THE ilIHIGAN DAILY L F-TONES* and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price' Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH it Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, lot,00tt Sorplos, $200,000 Resources, $2,200,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OFFICERS: Chas. E. Hiscoch. Pres.; W. D Harriman, Vice Pres.: 10. JiFritz. Cashier Rowe's Laundry : ri ! i li i 1 l Io I - , ' . x C OLLEGE Brand Clothes u Are "Twixt and Between" Ready=Mlades and Tailoral'lades. T HEY' VE oil the soap and " got-up and go " of the smnartest New York tostom shop without -\"~~t it noigtyos n tl oeanyn overcharges. Puo men weho are and for moo who wish to seeo: young. Extremec all over except on the 13 price ticket. The nesw Spring models tell all this hot- tor thou we cao. JUST RECCEIVED Another hig line Of IWhitte Negligee Shirts ; another E hig shipment of White TLies. Buy ooe while they're hot-25 Cats.M STAEBLERFOMTRE (~WUERTH5 Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Filth Ave. New Phonet45I Pll ho 57tL- W ANTS;D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Coptetetman to haodlalkid ha dven ci h rsoe; ad ltrruiy for law student to aptoved bot ocodiso o oewot hhdown prciclepericence lit collet noes.C odsiu t i cfr youor etttetlert 01:O. J. HALLEW ft CO. .L I3,Box 25, FootdAutinm, \ohn el h tr ieoCampus Barber Shop yio' picres. Order ntows 0. A. MOE, 705 N. U~niversity Ave avoid theotrut-t of thoclost fete eal TH[ FARMERF~S AND sMECHANICS BANK Vt Woentyco wshbto purcae aod MAIN AND HURON STREETS loge 1b01ners, petnciots or piltows, c t0 ot- wsork. toe oi ys- y col- c011 at I 'Whenocou o atre tlo ottd catttnot see cput 0011 yott eots, aond ttnlttt omcoot timte (seture 1a liberal osupply oflLyot- doots pictuores toctnjoy in yottr old loge. Soils pressed, 25c; trousers, toe. Fuller & O'Connor. tf Try Phelps' Perfection chocolate poffs and chips at Coshing's pharmacy. The Anno Arhor Press (formoerly Par- lore & Sntyder), printers of the Michigano Daily, The Aluoiminos, tnlander, Y ost's great hook ont foothall, the Technic, S. C. A. handbook, etc., etc., are printers to, the stodent body 117 E. Washoog- ton street. tf Capital, $50,000, aarplas aad Profits, $60,000 noes a Geseral BanthingtBusintess sontPay 3 percentintmerest onsTimesandSains Deposits. Softy epytrosit Bocxes to renl so '200 and ouowards R. KEMPFn rees. . STEVEc rseVies.Prees F. H. HansERo Casio t1. A. OVoLAsAsst. BLOC HI uru True too toeeOflotoro- ntlc l and last. MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. STRINGS Italian, Glerman, and of American Manufacture FOR ALLt STRINEDIittNSTRUMtEttN' iS REhASONABsLE PRItCES. SCH-AEBERLE & SON Ii!4. W. Liberty St. ANN ARBOOR En~och Dieter-le Embalmer and Funeral Director Anbalance-Calls at eadel day or nighit. 210 S. 4tto Ave.: Rtesidenoce sasmoe Phoonet4o. Anno Arboro. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 Irslly Gar.'ea Due Dollar Cloccks acetht~e lest matte forethe mosey. Fiote watcohectcotriooo a specialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. YOX o a egt 0. Hot Lunch At T'ssttla's, 338 S. State League Baseball Reports Received by Innings Daily At H USTON BROTHERS' :k loarge lassortenct; workmanoship on- excelled. if Glosses repaired. -Eyes carefully fitted and tested. GEORGE HALLER, Main St. THE WATER WAY BETWEEN DETROIT A ND BUFFALO The ).&-B.Lie temesleetDetroit weetdays att5:00p m. Sunay at 400 p in (cetsaotim)ssd fos SufailIcotdatlyst 530p.i(at wioterly oringctrcints. Lwsto ctatte scandturoservice tooalltpooints RAIL TICKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAMERS All clasces of tieckets sold reading vta Mtichigano Centtrcl, Wtbshsandot CranTrunktt raeiloastbetwees Detroitcond IBoffaloieiethecroirctitont will beocc'epte ororansooporttioo . &n.ine temers ed2e . stamop for illoous'ttdapamphlet. Addresso A.A.SCHANTZ, Gn.aupt. &P.T. M. DETROIT & BUFFALO STEAMBOATCO., DETROIT, MICH. ALUtMNI REtUNIOINS, 00000' 20, the icy sot fol euions01 of- AIicttigoo clutmooni, woillIce otredoletter toccason tfoor all thoc "oldt lion(o e." Altmnoi tday soill scthotelicnt onof 0 moreccthanotwtellot-etst ootgraduatestlit t all thoc clasoocs Wtosetnutteratlscoodtoo t ototo6towtll otoite a o t ate000 d olcfplace to welc-e]itoicodclass atelt-- renocewtile fricootdshipscofod011ys0gloneeby. 'lThe clasooci'56 cotot'6oo sill dont ven cite lthocatooociationtoeomo, MVinohaoll; toe claso of '71 it o or To07; claos of '716 Ito Room 2;oa;oss ot '81 intom 0001i; class of '86t ito tdtotootg; classoofol'Tt Ill RooooP 0; claoosof 'ot6ointorine' odancinog academy;or c lasof 'to tt Ro 00. Univsity 1hall. Thcothetdt- rt- mtoottlre ontso mowoill Ibelohellotinitceir A toll gameobetoctnsohco'to6tile 't~ o6t classoteam'so cis schledlclfoo telt' r no t. sco vry lootertoo' en s steeopoticonoptcturecsoanodcaoon000ofold ovaroity player'is andotiocidets'olotwill lot (give ai lt tGranger's. Itoeentcolf00thoc toveninogstill too'tihe Sentectio II0001 Wao'termanoltogyototlt l boo-ox lprepatociono hos bIcootmadOltollo facilitatet'e tio tocltog ofthelt'olotras 10000 05vcr10thliog onoe oswhicho toill mk torte oir cceietoce candlcootofort. Satisfactory tailoring at satisfacicroi prices.Fumller & O'Connor.,f6mg C. Wit- I loam street tf MONEY LOANED W. J. LOU0RIM 01thAve '))- , o s Business Stetoly5Cofidentia A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Largest t aoottoo' 00'trcit t, o rldtot oftU lic ai tOI 0 0-00-0000000ie Base Ball, Lawn 'ennia loot Ball Archery Roque Golf Quots Cricket Lacrosse Croquet Imsplemsets 1mr ott Sprts. - o TV(ri r ti r~ r1tot - b or eSpldilmogtrade-Mlar ttI moi r yo To n tot~ t o "il0005 lO,. tad .tirk ~I g 'ive ou nttlo >vo hp '>I0000 , r A. G. SPAL. ING (tJAROS. C~eorary mo' ruo't 0000 000 10 twet -tz r t-'5 $A1.'00 PPI0 l &ol o i'. R.E.JOL. ~LoLO PARLOR. CARS sotta I.oo o loooo 1 to oto o Oso ooot ooil 0000 100 We carry 00. th1ot ; b t Dorst-ttoooc Icoh o-co-I .too'o o1 -.0 tOt 10 C nta Wu AOl l'Ii tO 0000000 000 0 0t 50 eO.00'olO' sotoo, I ean odako ih Catalogues 1906 Are here. Are you M Interested ? 4E. E. CALKINS Drss,jist 324 Sosuth State Sts-oat OXFORDS OXFORDS OXFORDS FOR. MEN AND WOMEN Better than ever this season. See our Window for the new Strap Reinforcemem~t around top of our y lien's Oxfords. This prevents all stretching, slipping and enlarging around the ankle. The only $4.oo low shoe on the market with this reinforcement. - Walk- Over Shoe Compally The University of Chicago The Unocersoty yearoesodivodeod toototfouro quarters, Witoer rI- meroto, t anooo td Au- tuomn. AdocossooOtisooran tat.teopengooo f each, co anarsy lot, April 2(otune.looo tto. ond Dctoher let. GOto-date iootcctioiofed in thesradtssuato Schocolsof Artooood Litera- lures and tthe Ogdeoo (Gradte) ch tool of0 Scienoce. Professicoonalotnstrot.-tionsofed in the Divinity Schooh, Ooths owISotool.,toe Rash MedtitoolCollege (flttiato'd), asooth e School of Educationo. Sunomme Quarter I006, JunreOtt-Sepoteobeo' . First germ: Joor It- July 26; Seconod Ter:no cy 02'-Acgost 31. Registroation is toemittoedlforthte eontireqlace- ter ordoreithoer teem. Ikol anti regu0larcredtit is givcc for workdonotot. Special corbS'arse offered foe rtoers. Foe information adodross The UNIVERSITY OF CHIICAGO, Chicago Ill. " Arna ..eur Photogora.phers"'' We have opened a Developing and Printing Department. Work Handed us today, delivered to you tomorrow. TRY US "PHoaammek 367-RJ ALEXANDER & COO.HennziriBlk. Ill. I WE? 41F NB WEB UNDERSOLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG SJTORL