1I4v t Itc A1 DAILY E I On Hl.WILD CO. zw THE LEADING 10 r: Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles E;and fabrics for any and all occasions. r F r r e[FU[L DRIESS SIlTS A SPECIALTY 311 S. State St. A rlrz .Arbor, Michs. ash Second-Hand Text-books ' 0 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered asscound clssnmatter a the Ann Arbor PFstoffice. Published daily (Mondasnexcepted) during the college year, at 11 East Washingtn street. Bell phone 892. Homne phune 76. Managing Editor, ARTHUR C. POUND Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Neon Editor...... David F. Stevnson Athetics .......Clarncno E. Eldridge Exchanges ...... Charles E. Wintead Woen........Effie J. Armstrong FDITORIAL STAFF. Luis D. Stickney Feri N. Smith ASSOCIATES. Gesrge A. Osborn Harnld C. Smtith Robert H. Clany Willianm A. Nlulhern Henry F. Scbulte Henry A. Montgomeery Glenn D Bradley John F. Wnrz Rony V. Lull N. G. Pierce Floyd H.Jones RATES: $l.ss peyear, or $lass it paid in advane Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager. 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 19o6. 'h Iltis issue Thle Daily concludes is steenthcollege y ear. Durin11g the past nine mon01011s1 011 edtiors a1114re- pore 1rs lave laboredi conlscientiously 10 give Tile Daily.a positioln inltihe freot rank If college papers. Typographic- ally Tile Daily surpasses tlhe like efforts of 1o111ercelleges, alnd anothser year twe w1ill strive111 inlake itlmoe 111011ever a molll ew sspaper 111 tisirespeet. 'We lope 1to acelliish this by a reorganl- ization-1 of tile staff, wiieh will divide tile Itorik molre evenly 011d place 11101 reposiltyontlhe stronlg 11111 rf tile staff. Necessarily thte detais arce1no1 vect wolrkeed oull, so a fuil expanlation of 1111,1 these chanlges trill be 0011110 be 111040a05vet. 1110uive~rrsity hopital pass te weary 1111111 111000easily by lo ftlev mafaies 0111 readinlg mtater ith ie bolxes ill Uni- versity hal marked for tat purpose. This is a11 easy act of cariy, and the appeai of te ospital authorities sholltd 1101 go nheard. SENIOR RECEPTION AR- RANGEMENTS COMPLETED Everyhing hos110w beeno doe by the senior ommittee111s to make the s011100 receptioln 0110 (f the most successful 0ellits of commlelcoement week. With til einlg strains of music from Fiscilr's orhestra at 9 o'clock, Tues- day night, Jun~e 1, it is fotdy believed bly tholse ill charge will be begulte best recepioln ever given1 by a gradat- 111ff class. The "get together" mtove- 111011 1101b10011felt her, 01101for te first 0ti110all deparmensl utei n 110lttils reception,. makiilg i an11all0011100 affair. Vtisitinlum10111, fcly pope 011( un1derclassmen011are ol privileged to at- 1t1nd. Fischler 1511 promlised to exetd hit- self 0111 give tile best prograto 110 110 eser gitvetn at1111 An Arbor affair. The dancing is to be ill arbor gymunasiuml, 11111011wsll be tastefully decorated for tile event. About mtidigt a supper 0111 be served Ill order to avoid crowldinlg thte commlittees hae limlitd tile numberi1 of tickets to two hsundred. Ab11110 half of 1110s0 lve already 11001 disposed of 0114 it is believed that 11011 swill be left by Ie eteing of the rcep- 11111. ff001 forty ladies, moters of gradates, will be the paronesses. IORE GIFTS TO THE UNION FROM STUDENTS Tile subscriptioo lists for 1110Atgel mlemlorial iporrait 11a15e 110011wellcir rotated 011111fftie suldent body ad1110 mlaority of tile sudentls lve respoded Thlose 110 lave 1101 1104 Onlopportnliy 0110 wishl 1o subscribe mtay see H. C. Steeotn501ill te a lui office Success for 1110 projec seemls assred and it is hlopedi 111111aolwsooh11000not been p proachied swil1 see Mr. Slt eson as soon s possible. Subscrpions may be ad- dressetd to tile Michigan Union. Tile folowsittg new subsrpios iave 1)001 secured for tie Uion 0111k 11011e. This comtpleies Ie list s(o far s it has been repored up to te present time : $100-Jamles A Husly; $29 eactRoy Feebles, George Rebec, Eugene House- ma0n, John~ A. Wssiger; $10 each- Ceentl M. ilderman, Erving Harper. t siould be roemembered that to the case of sub1scriptions recived, Ie first hlf payument will 1101 be asked for until 0110 year frotm now. The scod half will 1100111e51sittmonihs later. The 01l1k houilse is 011 object desired by all Mich- ff011 10011atd up1tote present 11i00 stdetstta01(1a01110111hate been respod- 111f nbly to Ie efforts of te Uion. If Yout wan a piture of your room or a groulp, 01111 Lyndon. SENIORS-Leave your orders for 906 osteins and oak shields at Arnold's jewelry store. tf WO.IEN'S ATHLE7TIC FIELD IN FROSFECT "Are we goig 1toiave 011 atletic field?" the unitersiy girls re askilg. For several years mucatention has beenl givent 10 baskeihal, but it i 0111y recently thai Dr. Hlelen Brooks, 1110 soonet's physical itructeor, succeeded in introdulcinlg idooor baseball atd to- nils. The otdoor tensnis courts are 110w gisvei over to the girls for a part of te 11111. But tie desire for ff0110al out dloor atltetics has 1b0011 increasingf, Oaid Ito supply 1110 demsad some groundll muls 110 f~oun stwhere tie girls cn e iilefree t play their Ivarious glles. It has een sggesedi that a art of Ferry field 1)0 ff1001 over to Ie girls 1111 nteither Presidelnt Angel nr Deaii Jordanl aproise of this 1p1an1. Professor Fallengili. slotly before his 40011, sgf- gesteid that s~l~omeofte lad 110110the olbserv aory 110 secureil for this pulrose, 1101 nothinglffhas 1100110111110to follw out this'sugge sto. D~r. Brools said i11 seakinglf of the planl: 1"1101-0 tried 1toreose ii. ' girls' enthusiasm5111for 0011-of-door 111105 011( our1 glad to s0ee111111they are0 becomlingf itrersted 1in them.IWhat wr relly neidis 000f1i01d, fenced illo hth grsaentdisturbed, 01111larg eoui~lg for 11111e itlay ibasbailllll dotoolr basketballi 1011111, 011d1 iocey. For 11he hockey 010110 we 11004 a Field 1a1o01t1sit 11y one ihun~dred feet, and toi acommo-ii date all1 the sports we shall11nied (10110 a large piece of ground. I kite spkell 10 111" regentls 111)0111it, 1101 0syet noll-i 111f 110s 11001 41)11. 1I11011e111111the girls soull110 all they 001mto sl ir ) p lnthus 100111for lie mlovemet." 'The administrationl (f 1111efgaiils 00111111101 le a rdifficlit poblemll. A little over a year ago tie Woen'sAth- leic Associaiontws 15ognllzeedianditi ha lOS ad 111001111100it troll tO the in- W~ih tory lithle troulelOit0011111enlargeff its scope 1o iludileOthe 0outdo0or 1111o0ts. FRE'SENTATION OF DAILY' FOBS TOM1ORRO\\ 'Te fobs ffiv01) 110111110s of 'Fie Daily staff for honorle00)an11111cnlscie- tioiis 1001v100swill 1b0 pesntdi by ite .b111)00 of 00111001 Friday,Iat 2 ('clock, in1 Roomt C, West 111l11 ON SALE 'Th1is m11001111ff.t1 o'clock, 576 (f Lyo- (lol's pcture5at (100-11a111pric, Ill Quarry's drugstor. I wouldlikhe to meet esery mlembl1er of this year's senior class 1111hol be 115 1110mariket for a busines 110 tecnlicl poitil~lon y 111110aft1r0Jule15I. I\ r. Watrut, assistain i the tecil ed- palritmentof 0110 Chicago offce, (i l d 11000 frobmThiursday liit~ill nay to i- terview allytechtnicali 11011wlolmlay 1)e ilteretted 10n0110 popoitionl. We 11110 11004 1011o00twelve lawyrs foralrgO hite andttd u11101ompany0l i10Ness'Yok. I, H. Hlancard, rprsntinlg lap- good's, Room o 2, Cook Hulse, till Sll urdaly' 0v0ni11f. i WE PAY MORE FOR Second =Hand Text=Books than yoo eon get eluowhere. Do not dispose of yours un- tl yoo hayo received one cash offer. Woecan SAVE YOU MONEY W.,A HR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. LAW MEDICAL and DENTAL BOOKS We are just as anxious to buy booksas to sell them. We have to do about as much of one as the other. We purchase anything, from a small parcel of books to a large library. We hive a reputation for fair dealing and shall be pleased to pay you cash or exchange for your books. C. E. BARTHELL Phase 7hi 326 Souh State Street, Ass Arbor, Mich. For Lak-w I 0htwht oe ffort 001n accom~plishI will M ed ical b d one 1x year. We fully realize tersosbillties tIat 000 ours because and all Deparmnents of thit- ftepwer we tttfluoeice over pubslic setmn.Ottce a day the colutns of University orpp ea 00111)04e by thousatids of 1111101six i 0e aoeek we tinfttuee ATst fillhogh. 'Tlus 00emay do 001)- scosyt ((ogil 11110editorials, or 111- conscously biti te9111005effoctively S e h n Co's ff0110001e 101)00tenorof 0110 news Iolu 1s. B 11ineither case, you Imay Students' Bookstore 11e.11110 11101 0110influeitce will always bI'l twarsd conservatismO in)college life; the e~liinationl of thie "r01-rah"i" 5a _________________________________ crying_ 01n11fe1101110this Oand every otheor 1111- F'O , vesiy.Our0columnt~s wiillaoys be opnfrtevpressiont of respontsible AD AT RESE T suden s tient, antd 'e will always 0e 011ffmog te forces workinsg forl lk te adsva11cemient of Michigals spirit, ite .1 l~ 511() 11011 ,IPessos, supportl 1 f0 stdet gotvernitent, thes UBassers, Piuow, Souvenir SoosgrosstIllof Ills'Union, o0110tletiic 1prow- i. ofAl. tPi, Hat Plot, Watch ss 0114d1111 othter healthy Mtliilgan Fubs, iEtc.,Etic. 111111 etis. DARLING & 1IALLEAUX Stuldents leaving Attn Arbor for use 226 S. Stats Street summ111er msay help thte convalescets at r 1 If Y( L ~ace Value >what you value your face at. Fyou value it as you should, ou use VILLIAMS' SHAVING" I Autocrat Stationery Students' Lecture Association T e urn r .A 't Seri es is something entirely flew A erie ofdelightfully artistic moonlight scenes, four designs. Printed in two colors and silver. Can be used for passe-partout. Boxes are made in four styles, the regular, the deep, the tandem style, and the wide flat box. The stock is high= grade, 60-pound linen1 cloth finish. Envelopes in the new, deep. pointed flap. All tied with white taffeta ribbon. Tops assorted in all styles, retails for 35c, 40C, and 50c PER BOX Discounts to members. _' ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trssta Len~veAsaep.Arbor Gosiag North 9:05 a. m. and till p. m. Guing Souuth7:20 a. mt., 11:35ta. m., andl7:33 p. as J.2J. KIRHY, W. T. WILLS, Genl Pass. Agent, Agent, Tolnedo, Ohio Ann Arbor, Mihh Hell phone 135-ir Home phone d98 ELCHIWAN .CENTRAL~ "The.~ Niagara Fails Route"' Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Traiss East-8.i8 a. in., 2.40 p. m. 4.55 p. in., 9.30 p. m. th.0S p. m Locals East-6.05 a. in., *11.10a. m., *405p.m. *8.36 p. m Through Trims Wet-Ill7 a. in,,7.58 a. mn., 9.Sa. in., 2.33p. m. 10.20 pm. Lscals West-alt a. in,, *8.28 a. in., *1.40p. as., *6.10 p, M. * (Except Sunday.) Conanections at Chicago fur St. Louis Kan ss City and lbs Want.- W. W. CASE, Agent, Ass Arbor IF A t ?h The Store of the Students by the Students and for the Studenta. .j j CIARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST.