Louis51. iStiknecy. ASSOCIATIES. eorgerA. (Oshaca Harold C. OSmith J7. Eari Ogtai r,.it' erge A. Bsars RI. Clara OttBrlass Franak J. Clark RobsttIt. Clasncy 1Hensry A. istastgolary it. F.Stes n sss WSater testtnaasss RATES: $250a 8rr yrar, or $2.00 it paid in Address: WALTER R. PANS' Business Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. 'C CIlIl'R S DA l., OCTOBlR s9, si0e3. CALiENDAR. Oct.io---W.C A.CA.cles-ilit. Olit. t}-Itt>iS liitelsts nlits coeseC, -ctissg st Newberrycc \lsstims it 'MlclilltiihllI, 6 :45. (lit.i2so Cl-isa sss1Ctitg sts tUniversity' s111i 7:30,stundecrssslices aofts' Mihitigmi t hsists. flit. 2IFottu illNebratskat 's. MDiets i-s-i ts 'Derci- fielti. l)t. 2Isac8e-iee lectioitt' scs t-tl 'tl si1n ts' llf Oct.-2j-Fotall,ilAlbsionsis. M~ichsigans. ()Ct 28totall tDrkeis-. M Ci 'is. it I stir sfieli contc itso-i hiligansslife silsthsti - inhsis ielstiland55symptlis broad 1 estd Thi isan ppotunto'imsts'r ever'c Mihiga mani st tsotoetngatulasstetim isel snits con ectionesi'thtiis gresituye citassdlto resletafesi tssdts is pstir its estsllising Mihi igsn supr lte itn ll resplcts ,amounsg CAmericantscollegs. .\l ('111R'iS REiPUTAIO LN G;REAT'I N TllF CWEST 'Fise folloinisg is asits raict4frsisis lie esiveissilali memeris s-of 'The Da ilt tl Iisaf rotidn'eyttisR. ' lit , 0o,, l nara sitllsesits iiiofTs- IDaili.cosits nd inssg secretrsiiifteS. 1. A.,iand citta itman iifsits cats ad gowniiscommisstlc titse, isis san inv set broeralla isDcinieis Cole. I stnd that isere ithlisascMihsignt hosls equstlorhitserlia nk'sisiiw i t -te sic liii -ii AndC it isso tslut itshilseis sloe t istsfosotbll thelisblieveiis sch- ingi ed i-sits litnit'he iDer s tsanitsosid Pricesitsn tsnott. tutu lit'gretss potI proutts-is inteissiitsys 'i ihI I gastever stites'sYatle tl irst rf isetsit- isis'sfiplity sill Strat5 i ie et s t es. e ceti ofa iitil eissstn siftnss and ftut etlt- lit i swiile ta walk-awaysti. CiAsd ishat's loitosa ty everyoness s lst its-er- its is-se. Mihisgtansas atis l i hersss it amon--g Dssene's est bussiss's' . fthnkth u irsit issofiat Chi llser .Itsi isitesalfistar sts a 'it- tratios ad houdStiwl llsnie. CWithCbestlis'hts for lyourisl.Theiis sit Crisise unsivesis ,1m sit ~ ~ ~ Yor iallbwayi isliiis.sis s arse lits ials til oerSithornet'sisdea s'sf 'heise stciS- t ush.sills ti-ill as singssif'r.ThDilyistoitellis abouteitil till boss ss'ti-or tth eiorstoassist .' It'is silt wlett ssisthans-iasiltysconstrol.i" sTshe sivssar isty seslftletiswslsi plsayt sa cl'ubitnsthe glocalis -ses atilc usdthy steels . ' e lTistsis-ilelii'ti-msatchil swith 'nluie teamiill i s sseaisofsuehue1r lit- te'miisigi tiesite ec tedsanCa p-'sis 'ee.ls e e ams-is wi itl e selcteds oda Thereille a eins ofthAel p isliterars ocett i me iaeltate Telloig isshepogram StusieeSisis'. Spech-Giordsonsss. 'ut siesiii S'citech--Shit. Drawsings for teWsc'ionsin-icsh-l igatsdebasts. flees'tliis'siing o h i' i club'iji ats 7 osss'coktIis(sitstlti sili lee chsi i's ig ti vnig a o'loc i ll ('. L ist haillIt 4 iilItn s llo'ssss.p l i ated forlthei m ndl sin tlubs'.oiSndiits to lainstill. aSe lucre sreet-I isis losi iis it it litsion t ofo it slient Roii oCi iss er ssssit alistitou6tis n afterniossof limst it sls lI 11'i s oses- itchn isap's'eI.d iUiiiis.si it e gessiSes slit it) ri amst isisig stif e . lis itio s of 'la s it h'jsiist pisi n - sstssi itsh ae ome sudn s fts. sits lnstiulc h ve o~ganie a stil cli . Th illoItl puss s Iis- s iaffiiate \ it lsthe sh' sllb Is Yilats om l 'setroiittI~a s cholan D t itMeical. ctllegs.T efu ci sarinte n e on Xctis hed, A.It. i t 'sta Ulivs halli. RepshsenItsiillesiofts Isr hl) is' iesi stil rofit so lit-i' lkof crit- and s-tis \lse liislitlsss'peak.ss i smelg i mft--ilt' isl st , ' su i' stsi i s lit' Ite lub rc 'thn5isticabout theli ro- ject. T ii i-isi iii lli' eIsis idedl llt' it SlIC is i 711ilciias erlht licillof itver s on e o dsitu dent's'gi ndiin st hesiisi lags feeet tois e unisrit ills'she Istae sIt lscts ss a, lishough stheisFSrits chl iSo ldiensositerisno toei in effectigal ropeo s rglni iii .'i lists i, stll st' suI 1 s-s's II isi that cill tsb-s os cos etIlsl-taIis 1-1 lii) sit 'o ' sl i ts-ill nowsins ples atil street. It sstied ralseaserns aisi hiiiitcn hesiandts stss aIspisi ltghtlasis fr ea sil oai1hIsis b\ s i h'ist-fnss ni is ofe tos-a piss cored isihes'' satiht -sis tliittIsea s, 555the 5 sits1) ii'oit-ia its Isis' ll-los, t g s' st-si le' o th fli' is at-i , an(dfscors ioi- l As's im isasfe s t u dets f1romi' H owe ig gisthe lisaia sstiisils-pu.rIlysoials, nd C.equC. isssllsinstiw ll e.. hel. sre ursDe. iset fo stre. ifyar FOOTBALL SUPPLIES h's.can ssuplysi) fotobali outiti to your1 highest satisfaction atid aithillwsict laai'esithtes Football Pats - - 75c up leadgears - $1.0 t $5.00 Pads . - - - 2c up IFotballs 75c, $1.00, $1.0, $2.00 $2.50, $3.00 ad $4.00 Mrilf Noseguaris - - &1,50 WAHR'S The Booksore thas never Un- dersold C. E. Barthell MEDICAL LAW DENTAL BOO 0KS 996549 NEW AND SECOND-HAND Cash or Exchange for Old Books V)ttt~ C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Telephne 71 Your Face Tells If it's soft and smooth and free from irritation, it's a sign you nse the heaing WILLIAMS' SHT "K lExoch Dietecle Embalmer and Funeral Director A.mbatce-- Calls at re neldy r nih. 210(51. ills Ave:sic nce'su msosi P tt'oti40. A Ar brs. PAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 East Liberty Street XXJCHIGAN CENTRL "ThNiagarsa Fullsfa reA" THE SOET LINE CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to ) BUFFALO BOSTON KNEW YORK with direct eonnections at Chicago fuss St. Louis. Kansas City, St. Paul and the West, For information ansI through tickets call on or write to W. W CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor, 2 ton 25c. 15 iuii scsis ut M ca lss'wuse ulsarstuiestly y(n heU idSissies. CWe ectissafely crgailt ousrslvs oitl this sue ( roo of shegreaultssaiofistar talmas Sh eh n C o atr.T a;supsremacyte oiisumssscais N te rsutsoiastile andulgradtusal igrowth, Students' Bookstore thec it-isiswhihi lies in ocotuitus repteofthelui''ersity uinsll tiept- _____________________ment;.__the__demcsratice s-pril dc coeps. otraheicre slugs',theus'lIl)Amssercns Get Your Roomt ieal of 'hestateunsiversiy, s-tutiuse liDeco I'LtjoflS ctuits frosheerco-srlier if she reipublie. Nsir ihiss- foresignes'aneglested its shows IL'LOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET their uprefersence fur :Michsigans. 'se W~ASTEPtAPER BASKETS, hasve altte urisugly la'rgs' tuuliar sal sman I rl t ht s ierscassitries whli a'us's esekinig SOIUVENIR.S, ETC. sinlCiAmericasucsssatiohul whiere itia at- bsttlussobta'ille'd. fOutsida' if shi e'dues- I)ARLING & I1IALLEAUX tionl facuilities, te soceial sadvrantages its such a lcsp litn euultuts it)' ara ithone~ssr. 224-226 S. Sitate t. Announcement of the Students'P Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 Ernest Thompson=Setosn Nov. 3 Hon. Chas B. Landis = Nov. 10 Jerome K. Jerome = - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis - . .Jon, 16 Fi. Hopkinson Smith- Lorado Taft = . Jan. 31 Frederick Warde =-R Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman . =liar. -- SOUSA'S BAND . - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers . May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number = s ---- Tickets for the Entire Cou~rse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats r-eserved-'50 Cents Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLES ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phon~e 352 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday excepted) COMOOP FOOTBALL POSTCARDS Pictures of the Michigan Team in Action College Souvenirs, Flags and Banners ALL GOODS GUARANTEED PRICES LOW We sell to everybody-Members obtain large discounts. Join the Comwp Douglas Shoes Gym Shoes WAIIR=The Shoeman 28So. Main St.