THE M!C1~tAM AMLY i ,n ... - Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains DailyM. [From Toledo! Carrying Parlor Careon Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsvin Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 324 Campus Martlus Detroi, Mich.A F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. IBALEYt& EDMUNDS 121 East Liberty Strrrt. j Sate V.PEA NUTS SFinest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. 1 Sc. i atdV.Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25e.I Peanut Brittle per lb. 15c. ___ S We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,040-lbs,:. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts ' for less money than any house in this vicinity. S214 Sooth DEiAN & CO. Ann Arbor Main St. Michigan Reall Pils Plfr keess~l SEL-FIytta~ LING PEN they ooS bt td ro hetu'aothesla l p tgdisttoyloatyratn" nd pressesan inside easoti ink rseroirtaawhicholwhenl.h Ilaed dras iatthttink adtyaplaisntaanbylty filld 'ea'bor usto at ima ly gaa ho peatonthdt. F-rK-e CN It aa PoEd a oal loSNILNPN laeally Soqic l djbystelokrn rs eent he ikfrmben.isl 5orced o t gi.rThersinpletIoitro. Side. os e When i Conies to Clothes For Young Men Count on Us COUNT ON US for givitng you tile snappiest, most up to-dale garmtentts ever desigtted for young melt. COUNT ON US for givtig you clothing that will poiOtively retaint fls shtape attd fit you accurately. COUNT ON US for apparel made of dependable ma- tetials, anld tailoredl ebubl to-1order umade garments. COUNT ON US for selltitg youtthie best clothing tttde fttor t ttemone te teltebialell STEIN B4 E&LOCH FPine Clo-thing Lindenschmit, Apfel & Co. II I I it tj Suits and Overcoats (nmmiotnhnf mun Buy Direct and Save To Measuren 1 6.00 to $8.00 Cu mersII1ICj o th11~UI IIIJUpanyMoney. 118=120 LE. Liberty. From . $2 * 1g I 1 __ _ ____ U. of M BARBER SHOP photographer'RENTS CHLIER 319 E. Huron R AN D AL L Trojonowski State St. P HO TO G R AP H Ei R [LECtTRE2 ON PARS1~AL. Prf .A tttlev wil] lctu rtettt 1111ntlly for te cilini te itory of ] o atapictture tf tylIrP0r111 or 111111pball Lyndontt. -t p _N42 ~ A There's Many a Slip 'Tween the Cup and the Lip, antt m111y3'timtes yots arc disappointed in1 recesvtng youtr liness whens you mo-sttneed it, uless yots sensd it to a relitile latttdry. Yoti are nevter dis- ttppointted whettyttu sentd it to the Varsity, attd yott sot ottly receive it ott dtte ltie, butet wills a color and fittisott it thaI is always gratifyinsg. V8rsity Laxmnsry t17 S. 40h Avg.. Bthi Phnrsnes 928 SENIORS-Leave yotur orders for go6 sleitns attd oak shaielda at Arnold's jewelry store. If T SED wherever connoisseurs ~ ~gather, and on every occasion where good taste and courtesy demand the best! MURAD CIGA1IETT 5S S have exclusively proven that fine ' Turkish Cigarettes may possess both richness and mildness, and in the combination of the two, present a flavor and aroma never equaled before. 10 for 15 Cents By mailptostpaid-If yoass't get Murad Ciarettesa t yor dale's,asend rlyfor ten; 7cforfifty; $u;5oforoeehundeda ALLAN RAMSA,12FfhAeuNwYrCiyt L~l~sffi~n~o~OWYSk~i1 SPEND} YOUR VACATION ON THE GREAT LAKES Trvealitntg viattzC Strattera can tpra ovie- speed't, safety 0111nd om foatlare primtetcid atonstat. vshroulgh 't'ets sodto Iaalt l oits attdtbtggatge chtetcked toadestittatiott. n & CTIMETABLE Lv.Talada Monadys &*Sattrdays9.305A. M. "Tuetdtyt &1Thursday 4.t0P. St. L.DetoiManayt &' Satdtysa5t0te. M. tWedaesdays & Fridtys 9.30 A. M. Diecyoanetonstaatt tackinatolaittawithlttlt stemes aorbetsky, Mlwaaukeea, Chittoantd Georanay01. At Sb. Igaonntoetonsoate0 "Sat.,"lMartqaetteo,PDtlt,Minnettooo an ed Leavete l antd dotty 10.15 P. Mt A.riatDtotaliy 5.30 A. S. Day tipletweenlooDeItrotitanod Clovelad doe. ing Jalyad Aauaus DoablePotty toaServioeettnleveltand, Fat- In--Bayattd Toledo. Seod a 1toetent tatmptoreuttated Paphlet. Address:t A. A. SCHANTIZ, G.Sp.tyaonadP.T.0M. Detroit, tltolt. DETROIT &CLEVELAND NAV. CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANKD X 1 1it~U 0f Ann Arbor, Mich. E D.lcinne. Fees. 51 tstoa juSeV f G A S. XW. Ctarkso'teoCai erltI Capital, $10000. Supsan' PearofiIOb1 ..STU Dj V GEORUE BISCHlOF F ChloFLOWIST L fX I P S ChieCot Flowrs-.and P ierts Chapin St betweeniHuron and Culer Ave. Phone S000' C $2.50 Each COOK HOUtL OapositeCourt Houtse Sqal FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BROANCHEFS $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 I00 Candle Power for steampaIotoan o+atrAI!ngtsrie1QNAYINr A berxat .TY. tyb Fach 13 Cent periHour Vandoeiip (51 Gwe"I. Save Eyesight, Money Save a Walk Down TownindToul Get your1'watches oatd Jewelry repaird at tha Right Place ANN ARBOR GAS B~uy your U. of 11. Pins sliere they keepl I flt1 coo linte at thec .. L o we I t prices. No .i ~'i'. poor stocit cbargedl for '~ loook ing tt our goodsaor goe tt illp prices, on repairs, etc. Alarm clock. BRING YaORUtaRoAMEn PICTeREST O $1.00 and tsp Call at the right place. o osa Law Building. DETRI[S ART STORE and have themornarned BILIA .IA R D S wit Choice Moulditngs AND Only the Best French Glass Is Used. B O W LIN G1223 S. Main 3t. S.ROTTENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave.I A~LWAYS AHEAD IN MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING A1