THE MICHIGAN DAILY [or Art and Skill in Tailoring MONEY [OANED N c w a MEN'S AND LADIES' On Watchies INalHDimn ld'Jewelry Ne kw a an Calo ~and all Hih Class Chattldlj]. and Colateral security W. J. OVRIMFurnishings TSAM BURCHFIELDt& COfW. ewLY.RM .A All the Newet Novelties in Fullest Representation may be The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of te City °''C.HI ;°3 to 830 t :3'C o. ee o 106 EAST HURON STREET Bsinea Strictly Canidetal MACK ea CO SPALDING'S( FIRST NATIONAL BAM O FFICIAL.. FOOT BALL GUIDE FOR 1905 Edited by WALTER CAMP Coataing the newly revised OFFICIAL i FLAYING liiULEO and plctsrns of leading .1 teams, embracing over .500 playes Prite l0t For sole by all. Newsdealero. Athletic Goods Geniers and Deplartmeat Stores. Exlsv tIsaderaaI A. G. SPALDINO i ea BROS. Exlsvstlsaderaau NEW YOnK CHICAGO DENuVERSANFRaANCaSCO Splding's catologue of all athltic prts0 coats at the above Price is, our nmailed free to any address. BILLIlARDS ____ AND B 0O\V L I AN G CITY HAPPENINGS. S. ROTIENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. WValter IHlll, 'ao$cinginecr, talked PingPon Ph 'os lonay eccenong at Ihe Y. H. C. A. o PingJ/on ~±ALt leis ecceicices aboard the submatielc 36 PHOTOS FOR 2 b5o1t01"Hiolland." 36 4 Pasitians at25c TheTo Yleda Golf clublhetthelcAntn OLD MORRIS STUDIO Abior 01013 at1thetgolf liks 011 Maio tin Sos. Mete St. Ann Arbosr streei, Sat1111day mlornling at 9 :30. Deanll atd -Sic. Jortdansace centetaitning U. of MV. BARBER SHOP 111e dean's liete, Miss Lowell, af Hew Trojonowski State St. Miss Mariy Bruce, head a flhe tdepari- men111of 911111alitat litn tile School lof HALF-TONES Musi, ill 0111e31atr3ctlIat eigthta'cloclk H A F- 0 E Thirsd1 o"e, 00Y "Allen's for Quality" tes in lien's Suits and Over- The ClOthier specialty. MAIN ST. Of Ann Arbor, Mtch. E. I). Sistte. lees. Halrrison Souls, V. 0. XW. Cltarkson, Cashier Caplital, $100,000. Surplus and Profts, $40,00 Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ave. Ne Pliotle4337 Bell tthonte457-L " ___________________________________ Aldelr11,111Coonl announced1that113thiere 10 Z I N C ETCHINGS .a1projec011111fooiforetheecity andll h- Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMIfH LA IV 1t Ann Arbeor Savings Bank Block ~ N obnto nLm h ie Bielit Stutdseot LsupNielall 1111 * ~ Thelterfec111o1 StudLamp1,an Tihe No. l 0eoyal Lamp~ The NIo'2 DecotdLampslCoplelite fromll$1.00 Glpss Lampsllfrolltlc to 75ceach. B IL L I A.R11D We sell the best Lamps made and house in thi nHUSTON BROTHERS 24S.DA Successnrs in JAS. W.REED, 3t25S. tate S EDDEWI A CAMP COMPANI When yuu go into cap, or star on a hunting, tshtng. j U or any other kind of a trip, the importance of your food Ssupply shouldlr- int1 coi ensideration-f Sotherswise y o u ,r will he tarry q the appetite you are sure / to get. Shredded Whole Wheat Clever C1lfi Biscuit shoald go along hy all means. It is quickly and easily prepared, and is splendid in coa- k~nin-th tutua, r--ttf-+-aiu ,neretacie - ersily to joint forcets itt erectinlg aod Losgo Mihigan IDaily carriers' list oit Geo. J. Halter $" Co. mlaintalinintg adteiolio lOlital fortco001-Stale sreet letiweenl Monroe11n111Pclk- Wet'insue yorlhookis, wearintg apparel an11furituiore. lagiols tdisttst' patietsl. 'Teplani a5d 011l Pa11ckar. Fittter R E A L E S T A T E thtth iy h llfrisll~tRo sl.1-4 2111 . Main. '1111ilt ely51111 flrtio 011111$5,000 Ilicase leate at D~aily offie, 117 E. Wash- 11111 et qip 011it 1110d pay lthe0111n1al11--_____ - R .iA N 1 .J \ f..D. IA. expeilses.'ll05-Kltapp l ha The1111'iea il. Fid- _____________________________ -__REN'.er-ilease reurn-.iooS I liii street. Re- P H OTOG R AP~H ER TORN.wlCOI.20 21 Niceteozy front suit;reasonalell. Wach, jewelry andl eye glas' repir- .J a>2 1 ega 317 N. lTayer. ing y sk-illed workmsuen.Thlnetcar1aaa5etir 11 1,1 .11' J~eillIY 00110, aSSi.the market. i Redued prices' on Chafing Dishes at - -AT- Artoolo's Jewery Sttore. f Massage, 11a111s 11111 houlrly ull~silI .V.AN. RU T R Mi..Jessie Mlidgley, g lllltll of hll 213 S. Main St. Studlents' lamplis 111Deanl & Co.'s, 2oi.iCrokSanitarium~l. PhoneloI221,. oil __________________________ S. Mbauinsree, $1.50 11110 $2.50. Besi ---- S. Maisree, $1.50 atit $2.50. Besi f / Mihga isfb adsoos. laimps ii city. if ONTH' RA LKE Ifv~ E'SJ1avl~vS T( U, Mai St. - - _________T 'ilss Newell, water cooe arist- I PA NTo lssots given1 ad orders reeived. St- - , ~, vf G die 21,5S. Sali t sreet. -3.1' k4 , I Slituts' lmpils a t ain& ('.'s, 214 C 0 )s-=No advance in price S. Mii sreet, $.50 aind $250. est - edwih Whit Se o silo$.50,si (sEiiIi.yAIL 1;5, If yiii are inirted of a inSie lair of P0f e fK0 )t$.5ec.a. sioes tic rubbeirs ali t Aprill's shot tin0dl f P1^" slae,Wuasiigontst'et.- o tie-f i 1 Nit f01' [ for less money than any other E - qj (d ? is market. 3 1~ will girt away ot topy of the Mih- 'g'Odn ! Aee Arbr Co C.Michigan igant Clrionti tilievery 25-cenit ilar- a/w1c$IIA SA AV "V ,x n ,,, , +w n n v ,r el. cse. Citliog" pharmtatcy. ii 71J'ANDVg A __________________________________ MICIAN SUMMER RESORTS TIAIE TABL3IE IVADHA MS e$, CO. DEROIT10hCLEVELAN,? Arrive CLEVELAND - - 5.30 A. M. Our nmagifient display of n ar oetiist w itRilroad Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes Leave CLEVELAND, dalyp 10.15 P. M. All tho Newest and u1p-0-date Styles Arrie DETROIT - - . 5.30 A. M. Cooeistgsiti D. & C. SEMES for Don't fail to see our fine line tf Mcinc Soo,"MPotosteDuluth, Mne-e apulisStal eose, Miwakee, Chi New Fall Hats and CapscaeadGogaRaa-wtalRi- tod u oi te Mihigan adt the West. The greatest variety in the Caity DA0 TRIPS (ietlding Snday betee Fall Furnishings DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DILY evtept Mnda, JLT ant AUGUST Hew things coming in daily. New fall Shirts, Neckwear, Gloves and MACKINAC DIVISION Underwear. The larget and fingst showing of Hen's and Young Men's L.TOLED,Mvnds &Saaday9.3DA.M. Trousers. Also ts S ne variety it fany ests. A large asortment 110 -Taesdays & Thursdays 4.00 P.M. Suit Cases at L.DETRIT,Moday:&Saturdays DID0 P.M. -Wdsday & Fridays 9.30 AM. SEE OURlc SHOW WIN4DO WS FoTrps Ptr Week Coencliingn 1th 0.0_1.5. ,adlS,o Lie ,at 5. llNAtL, tOIw , ealoinurIIuetsid 'oemihlca. W ~ .J( C OAd,-,,tA. A. ScllAN1'%,G..&I'.T.M.,lietroit,Mich. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NV. CO. The Newest Clothiers. Get Your Room 121 AND 123S5. MAIN ST. Deoain PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. D Ei R & C 0OAM P A N Y DRLNG&fAt- AU POR TRAIT URE Rth Phone. 224-226 S. State St. Special Attention given to work ED ISO N for Amateurs. Phonographs and Records Complete Line 3 BLOCK, COR. E. HURON & FOURTH AVE. SCHAEBERLE & SON 114 W. Liberty St. Ann Aros, Mich and lsts of other things You can prepare it in a different way for every meal-a wet- come relief Irvin monotony. It will dlo you { lots of good, too. 4I, It is made solely of the whole wheat berry, and contains more strength and vigor and vitality than any other food, as whole wheat is composed of all the elements which enter into the con- struction of the homan hody - muscles, teeth, bones, tissues as welt at heat antI energy. 41,Write tot "The lust questio Cook Book," free. 41. Triscuit is a whole j wheat cracker. Better for toast than bread and tote with butter and cheese. Comact and easily carried. I THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY 1 NiMa&Fall.. N. Y. I11) A L EXAN All Kinds of Photographic Work. HENNING R _ _. ... ..___ _._ .. ...._ - N WE ARE NE VE l-UNI5'E R S('LPf)...GOODYELAR'S DRUG STO .E