THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hooking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily"~ 'From Toledo0 Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trais Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsin Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32,1 Campus Martins Detroit, Mich.;, F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gans and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J, F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. BAILEY & EDMUNDS fportino (Boobs 121 East L STo Measur U. of d. Trojonowski r '1; NEW REGAL STYLES ON THE ANN ARBOR CAMPUS , Ever) season we have taken special pains to pro- vide at least seven or eight models that totild appeal most especially to college "men-and every season we are stronger Fifty-eight new Regals ini the _________Spriiig sqnad and seveit of list-have already made" $3.5 the Varsity. Foil of clever style, and Admos co 5 utabl s.F, a gsod, foil, honest money's the"san ad u~n; o fF4fS.E woi lb of wear in every one of them, Quarter Sizes, too. WD MI% 001 j&V TShoe Yaa Stdent heri i i SUVNDAY 1I MONDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 4 _ THURSDAY 5 . FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 Every Day This store giowss more popular. "I: Why? Because our values in reliahle Clothing and Furnishings arc unequaled anywhere. It will pay you to investigate these offer- ing of youing men'a suits, overcoats anid rains coats. REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL * J ~ j 5jthat peeves l urn16 U aaP I611 E0. Wi1l4a.rrs St. Sate Agents J FURNIISHING "DOPE" IN SHIRTS To Engage the Assembly Rooms or Orchestra, call at New Cooig IN NECKWEAR Granger's Academy Office, 312 Maynard Street INHOTSERY :X h e id t ceiontetht hebidrncalrtrerqeseton-N w St l sr IN CAPS 5 taiet ht o ae. Pee ring.t t btda ttear eettd ~N w t l sIN COLLARS HENRY and KYER goats f nim~Qtnhnffn nn Buy Direct and Save $28.00 consumers C~J1lo1111bg JVmflhJU1JMoney. 1184120 E. Liberty.j i Photographer R N Cf~R39EHuo R A N D A LL PHOTO GRAPH ER Proftssor Scott'scait ditintttg t II ~~ ~ 1all tis aferntooIn tt ottaclo c st A MAN'S Alma Mater distin- guishes him no more than his cigarettes. Men, critical in their selections, smoke Tr-etturer Stet-cttsttatnnotttces titat t ttoG litetrary citstax tutt e tpaitd ttonc. Mt. Stevettott atillihe ont ihan itin tittetalumnic root aitlcdttytotda- Hlilcirath's genuinie velvet kisses ai Cusinns..t> PIURJ SCIGA RE] be cause of their origi- nal and exquisite flavor, and because they find that flavor uniform day I, \ Plucky j:I ...r. i! ilustrates the triumpt~h of cereal foods - itt th uits g oftt Satstrdyand indus- trtoutxratccThe 7I tlIt c son cre~als and driedlt tfith. is "tny Ibiscuitisaxone- foitricetttd tttrcfoutrthtsawheat. Inthtetmakingc at histoiy WAheal , lttsasItlwas trtotthebovoer Meat. But wthen you eat t a wheat food he xatre yot are getting thte whcole wsheat it dicextible forttt That'a SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT a btolder of brawn and brain-keeps titetotacth sweet and clean and the bowels hcttthy aind active. Join thetc Pure Food Movement" by eating Shredded Wheat, the cleanest, putrest, usa nutritious cecreal food mtade in the world. Tite white tlour mtiller givec you te starehb in the wsheat harry, discarding the outer flesh- fortting etemttst. You can't miake mtuscle or brtaiu out of starch. In the shredding process ALL thte flesh-formitig, trentgth-ghving ea otel- ents stored in Ite twhottleawtit berry are preseoted IN DIGESTIBLE FORM. .. Shredded Wheat is made in two farms, BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The BISCUIT is delicious for breakfast wiih hat or cald mills or cream, or for anay mess 'n combination with trait and vegetables. TRISCUIT' is the shredded whale wheat cracher, crisp, nourih- ing ad appetizing. Deliciaus an a toast with bev- erages or with cheese or preserves. T~hei ital QuestonCok Book "isenatfree forthe asking "Ilt's All in the Shreds" THE NATURAL FOOD0C( Niagaa FasNYV in and out and un- equalled in every point of highest quality. 10 for 15 Cents \J.. )7y' mai peeeycic-Ifyou an't get Mucad Ctgaretta at your dealer's,sed rqc. fortt; 75c.fitrcfift'; $t Sefare ituncdred ALLAN R MA,111 Fifth Avenue, New York ity SPEND YOUR VACATION ON THE GREAT LAKES Treiegtj vittD t&tCiSteatir mans ~ teettcitittttittieallcthetad-t vancigesNi~ceicitcmdaiachiecur I~Trougttiicketsaiod toacitpointis atidbtagagechettckied ao destinatian. DO&C TIMETAnLE Lv.Toledo iitndays 5"Saturdayi 9.30tA. M. *Tusd~ays & Thurdays.ttP. M. La.Satrc~i Moedatih& "aturdayi 5.0a e. M. *Weddasi& Fridayest.30. DourcvTps pcerscckaca*eacaci Juntei5iti Dir~ct continaiat. laica anditall sac"qame ekeilaukee, itagotad Geriatay.ciAt .Iaieonn35tio'. a. Adt tan5.30oLine 0. Letaetritia iy 1itt0P. M. Arite e toit daily 55.0A. Dtriip btween Derit an~sd Cleveatnid dcc igatlyad August. Doubte Daiyrve sbtaeenOCeeiaid, Pt. Send aciwoct stamepIaoriutcrad Paemphiei. Addrest A. A. SeHNsTZ, Gen. Sp't andiP. T.tM. Dett,ich ta. DETROIT &CLEVELAND NAV. CO. ALWAYS AHEAD IN ffTYLES MIL WARD , THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN 'TAILORING