The. Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIiE \IGTHURSDAY, JUNE 7,1906. JoL. XVI. NO. uflo JOHNNY GARRELS LOSES HIS CONFERENCE RECORD Managing Committee of Conference Decides That Garres Tied Rec- ord in Hurdles. ohnny Garres, te general opinion to1 the conti117 notwithtanding did not break titeconfer entee cotd illtieiigi ihurdies. Such i tie tardy deisiott of the conferencee mal-llglllg cottmmittee re- ceved at th. Atletic. Assoitiot yes- terdlay aftenoon. Te deesioit is based (li Lte findng of11tie jdges that (of tireeswateis1111e caight te gigthrd- er ill S1-1, 11111 tie(tier two il :18 -. Why17till.announc1 er fae 0111 ttinle :jl - ws o exlainjed. Tile ipresidentofthl e ico1011itijtee by wiom theeter ttas 11ri1111n, statei that lie was notified11 -Mo1111y by Mr. Tell- iger, tillhad timer, tt an111erot- hai ailcautght tetie11115 1-5.2 elIo statei tha11tilhe 11111.1 hat iven -titie imttloilthe announcer as111 1-52,an thalt tlitter1's1-.111mistkeinichopping111off Tile pitt511011tt itonelts--I alled UpIi111tile scorer, 1111 cor1robor111e11Mi.Tlliing- er sstoreT hi en hat .arels dioes 11ot1ge01 a0co1feelnlcIe reotdia Pittsbntrg 1110111nor2red011 ilt r ttliinig Thie. 1111on t)11 tillac Ik tamlaill.of tol roh11G(1111s olhisildue,1as t till tue ie etill.d1 that(11 one1211a11111 111aughiito111111t't'o'11 -5,ii 11n1d11111ei til.1111112- l. 11111111cide t iistraisedtinten- tial toi111br ingll-ill)) 1111 discreit~ii athletic 111511101during12tietr111111a112 STUINT I ilADS.7 IFR I \RGFII APP1ROPRIAT 1IONS In an1article1entited"To Rie 01 1o Delia ,"inder I f112il ii 2211111of.111e sets forth iieht-a',icring nl~ ieed fo anincr1e1s1 d 12111 ori111at111117yte lgis atuire . Acolrding to tie ritr, Mih- ignltieeds-morea mney. tl 7forlew1111bil- ings to1 acommaltttliae the raiiiiiy grll- igitnumb1el)of situdents andto alleviate tite "liettil li7.eeliconditiion of te teahinilgdeartet.11Atetioinltis calei to tile fact 11ha1t111h-1n tolast aporl- tilltiltftax1 (10 es as ima de for uivtfter- stppssf1'ii IO25theeuniviesity- cotaie 27500 studen-tts whle 1(oday17tie erol- 111011c1rnigthe cn1i4on110.h ers fteclyae shaif m1117 ellf21 lly0111 udr- 111111and 11111-work1ed itaid that hle older 111111nntt b le temttited asay, yonlg, tutul itta1bitions teahers, wo ii r n e ars11 wo1 u itldi le the bak- boiellofthe' uiversi iy are 011011 il reasoti andiltighes10 teider. Toe igt iiin wiich tie tiiierslity stainds befoethe illpeole is stated as bein~g 111011fitvorablle tis yeartait eler beforeI a a retsut f tie abolis- 1110111of Itaitecuttinig itid tiework of Proe-soies Hiery-C. Adams 111(1Moe- road tax 1221 fori Ie ipeole Ta conleiaon, Iatpll. is11itate foi greateritter eli in unlivesity -affiir amingthle Illetile 111( the raisiig of the voices ef HMicia11gaiutaies iid unider graduates fil te Iir-talmaitie111s rigt. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS. DORMITORY SYSTEM PROSCENIUM: GIVES ............- - ---_- F IST ANNUA s A OUR I Because of tile state oard exalmitla- PR OSDFRGLS 22- 522 110115 whichie ll s be tld ext week, tie Poscenituttm closed is first year Saut- fils iin the medic departimeiti begani Advisibility of Introduction of Plan day el-oiing with a successful baqtel last Moiaday. This arrangemti ill vi at Michigan - President Angell's adilanttelctini of oficbers for the coo- ierilit hily sophlomlores 12110c0110020atid Opinion on Project ig yer. Tie laqttuet wa ifurmal thae seniors, to take the stale bolard, tie 1and teiefieveery ejfoyale. Aftethlil seiior exlamts caryinlg te lasttivo year' ITereehtillrlceunll illeni 01221ved a eetois implromtu speeche01s w re givni swork, while the sopihoorelwi l e ex- chme tht ut leen tilapoeds and11 tw o11110rigital tplalets were rea.i amiinlelinfi te worlk of the firsttw1111rooming111ho1use10ini tie sitade ei.111011 1Tle ietiofficers are : PresidettG. years. As tile freshmileni titiljunttir sa2 e y 1om f NVichg111111 2 iii 21111 1De1n~ton; isce-residet, C. R. Mooie finishitotday, thley iill hit '110 k's entlu15011as b5nh irculated 1121amon21g secetary-,IBtit 17111; trasrr 1 sI iir oiiger sacation.et11102201 sk2 m tha1 - he 11111siyb 91d 1y - ;l - ios Fori indepen1--s gals. Th- GREAT ATTRACTIONS FOR 1111 212111-rsTe PROGRAM FOR COM- NEXT S. L. A. COURSE 11211 1111i2 , 222t11~tigtliv2e0iithiate.11 MVENCEMENT WEEK Officers Announce Their Chief Num- blEchucoth201211lltagelouldaccomole Schedule of Class Day in All Depart- bers For 1906-1907--Sousa and 112211 went1 litcgirls autk1e lne ments Alumni Day, and Cor- I Bryan Will Appear. 11121erv2ionof221 21 ro. S 1,2hw n encement Exercises. ever, would n21o11 t1121 1111tile1contl11ouuthle ____ Thae tuo6- 7 board ofdretors2 of1the g" -as th 121 ud olowue 11sel 1iof-ugah fa 111 tolcui Stuudenus' LectuireIa12o111at111)11 s1bu1y111' 5lnl'1'l11 l an.11 1111 ic6 go,1(222 '9 1 Iitt weeru : wil tlt 111in11Friday ufit1two pee arai ng'1121 for th11s111kes t who - w2 ll n 10111rlage 11111ie hve fUnIIC ott the Ocamliustibyiithe 1litn appuleari 111011 the 011-itid season's 21 III toi 22121 o221 1t'htelhiti llylfclin and11- 110unC ululuhtitttti of111111112 ii th iould112lu 1(22 11121 tolh cltlt I iiirll itliel ie is Lbtileesin1111rte ight gar' 1( 1 if Iiga tu dei t s01w2ill.hae the _ coureo theS gaduacutintg.classe us'f l- AitPu y Nt liti- iiilisen igucothe bes '2'(1ntc102 qelas 211omie nt21min 11011 hepa1t111 ti n U niersity t all at o ei hue 0Arbor any tutu lineu ittheog~ a Tlr r bec11t2 ,0 221111222 1 221ins tilVt sifuheuult vise in ivesity hall a S ocock, tel1 rtutut ii euueuulae flutti~et 2612 12221iii1212 117Mttun1ayu.110The hsenio r irlseadewillue willt-e ll W i Su i I llauinng'o-rr h oud nc ii121b1211igh22r111hanltehat 'Fets tu 77 uth Roltt t 1 1ii 1111 , '1 1 61 (111205 15e1 take 11 placheIoilit h t huepu la t 8iogclos-, will retu n in Sepember froiiS yea' kic 6 sas veipryateihguselantail. trvto 11111a11111enat210601 a1r 19s 1111 oheelhtt-iuaf.thea1(oanuothut eo-illslcveim tuout ,'187,lliuti Ribes le ttLr e" in21211 11 21112 111 21 Slla121Cofwtllutnelt7lih llett have beenisecreetLoo11r11.lii IS than urtul uehntilethetuniversit usitll utuand 011etien1011121 11111 arc1o111 he11221112 1 1 2(121-iuehmll'the'uluil lituhitt- - il it hu iteiitu ulte n-titterand(ull uiltuiu 2 11111 22211o11111111w 111111e111Ifa tilel liOutt, eand aof ithe utmedical thtithit fuue 2 liteSousai ora Creatorel 111defi1n1i1 1111uleitteftorstlleme toeufoll2oecluik Il Joutihihue tiatoet reethu ile 11111 0t1t21ha, -se-'l Is ul 211 l f-llthe 6n lull 11121 a ue lingthe lev t g t w11ilapar tee th ite d ute thuom elti hi o'clock in1 ttih1111111112 iill tue T hle c lass dayi hu °1 banqueh 12 02211111nl Ottlotsof the ooeopa0112112 ial res h o ie thtti u br te cim a ta t hd hedt-wuf he cafrre o te cus usd b rgns bt n1deinte hhe utig cafte.lit the scueni11111at Tite tess to utulhadlblcn11 1aencd Hehhhhed tuuuoithue gruaeuu h ting clss 11111f ll de- ge byhellsi l 0 iscietyh u t h at f 111111 nillhgiveia1reeptionein 26 otltn has hbeenu droppthuaIt the- -ecit te T a hi inldcsin « ud rut wt W tr a g m aim asscitin illco tiueto iv is n' irc_ If he tuI s.911 vs an119 i r We117dnl1 es huhwile iii t idlt , 1when00 nualeei 7pop iuvlar concer tl l ith th p rendesre ite rop siio mihtres te our-.hecatid red b lif ot111111ud b rItins olitheu clsfsro te a u Th T e ne o r h s tk n cin i i "l i n buldin doh i tor1111 1is hihuh Iw itil 91201held hic l ingt hLei e- h e nittt Fle excelent1 our1 e fo1ethe tet l s1111 so117 n(fll lohuhA I-1 uu IludI tiheul 1 Thei deliiitment11 ofhe'ginei ng c' laitsts flits 1111cidtus tt he g17rteathlluor gal221l lin laylll180 511will111tak u l 11e001 t ie.2new 111116 ii hi yiig ifb feuu ueutt he argiI 0111bhhui- h tldig a 'l ockhiii Ie frent stillt' eicilit uoil t hi oga hverd Oraeritylllli insall ed l a12111 ight'19 and01 Aile ition ui fl i o lleg1ii iate. li ii byioteot ro ie autym mbes. ll 121 s I 1 N I 9111 at tuui old sun y[ The esir to eliee thiimkI-)1111w 91-gyn. Th111211ti tand-- qurpehug cses Bar- l~totueui 111201 utlilhel1ditt al 1 the) I CIoS l: l ouI 9 1111teded heedgy nasumof Thu gee ra21 lirsihertil I oials front tisurdulhe fuell asi o gie 111 he2 ((ti - -out '-oft w yi- 99 ssFlue trio illtt mlvitL at2 o cl ock I in vi tisoeganofre et ebtutotheu ni e'urh-1 ions:111Dr 9, II F. 111tapl islet S. SIu.hnier ithafittit-it-l8 IXo'clock theSeli- seiy a ats fo stedthe1112 rdetistaetehis Scn- fCee~rad D s .S.aercpin wl ehl n W tr a iti~th~tit lii If 7(11u-Ire- 11211 Asselin l andJ.__C.__Russell, I Cuim 111111 1entecilflIcome iThurihduy. lose lelattlel tote 111111ber1, fillhe1localNha99t91r116re1104fo10m 117 ti 11111Ii'tile bildings, undufer- t resdetto angil te J fatheu o te i u s 91117 eshU . N.1 .9Sm ith, 91 S ; S h ll)A, t (Ifdir e iles 1111tfhe irclss rsd ns ev11y 0 eii or htessiut tie I.: . T Smfhesi.iTei proc 11 essiontott Unei verslt ityiuhallitillhu 1111 01110 lueI kf stwilo u e a ere not going i 11 911ollP1111f it3Biss ero f Htiti rf ui, e- Tihheldt fay June "J14 e"i orI"ar y r 'ill hfut (t JUSTI N Il 111 'I'111\1HUS lH C i ng of11 degre2 e sIw itl ell, s i li - 1(21 to tier lua i eh~h 11612 fitut 1( 1(11(11(1211 Nth 111e ~ l co mece e hd'neto i. hr fore. NAiti Vchapte111 Iid r of the :Alphp 1iiIs 111'ac-Kappa Kapp gi veuuW tr a ym ai m a t Sclh ot Jsiemee111d'1 1111 i chal fre rnity "itsl just1 been estab-io'clock, thuloitdi by1a1011foitalii hue girls enor brie kfaitiu ill 1 be1 heldI 211111ished1 athuMihIulcigan Dr h oe-il CooIl ., '( if 111t'301112.1ohfth e J fculty, tet - nfsitmi a I t h ill uube dgei llt ' lck uhund iioCf1the 01111anizat6ion l it e e t e- Imtoti i 1110 p' rhuhenuss Drantdo 1 lbas t iottiaut oge stsan oclto Tc11011 m th talto 1 on1111 11Airs.e l 111 i se N Forsi Ivhue.u-duiu - the ffca ns aha a eobtained lAmonthu t itail 12fra(11ternitiesi 161 iticeetAlphau u TAFT ELECTED CAPTAIN OF Ox7 BASEBALL TEAM First Baseman Chosen Leader of the Champions For Next Year--Has Played Two Years. A9fler e l'11ht ulam lhad f iidl 1211 111 thir -f' 'offiial pi crte" lt l~ esleellhl aft1ernoon1, ClHester''llaft (Ils eleclted OhauitaiUof ttell 1111for 1next1s211o011 (Matin 02110 ftheothr cndi uuei zho theho n r ititir wsuit reut 'Daft hals ]Ct i ievriIte ~s chill-ill-u' hI (2(1111(1o e),IlOH catche a911 dX 111 u-b-eI e (1(221 th 111l1ilerstlWit he 117 117 11t2121 (221 h l thubt, (hIloi" S iH''uu' il l l' less stylI. I Otr ill (he 511,11 111 ever, a 'injury1(17huh )1 (11l_ 'll t ya ,Tt tW ,v~r~~l1 aC!? 'charlhh orse1(1' l71 1 1tH1 1111(1 11 C play 110dsi lifv1(1 the(121121 "'01 1 ld le I)Ol Nij et ya wl 1h'ls last11111 if 'elinihilite, ltili s, h1 11 hrc 70e1r1'rull.' is l'Ihhlgs'2l 5s2)hI>s ol to2 be NE9',V 91)1K CILUI Nextiea he\ \ orllu1121wilul 11e010 us 0 is wn 1Jho (1(1ubihas that lieasliean occiedl byithe1 11 )11(1 SiuiaDieltaI i hhterI 7Iyftic li frnx er.M.Cd wstecl-s urerethis yeur 1(1d11thle'tu-tee-- shoiwev their hhuuuuecei'uvihhh of hifs see- vices up this electionh. Fia I ATOCE.WEDTNALMIED.IfPreenSasntiUe SENIORS:E. EDIYOUW N AIMICHD.IfGANeenSasCntiBuY SENIORSOthere will be NONE LEFT BY COMMENCEMENT.