-T~HE MICHIGAN DAILY 11%L F-TO0NE S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $50,000. Surluis, $?00,000 Resources. $2,00,000 A Genral Bnkng Business Transctrf tirriosas, Chs. E. Htsoek. Pres;iW.iD 11rri man Vice Prs:MlJitz. liCa sier Rowe's Laundry Tlhomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ae. New phtoe 4051 Bel Phoe 45-i tWANTED ilollO 1,wde: i110 handle :ill hil 11 scoIsl l lul , -11 :o 1111 ha GFEO. J. HALL ER i( Co. Campus Barber Shop' 0. 'A. MOE, 705 N. Unierrsity Ave 'THE F ARME[RS AND MECHANICS BANK I'MAIN AND HURON SfTREETS Caiia, $0,000, Surplus and Prots, $6,000 dues a GenieraBing rIinine isfst and11Pty 3,rrcenat iersi o l PieadoSincig IlOioct. Safety ilepssit Bloes tc ret $9 0fndupwards it PLO{srr, Pes. W. . Osisees, Vial-Ices. FR.BELKoEs, Caah. i. A. ZviL,1IAMo Ass. S The Celebratd ~LOCBI P[RFUMU MANSDRUG STORE 213 S Min St STRINGS Italian, German, and of American Manufacture FO0R AlL, SRINGEtDl INSTRUME1tNTiS REASONABL IsCEiS. SCH1AEBERLE & SON 114 W. Librty St. ANN ARBORil Enoch Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance--Clls atendl day or aight. 210. ttAve.: Retsidencsllm Phoe 4004.Ans Arbor. ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.30 Fually 4G-alae.ud Our Dollar Clockse re lhe Les 1made1 for the mooury. Fne watehreaiirig &sperciaty. J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St. Hot Lunch At Txtti's, 338 S. State League Baseball Reports Received by Innings Daily At H USTON BROTHERS' I w -mm _. __ OL EGE e1>C~o MONEY LOANIED C Brand Clothes ada]A11 ls hte and CA. I teal 01 scrity v W. J. LOURIM iI Ae Tixt nd etwen" eady 4ldes104 ooth Ae appopsie Cors iiouse Are Twit ad Btwen" ead.Maea nd , .Two dossout, of ne w . . . A Tailor-I'lade./ iOFFCEts ioiuS; 8:80 to 1130; 1 tool; /EYVE nl the snap and "get-op and go" of ti 6r to8-5 T tesmartest New York custom shop without Iits annoy ing try-ons, and still more annoying 1 Buiness S Icl cnitetia Jover-chare.rYo oen who are and for men who I - jwish to seeol young. 'Extreme all over except on the 1 lprice0 ticket The ne Spring models tell all this ht- ter than we canAG.S LDN &BR . JVST RECEIVED A . PLYiG& RS Largest it Ilfaellorrs 111 1he Worl ( Anothicti,, lire of Wnite Negligee Shirts ;snotter . aeBlyanTnsi otBl i,, shipioent of White'ic. Boy one while theyr B0arceryal, Roqu ennG olftQBoli hoc3iaas.s 0 " rikt Lacrose Croquet _ _________________________________ rnrlenrtts r all Sparts T A E LE RFORKTHRE r tily Spaldigo trafe-lMar y nBloca~11 1111,111 i hsto NV Eve'~ly ceiil,. toe Lastn I y o oll Spldingo Trade larkIi ygiveAs youe 1.111,11 i es blctic SLIisat 1,1. IIj \\ i I ) illS I T 1 l -A. PIictures ofibasebll Chamions101 no11105 (Cotined r lom,,Pa'g One.l tolaolllJ uc is i il il e 1irc1 iii tic11 l iIf 1 fillrrg ibuild-i 10a11. Lyn do. A. G. PALDING 3 !$LBROS. na C. ,nllllllllfl~l ti'i1, h. I. a1. 7:_3\Michigau ,12, 'Tenntessee.4..Nw Yokt Chisg,, a it,, ~ sc 11 1 111 011111 78 Satisfacory tailoritg at satisfactory Milchigan rti i, Tei s I ihgn1 adit 3. prices. Fller & O'Connor 69 E. Wi- Miianl l4, VvideriliS Vadril .CA SADl1Nti 5 ~sth ~n lile e 111of iam street. if lMiclhigan1 4,Vniderili62 ________________Odern__and icheigai12, Oderlil I.CAPS ,,slid IlIshof I11,l1a1t1fewy,, fi, yo1u111suet111a1 piturelf 10yfurf ro0tm MichIign8,l1inois 57. Cosrxeaee'er,t -- IOf 11a0gr11p, tall fLndo. ri Nichugnio(lObecl. W ~ ~eek 01111111y1n>11 11 to llfulchase laly cot- Nlciig ii 6 OhiolStts 2 0csc 1ail~; 11, ,nnant11 s Ifrlpillowls, cal til15Sis pressed, 25c; trousers, loce.\MichiggnIllChicago, 2. RENTAL, - - $1.00 327 T1101" 1 i,,..o , lIils I siciet. Fuller & O'Connor. tf Milciganl , 1 llinois 3 r e i . Ir 1c0 111111111 I 101r,1 111111111is,-\Mihigant, Ch.icagol 9. A F. LOVErLL 1 11,10 if Try Phelps' Perfectiono chocolate puffs Mishign ,ss M. A. C. . 332 s.Sale St -___- - 01111chips a1 Cushing's pharmacy. Mi~chigan 1, Amhsto l. Agnfo 141'0 setepired. \Vliss u 8,Illios 4. COX, SONS & VINNIN, Nw York - yes carefully ftted and tested. Oisreths genuine velvet kisses at Nicstilla15 6, Ilitois o. GiEORGE iHAtLLER Main Si. Cushinga 'Nficiigans 4. Chicio5. 111111111 will lit'h'rNits' 1ts l ' s l ol t- 0 islt'l senti il l l Rssiifs11 1 _ = _-_ __ 6 jgP5 4 siai\ILPiSl1'1 \ 17 IN lI'1':i,i, LAKE-ER ___/ ies,,il~iil~i tl55isSiae make a bg hit , ihll col cm 8r , fI NDpere swiii gil-c aIiakeslstarct-,i rseial, parts haislynkly . Treiy 11111 (" YLINE "Mucih .1111, moll Notinig," illRoom11p1111 s k oecs Isnu ly, nsil. 10 le r . W/ I C W Y24, tsief~ill y halllioigil ad cap DETROIT A ND BUFFALO The Ann Aror Press (ormserly Par PR IK2oAPI er & Siyder), pristers o the Micilga1 I h i I 1; sIsetn i v eis ot weekd1ys at5:0i p~miSunds s1Daily, Tlhe Aumtns, Inander, Yost's t~+--' I+ itI i t1 11> h. i ui l ie 111, d111fromsuilffalo 0ally ati,30p. ii .il(s, 1ot fani"l 1 1 inig 111,-a destinationatheiet ornOing. uietc'lllsrcioins great ook 01n football, the Techsic S 11i 11i tidy iii-hn ii i tin- L. towesst rates andtssperi eis o a' ~ ll pints ~ A hnstod n t., pitest, t n Popular i,,-1l: e 1 xcusinl s tiofals o dNag aials lave C .hndok-tcec,. r rrle,~ c are s~ndyan eun lna trig -t h suetboy 17E.W sig RAIL TICKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAMERSPone .All 1-,oI fitssdliri ading via chIilign Cetru, 'Wab iasad ton street. tlunder Maes i f Ill,,l 1 I i tomf s I111cen lDetroiIandiBuffaloi ithr dirctionswil DETROIT & BUFFALO STEAMBOATCO., DETROIT, MICH. 196 stens ad oak shields at Arnold's 1jewelry sore. tf FINE LUN!CHES Wevcary telare~tltle of TRii ttIL DOMES'TIC & IMIOICISSPIICigaetts al Domsesst ilpored Cgas A cmiles laseofarol isoisgati l's We aeage5 foa Caucasa& O Ls KaNa& co. d PIPES so foSiC'&. SCttIpggsE fis chocolate BN-BCNS OXFOR S OX ORDSR. E. JOLLY. Stat. St. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Ohio Central Lines PARLOR. CARS 011 all isra Iinsewens iT'oledlolla 111d iiCo luis Better than ever this season. See our Window for the afe sericbtweenlfloledI(o, Cilus n newCIalesoai nwStrap Reinforcement around top of our lens Oxfords. This prevents all stretching, slipping and D. Y. A. A. J RAILWAY elrigaround the ankle. The ol $4oo0 low shoe on Specal Casito Detiti S a.so.,adcvey enarin olytwo hours uatil 9p. the market with this reinforcement SecilCars tacks 01 i a, icndoaey hour localserrvics to lriii oh 1112a .,to TwoIfourloal srice to aksn7:a.in. toll1:15p I s Walk- Over Shoe Company ~[oa 111 South Mai Street.Koa The University of Chicago ThaetUasiersity yeareis sdivideditoYu quarerrs, initer, Stainig. So rrIssel i Ae tumnaa. Adaissio sanslg at helse~oulli,. eacti, onsanasry '20, Apri it.Jlill,16,th. 1a1d October 1st. Gradate 'inastrctiossosill'ered iaa tarCraduaute Schools of Arts adI ira turers and lstheigdens ((II aidui') Schol of11 Scenlce. Profeassoal inssrctiiis Is st 1111 isa the iinlity SetsooisIthe Law Sihol. the, Rusts Mesdical Cssllege (fi111iae), andlthe School if tEducationa. Saummseri sa1rtr 11111 Junie 16 Septemsber 1._ Pirst tera:,J eM Jaly 20; Sscond Term:s IJuly 2 Augiisl31. Resgistratnis spermi~lttdfor the enir e ar- terorforeither ternm. Pul 1111d egularecrs Is Isagiven for wosrs dose. Speciasl eouarssure offered freteachsers. Foe inaformasticas address The UNIVERSITY OF cNicAoo, Chiscago Ill. "Arialteur Photographers" We have opened a Developing and Printing Department. Work Handed us today, delivered to you tomorrow. TRY Us' Phosan M;°''. s9 om 6-R ALEXANDER & C .H.lBk 106 i~~ Are here. Are you Interested ? E. 324 E. CALKINS snouth State street i _. WLE 4lENEVER IUNDERSOL4D---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE