THE MICHIGAN DAILY BRING YOUR UNFRAMED PCTURfES TO 9[[RI[S ART STORE and have them framed with Choice Moldings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. SOMETHING NEW flILK CHOCOLATE SWISS-ETTS Al QUARRY'S Ohio Central Lines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS._ 7ePEN wIi 3 POINTS 3 ONT-REKAPT - SPAREAI'D jIK? RTICNR PA RE'/NT!LAK[ R OPlN S PARKER"--PENKYCUREV/E, WIS iC As well try to smoke a pipe without tobacco ai to try to spend a comfortable eveniog atr home without an "R & W" Smokingjacket or Lounging Robe -+ Until you have enjoyed one- of my House Coats or Lounging Robei you don't know what comfort ceally means IllyMalrk my repvcsenlutive can show you a coat jest suited co your taste; colorings and fabrics as qeiet as you like or in others as bright and warm as a July morning. lust ask Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. I Parlor Cars en att Trains Photographer RENTS CHLER 319 E. Huron F. J. SCHUHJ SANITARY PLUMBING alle Gas and Electric Students' Supplies YA COMMUJNICATsION. lipd wtold pirv a whiie viephant on A SPECIALTY thy hinds if thy club in any evsenii, no1 J F. SCl-UH, 207 E. Washington Si' { 1 B Dan4V... 1 Ann Ariror, Olti 12. less it were hevilry endowed_______________ CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT f. fL~ .i 1 I1 i Editor the Daily:Asttiepa(f aigsengro TRAIN SERVICE in coinversationi wirh Regent Hill this iii rg riomis i sire Muigc' an rr I Unio t FUNERAL90mongIlerdsveathgswih uligeeoebitafe ri9iii0"erndsvrlfrns ic ririrg e- n ul r tfe fiCetlaVns I IJIL DIRECTOR Toe will aid I tinik will prove of interest to tire siu- Oif its officers ason iiisors, tie rmt t isv MVIEDICA.L derrts of fire university and strai that fri say that if is my relief liht iii tive Office 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. tire frrssiiliity Of a rlubrhouise oni tire tire clib wrouldv turn awiiy frmi tire denir Residenve 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 3i4. F our Trains Daily LAWY cuarrpus for alurrmii, faclty mreirbiers aird oeratie ideas on shirih it wiis foiuidved AMBULANICE ON CALL FC11T~COsturrernts is riot reirote hut rear. A lit- and hecrrirre rerly air a-ritocraic clurb._________________________ Fo ToeoDENTAL tie errompromnise oii tire piarf irf the Menu If mnust ire hiirrre in miiiid alt tire time orial biliintig comiiititee vf the Atlrimiii that the Mfnemioril commnirtee ihis sue- FINE LUVNCHES Caryig arorCasonDa Tais Kassoeiartioii andv if the officers rif the ceerded inisinirg river $100,000. whinch We iaery the iarge t ine of TCEKISH. Car on Trans Nichtigan Ujnion cani turnri this possibil- is a very grind strirt, anud that if tire Domestie & Imported Cigars. A eompte Sleeping CsonNightrinit ito air estabishteed fart. Michrigan Uions sill coirsotirte ifs line of dit smoomg attcles, We are agents ity tar DEsMUTH & Ci., LINKMAN & Ciip. arid 3 Bo Regeint Hilt, whio is chiairimain of the huiliiniig tlains wiif thiose of the Meiii PlPt s. also fr STOY'S a SCttAF5FEE's Unin Dpos i Tled an C si hoolnratr tiON-1OUNS. Uno ept n oeo n ocrnomittee appointevd by tire board of oriat eonmiiittee, tire iiiiiorial comit- R. E. JOLLY. State St. lumbus NEW AND SECOND-HAND regeiits to coirfer with tire Aluimnii Mern- fee eviinces ai wilinrgnress tvr try to raisv orial comititee, saud that Ire felt suire ai imuieh larger surii thans tire $10,000 S. . CARK 3 trat tis cniiimittee woiild tie williing fo iron raisedtofi tire eiir thiat a Miemrialn S. E. CLARK, 32 ~~~~~eimbodrry ini tire plais of tire Menmorial andv cubhioirse buiiitnig irry ire erected D. Y. A .J AL A Campus Martius Cash or Exchange for Old triiiig iefloigfirie ofavitiesntietvrirofueaitrs Detroit, Mich. Books elubhouirise such ais the offieers of 'tire oii the plani surggested biy Regentf Hill Foe Deroit half honry fromi iri5 a. m. sin- - ttOila lp m. ; theii r1 :1, 84, 9:0, 04 rap. m. 1M1ichigair Uinioin aiid those hbeck of tire if shiould rlso he remrembiered thiat this Pioe Ypsilanti only, (i:45, tr45, 10:15 arid t2rt5 Union________________ moemn orps: Raigbiligwe ul il ehae n 'm Foe Jraekson, hoarly from it5 a. m. as- tiffiltOS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i 7~riirsi mnn rps: Eatrgbridngwe ri ith rrir ii :1;) p. m.;r thrn 9:15 red ii:tsp. m. rourns, srrroing and lounuginig rinrs, ighted by lire uiersioty anti jnirtor WAiriNOR5OOM. HUOfN ST. WEST or sass, T Y U f . B rh chreck roomr, inowinrg alleys, biliard tsar- ser-ice firnrrishred inrrurnrtnrt fterrs iii T u T T L C. 1, tat e ors, pe rmnrenst offices for fire sfurdent tine cost of maineinnce. pnublnictionus, orgniznationrs arid Atumnmi ini conrclusin 1 wshi to say limt if SERYES HOT LUNCH AT ri^T ssociation, a frail or anditorinni neat- trc officers of tire -Nlictrigarn Union a-_ Sr 9r 9r 338 S. STATE ST. 5PSro 326 S. STAT 1E S T. ig fronm sin hunrdred he a thotisanid lure urn their plan andv rject thy yor- Tlpoe761 personrs -inn to ire to tune mniri swhat promnise offered try fire regents sand PURESIL GEORGE BISCHOFF Tlpoe Siraih Caswcll Anrgell half is to tire Memornrial commrnitee, I elieve they srev isOIS womnrr, na mreetinug rlace for studuenrt mraking a grie-orus mristnake whiivhr siltu FL l~.S' __________________________gatriiigs, etc. Hire luing or rnthter affect tire inelfnare anti est irrtersts of B R I H O Choice CuSFtn-more aod Plo..mts ErO ~h Dieftle swo svhichs tire oacvd of regenrts opporse tire rrrdergrnnrtrates, facurty andu nir Chapin St., betwern Huon and Wtilir Are, is tire thur of hasvmug ai Cafe or tresini- "Pill togetrer for thie clurhousoandiiL l PhorneO Embalmer and. Funeral Director rant anth living morris inn tire building. -Memrorial burilding" shonuldi he tire watlvii Flat Clasp G'arters Amhuance-Cotta at raier toy or sight. Now, as an alt mi ns of0 tire uiniversity word. Sinrcereuy, make yauncre " e aay, Madr craone piere Save Wal DownTownpare slk wb, metal pata heavily nickried. Save0 aSV~ o nT w i . attn Ave :R esid enee tonicmid one whto hs its undergraduate life Charles Van kiirevi, 'O', perfecty flat,oomfartable, ajusrtable. Lock phone 004. Aria Arbor. anrd awelfare at heart f feel t th ie pln Membsher Uns-cersity Comrrmrittee, fonaengrtrcapndox Get your Watches and Jewelry ___________________of a cafe, snhich cannot be expected to Michrigans iHouse of Represenrta- ue5tra raeMak repaired at the Right Place _____________________pay or be self-snupportling swithout a bar lives, 19o5 session. Buy your U. of 1i. Pins where incnetocnwl esciie oPIONEER -. .- - fka they k oep a foil lin at the PAILEY & EDMUNDS iacrreioernwlbesrfcdtoSUSPEN DER C- M Lowest Prices. obrtains tire mimer advaafges aibsve rnums- Classes repanired. 718 Mrhels i® Paoneer No Poor Stock irs oar store. Gipo~tiflI__OW ~ crnited. A sturdy of mranry clubs with re- - Eyes carefully fitted anrd tested. Philadephia ,.yd,t Nothing eharged for lookinug at --__. -venal tine fact that a cafe .is riot self- GEORGE I tALLER, Mains fit. our goods or getting pries 11n 121 East Liberty Street. suprigadcldntbketp repaira, etc. Atario Clochs $1.00 __________________________ siuAnhn rn oni itieciivi and up. Call at the rfght place, G~ I R S A E except for the liar, andI some clbs even Satisfactory tailoring at satisfactor7 opposite Law Bidlding. attihe rave ai deficit although they muaintairn prices. Fuller & OCoonor, 61i9 E. Wit- ~P I JI F. SOMILME, 340 So~th5 CAMPUS SHOP, 705 N. University a tsar. u believe a cafe, were one estahr- h lam street. if _________________ CALLAGHAN & CO. LAW BOOK PRICES All NEW send LAST Editions 1st YEAR..(ll vols.)=$32.00 2nd YEAR-=(13 vols.).$42.00 3rd YEAR=.(S vols.)=.$21.00 All NEW and LAST Editions SECOND-HAND BOOKS CHEAPER CALLAGHAN (t CO. LAW PVHLISHERS. Chiago ANN ARBOR BRANCH, State St. Opp. Law Bldig. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH t00 Candle Power toe 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, M~honey and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. COOK HOUSE Opposite Court Hoeequare FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.30 . $3.00 Steam treat and Elevator Arl night service SUcNAY iiNsEa A SPECIALTY 50c Each Vaunderlip la, CGkl.1..Props. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital atock, $50,000. Sarplns, $200,teo esoarces, s2,se,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OFFICEnR Chas. E. Hiscoch., Pres.; W. D. . Harriman, Vice Pes. ; "SO. f Frito. Cashier ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN' TAILORING