TH1111 MI CIII Cl 3. DI) LY for Art and Skill in Iailoring Call 01% S M ukcfFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City MION[Y LOAN[D Ol eWatche~s. D14111441Jeelr W. J. LOUVRIM 144 411h Ave'. lOppositlou1411House1, Oh 1144,4I 4 'I 111 30:50 1 (o90; Business Strictly 1Confidetil MEN'S AND LADIES' Neck wear and Furnhishings All the Newest Novelties in Fullest Representation may be Seen Here Now MACK ft COr. 106 EAST HUNa "SPAYDING'S 0 FICIAL.. FOOT BALL GUIDE FoR. 1905 -- Edited by WALTER CAMP 11r .+ 00 e 1 NI +1I Al4111 1 cti1.1. 14 114o11 7 )t ..1 lc'11 1 l 111 (11 to l rese A. . SPALDING BCRI~ O. AND) S. R O"1l NSI IN, 7(7 N. Univ. AAe.I H USTON BRO)THERS Nocco.. to JAS . NV.5RE101111 3121S l at Ping-Pong Photos 36 Ii I Ol~ollO 4 Psitions14 0.0 MORRIS STUDIO I U, of M, BARBER SHOP I Cojon1005 1(o) State St. s Do YOUL have trouble wvith your Cts? Try the "New vPr-ocess" Platest WClIl AGi( ENGRl.AVING CO". A. M. SMITH Ovr rWal-_,ooo-at,11111111ookst1111 .44A- SHIREDDD lI t tehV~~e4104 bmotne of1 our,)1 111141110 111t ceOelll t 1111 lt re 10 14 11 pan0ilf o tl 111140 1 ) ~l- 111(0 wlleal earbee. ersor ry 041/.11 lo r411 fie 0 f1 h tte 101oheo (111 ShrlieddlyernoeWha Niagara Falls, N. Y. WE AR) RON STREET t The Man who Pays $5.00 for a. Hat when Sell for $3.00 Pays for 4 - somnethiig besides a. Hat. Comxe irs and see teYourvg's then, you~ will know whatwema the A LLEN MElln wemea FV i[ '11 THl S \tll-"7K. (il111I\ $1111 0'( wh V)<1 wlihe s 5) up i4ce111 An minng i11ct oc1n'111at err }1ratie1hi1cl ,il h el1 d med 1afm lm. Wh1 11111 d dro l 31cntced te fild1te1cr4d 4111h ill'hlaccr promptly cheered. The Va1 II 11 I I"( NO -'I i;,_;er and white kitten with red rillmi around neck. Owner call at 7,ool gical laboratory, rtunn 1 U. 11. ),o 'c _1lichi an CWO- carriers' Kim State street. lAgvveen Alonroe and Pack- and streets, or on Packard. ITinder ldcasc:, leave at [)ail - offi(e, 1 17 11 MLAP itl:;tw wrec°t. or telefAtone 15)2. tF 10" N" -A \ heel. Owner nia, have 1 - wnlcx l Imying for this ad and claintin ? JW01>cIty, .tt J2; 1",. jCeffrSCin. 17-18 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0f Ann Arbor, Mirh. 1E. 1I.Kiu i es . 014. 111011 So0u411, 1V. S. W1. Clrk4111 s o l shie Capia 1IlO0000 111rpl140d 111 11, 4 1101f R~owe 's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Filth Ave. No o ne 45;110 Be(lllll oneO 4:-. Geo. J. Hailer ea Co, We linsue ourholi.twar1111'p;r RAN DA LL PH1OTO GRA PH ER I a JNiega Tberf110010(lear lhoaaa i eta.rigar i the 111a1ket. .MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. I 1111111a 4 1c m w "' 1111 01c 1 Ii Ite 1ct1111t114 cd at lmv (\ st prire . as"'Ill-cil. 1't' ttE'I'llltl" ()I"CiC 1' (life 21;, 11. (:r. I eiixjlill< . 1f l l' 1(ew a 110 at1)e111lv &(luo's, 21-4 Mal II1 st1eet, $.7o>11 n11111 ,;().. 111t alas In1r111. tf ;tare lml: tllc onl%, ),ti"tal7cIIt it1 the cite. I' i<< 3 ^' "'i.^t^r"'+1r'r 'tr^"W 1r ~ " r^' " Mr'r^W 1.^V~r \r^U LAMPS No conmbmnationl in Lamp,--.No advance inr price. Th We elinbst detLmnp.Nmade adforilesshmoey td. hn$a1.oth. l~c~alc Lajp .mloue in ills m *.5 arktc. 214 South111 DAN & CO.AnntAbor MV~ai. Michig1.,~,l~~e4,~n4',I 11111 c ts 11 1 a 111)S 't ) al & 21 Melt(-s', M\ 11 t~o1>il S1r1e1. c l 11 ~ Clever Cla~eri WVADHAMS e O. Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes Atlil Lhe 4ewI'l, 11a1i1tip-to i1111 St Ill New Fall Hats and Caps Fire444ea041141.)'rit .11' teClay Fall Furiiishings New0 tl111110con111n1;1is111411111°. N4044 1al11Shirts, Neckawear, iloves and I Inderwear. ThiL'410g'41..and 111011st4sho'ving110o11Men's11an4111 out Mo7,rifs Trousers. Al141o1 ri11. 110411~'111o 114'', 11(-4.4. A.large 4141110 lll~nl 0(of Suit Cases at SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS The Newest Clothiers. 121 AND 123S5. M AI,N ST. 5PENDYOURVACATIOtI ON THE ,,GREAT LAKES MICHIGAN :SUMMER RERTS.~n 1111411 1 4 A NO11414 LeaneTRIT, ANdaily "10.15 P. M. Arrivt DETROIT - - - 5.30 A. M. (7141111001114 1wi411D. $ C. STtAMtRS lot Mackftac, "Soo," Maquettte, Dulu~th, Minne- apolis, St. Pool, Petoskey, Milwaukee, til cago10and0Gtorgiat Day. 14144.ith14,IIIl e1-~i r11111ds14fo1r1144insiI Michiganat ,the \, 1,4. DAY TRIPS (itcluding Sutday) betetn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY exnopt Motday. JULY andl 00G0$T MACKINAC DIVISION Lv.TOLEDO, Mondays & *Saturdays 9.30 AM. *Tuesdays & Thursdays 4.00 P.M. Lv.DETROIT,Modays&*Saturdays 5.00 P.M. *Wednesdays & Fridays 1.30 AM. Fourlelps Per Seek *Commncing June 15th DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAV. tO. Get Your hRoom Decorations ______________ _______________________________________PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET L WASTEPAPER BASKETS, ALEXA1,NDER & COMPANY SOUVENIRS, ETC, -at, FORTIAIT URJ$ DARLING & I1ALLEAUX Both Phones. 224-220 S. State St. All Kinds of Photographic Special Attention given to work Work. for Amateurs. ,E I O IPhonographs and Records HENNINO BLOCK, COR. U. HURON & FOURTH AVE. , Complete Line ____________________________________________________SCHAEBERLE & SON -' 14 W. Liherty SI. An Arbor, Miche 9 NE YEk ?UN1DERSOLl)---&OOD YEA.R'S DRUG STORL