THE MICHIGAN DAILY fl bTHE MICHIGAN DAILY.- COMMUNICATION. Gntered srsecdndclass mater at the Ann (Continued from page i.) Arber Postoffice.. and kept in Chicago as a contingency r fund, we object to an individual stock- C oPutblished daity (Mondayts exeted) doriag the collte year, at t7 BEat Washingtet h otder in the corporation hotding the stret. tt tt phone82.H om. phase p6. futnds whiech remain after the per cenrt Leadingfor the contingeney fond has been de- Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW tdtcted. If there are any net proceeds Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS fromt these tueets the directors contetnd MERCANT AILO Sitey shrould go to ttre organization which MEC A T T IO SEDITORS. helpeui to earn thetma ty sending a leanm Athletics ..........Claree E. Etdeidge to participate and payitng att of its ex- New s.........Actthur C. Pound ________________________ ticitaste.......Chartet E;. Winstoad petlses.. lutsic ............A. It. Ortaseyts as a futrttter ground itaoutr favor we Womens.............En 3e . Artmstreng tmerely tmentiotn that from comtmon re- EDItTOtRtAL STAFF. port we itnfer thsat asmong the other nmem- The largest stock inS tioghis entr Franktin C. Parhs tiers of te cotnference the proceeds are the City of eselusive Louis D. Stichney. held by the athletic -aseuciatious as _a styles in Woolens for ASSOCIATES. matter of right. Gentlemen wear. Of tergec A. Oshornt tarold C. hSsitth Herbert Wv. Clark, high-class fabrics and 0 J. lCast tile, Jr. Gergto. . tarsnrs Chairmsan of Cotstmittee. 12I. lare O'ttrien Frash J. Ctack special style for stu- RttbectrtH. Clacy Henry A. Montgomerry Editor :Michigats Daily: dents, I). F. Stevon~t~ Walter ilteausa I wish tsr correct a statetment whsichs EAT~n pear se asa t pad isappeared itt yesterday's issue its whichs ___________________ advnse. it was isplied that the Athletic asso- ________________________________ pelation wits restpotnsibsle for thse baisd's pAddress: WALTER E. HANS' Businessfiacacodtn.Aamterffct 5 Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. futca odtos samte ffst G. H. Wild o. thre associatiots cause to the bassd's rs G. . 'P'id Co.--cite shsortly after its orgatnizatiots and it 311S. taa ov as aBxIsas earniestit alotsgever since, providitig 311S. tat at. ag it withsutniformss atsd supplies. At pres- eCC0006 0eCW z~1. 1 crya s t',rrenti'o 1_Ttsascut the relatiots betsveentthle Athsletic French Cheviot Is The Name of a writing paper that will save yeu money. Suitable far the finest car- respondence, it has clash finish, sty- lish size page--cames in blue oe while and is pat up in paund packages can- faining 4 quires at paper fer abaut the price that you've been paying far one quire. Price 35c per lb. Enivelopes 15c per pkg. 2 for 25c. Sheebdan&Co. Students' Bookstore Oh Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other. personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargaina in Watches & Diamonds Office at resstdencee33t E. Liherty St Ann Arhor. Hours s: ts130ia. ot.,1tto 3:30 and7to 9 p. M J0SEP11 C. WATTS i Editor Today-J. EARL OGLE, JR. CALENDAR. Oct. sS-Footblsai, Detnison vs. Michigan at Ferry field. Oct. ii9-W. A. A. electiesn. Oct. r91908 o htiielectiots insrootssC, Ussisversity sail. Oct. 20-M'aass tmeetinig itsUntiversity hasll at y7:30, suiler ausicies of tire i'siclrig-ais Unioss. Oct. 21-Fooitball. Nebiraskas vs. Mich- igatn, at Ferry fistd. Oct. 2i-i9o8 engisseer eleciionr; new esigisseeritig buiilditig. Dci. 25-Fooiiraii, Alisiots vs. Michigan. Oct. 28-Fooiblsal. Drake vs. Micisigats. at Ferry field. Camsiss tals yesterday sas citsched all doussisi. to wjietlser or stot sr's teesd a bsandr. 'tie larve gsst tsr hasve it, it tse sicuet sIrs t is thsetn only a qusestiosn of mietissds. If tire \Athletic associationsardone sit that it eatslissdsreits consstituttiotn, thsen it is ill) tsr use studrenrts to sirakaetsp lire remindisser. 'T'he basnd belotigs to the rheisseassspuss, ini athletics ands out. Tire 1Iai relieves thast tihere is essossghscal- lege loyalty astisoessige spirit to tmake isp use diefiit. Easierns colleges support suchi rsoiri- iisss very largely try siu- seripionts. Aut irsigass cani at least rio as iseli. If the subsscripioiispiai is adossited it is certaily iptsos the studsetits to sp lu-potit iiloyally oast generously. CLASS iN SIGHT SINGING. Gi'rl Killeesihliarraritgerdtsrconrdusct a as insright singinsg io se heist attire School sf1it uisi esvesisigs. Tue first mseetiisg will ibe'heist Fridtay ight ai 7 i'lok sssciaion atndtre batnd is very frieirdly, it hravsing tire sutpport of the association mosere thanstsits ireviosts years. To explainthetirelationshrip of the vasriouis organrizatiotns intsis tmatter I site the followinsg resolustionrs of the ioard of control: Resolsved, Thatt tiresdirector of outt- door athsetics is itsstrtucted tor observe tse followitng its iis dealitgs with tire basnd: t. Tire rembiers of ithe stniversity baindstrait be givets free adtmissiotn to all gaimes andmetries at whsicih they play aind shall receive so retnuneration for titrservices. 2. Upotn cotnditionth iat the batnd give its services ast alt rouse gaises atsd ireets thrroisghosuitirhe seasotn it sitallire taken sit otne trip inth ie autstumnatnd onre in the sprinig, the dietermnsationr of wisich trips shalt be left to tire discretions of tire dtirecior of outdoor athletics. It tory 1also bse tauenott sucs other trips as tire siterd of cotroli tay permoit. Unsder the ititerpretation of thsis rule trairsiporta- tiont only sill be paid. 3. The director of outdoor atirletics is hserebsy empowered to supply sorbsi- trmss and tmrusic for tire university isaind as nay be required for athletic purposes. At the esnd of the college year these suniforms and thse mrusic shall be retuered to the director of outdoor athletics for isafe kaeepinsg duinbg tire ssumer. As a stutter of fact, lire associattion, the iroarsd of conrtrol and lire graduisate sdirector liarve seeirtire victimss of sufosr- ltssiate crsessainces in the bsattrimitter atidihave beeti unable to give tire or- gansizaionsthte stupptort it seeds. They ire all hseartily in favosr of the studseist bsody givitig it strongfitrasncial backing. Thsere is no doubdt tihat tire batnd is sorely pressed for uniformrs and I cans only add that it is sow sir to every individual ureiruer of tire student body to rioiris DENNISON UNtVERSITY OF UNKNOWN STRENGTH (Cointinued from page .) are forwards, but it is appareitly a part of Booth's tactics to maie use of oe of this pair when Nebraska is har pressed anrd is forced to charge straigt ahread. It is conrceded that, against stiff oppositiot, their plttges wilt prove less effectivseloss oothis isconfdet trt Cotton anid Taysr are made of tie stff whichdshiossld casieheartaces its opposing lites.j Tire depornent of Wilson, Scmidt, Litle asid Masotn as backs is also highly sstisfatory, and its fact te quarter- sack sitiatiotn is giving Booth Iis great- est bother. Eager atd Morse are bots sew at passitig tie all ad are tot yeti gettinig rid of tie oval with tie desired speed. Uptonth ie suess or faiure of teachisgitighiier of tenstlis trickh iniges' musch of Nerakas chasces for the year. H-amburgers and oter sadwices at the Night usset Cafe. Open day and ight; orders taken by phone 1078 L. 3t S. State street, first dor north of W agser's. t Alarm clocks at NAGER'S, Mais street. I will give away one copy of te Mish- gas Cariosn withs every 25-ceste pu- chase. Casrisig's pharsacy. tf Miss Gapin, reader and teacher of eocutiossatid oratory. Coacing of plays a specialty. 215 S. State street. -33 rokess eyeglass iltnses duiplicateo. Optical Dept., Arnold's Jewelry Store. f I will give away ose coy of te Mic- gas Cariots swith every a25-cestpusr- cuhae. Cushliigs pharmsay. f Why pity twicers uschsoi for your Michigats piss on State street wen you rats get a etter assortesnt at ote-isalf the price st Arnolds jeswery store? f tLos'-Itsitiai A gold broos pit. Findo- er peare returtn to5Cutisg Fats, an receisve reward. tf Estabrlised 18s8 'Tie college jeweers. HA s,s si's Jutstv ivTOss, Mains St. Expert jewelry atd wathr repiirisg at Arnold's Jewelry Store. f STUDENTS. A fire insurance policy costitg $.o tory save you $0.ioSfee W. H. Smit, room a, Ants Arbor Svitgs bank block, or call uip Bell phote 249J. tf LOST. 3A folding Eastttanr Kodak, two or three mies this side of Whitmore lake. If founid retorts to . B. Scott at direc- tor's office of chemical lab, aid receive reward. 13-20 FOOTBALL SUPPLIES I We can supply yor footail outfit to your highest satisfaction and at the lowest prices n the city. Football Pails - - 75c up Headgears - $1.50 ts $5.00 Pads - - - - 25c up fsotballs 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 $2.50, $3.00 aid $4.00 Norli Noseiards - - &1,50 WAHR'S The Booksfore thas never Un- dersold 1 _ . UP TO DATE. RELIABLE. RET. 1:' tLhh 31 25,000 Noew tiords ad Phrases Neer'fs Gorecreof the Voetf Nov.' Gioreurtioat Ditinary Edit. , 5. 3. i. ri., ItO..., tls.i LdStataa-iinsr of Eaaioas 2030 QGaee:sPoS. r50r0tIutrtatias. C."A% zn :i,x si r:)WOsusa nir OT.Lmits Alsotr I'estr'a Cllegate Ditiory Beqstar Eitio-ts,xlxoxnesh. histiegs. DGrLxeEdition b3lstx st ?i. niteidtrom PREE,"Diiotaryr',rsni.l."tiinnstatarpsssphtstr G. a6tC. IsrE P IAM CO. Publisther,Springftetd Matss., U S. A. OCT TEGEST STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Bosth Jsa. V. Saeeha Wm. Arnald Or. V. C. Vaughan Jas. I. Mads E. F. Mills N. J. Epre John tHarer Itiss. Essh Pof.H S. Carhart Frasna P. Glaier Crstias Matin The Only Soap that won't smart or dry on the face. The only soap that makes shaving easy. WILLIAMS' SH 1C ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 IOur Dlar Closcs are the hst mae tsrtanetessey. ine wtea reparnis a speeiaty. J. L. Chapman, 206 . Main St. THE lAIIMOS AND MCHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Cipital, $0,000, Surplus and Profit, $6,000 Dues a General B asing Bsiess and Pay O per censtineest n Time and Savings Deposits. Safety Depsit Boes Is rent at 1.5I andaptpewseds R. KoEP, Pres. W. . SEVES, Vice-Pes. . 11. BaLEen.ash. . A. WItLLt.555 Ass. WIH G NC"T'he Niagara Fills Rotte" THE SHORT LIKE ( CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to BUFFAO (NEW YORK with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis.. Kansas City.:fSt. Paul and the West. For information and through tickets oath on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. part it suspportinsg it. Suits pressed, 25c; Both, Baird Manager. Fushier & OConnior. trousers, ton. If Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 Ernest Thompson=S. ton Nov. 3 lion. Chas B. Landis = Nov. 10 Jerome K. Jerome = . Dec. 1 Jtacob A. Riis - = = Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith - __ Lorado Taft = . Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - . Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman r -lar. _-- SOUSA'S BAND = = Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers = May 2 Oratorical Contest- Open Number Tickets for the Entire Couirse- $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or fram Student Sellers Seats reserved-SO Cez~ts Extra-at S. L. A. Box .Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phora. 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday excepted) co-oop FOOTBALL POSTCARDS Pictures of the Michigan Team in Action College Souvenirs, Flags and Banners ALL GOODS GUARANTEED PRICES LOW We sell to everybody-Members obtain large discounts. Join the CoOMWp NO(JW ST IM PSO N & STI MPSO N O PE N